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  • PDF Fusion

    All-in-one PDF toolkit. Save 50% for a limited time only!

    • $69.99


  • WordPerfect eBook Publisher

    Create your very own digital eBook which can be read and shared on handheld electronic readers and smartphones.



  • PDF Document Writer

    Use your Windows® 8 Pro tablet and desktop to convert documents, emails, images and other file types into a PDF that’s perfect for sharing



  • WordPerfect Templates

    Essential document, spreadsheet and presentation templates for WordPerfect

  • WordPerfect X6 – Oxford Dictionary

    The Oxford Concise Dictionary plug-in provides enhanced features and benefits like more words, thousands of extra meanings, hundreds more phrases, scientific and specialist words & much more!



  • TaxACT Federal & State (for 2012 Tax Year)

    Maximize your tax deductions and credit. TaxACT® makes preparing and e-filing your federal and state tax returns unbelievably easy.



Painter 12
Wacom Cintiq 22HD