Marc Carter

Hyundai Unveils Flying Electric Car for Congested Cities

by , 04/22/13

Hyundai, Hyundai IDEA festival, hyundai multi-rotor flying car, hyundai spare tire electric bike, hyundai portable transforming car, hyundai five-jointed car, hyundai road car/ bike, hyundai E4U egg car

Hyundai just unveiled a series of new concepts for single-person vehicles that can navigate heavily congested cities – including a multi-rotor flying car! The next-gen vehicle is propelled by four electric motors and propellers and it can hover over the ground, keeping the driver above congestion.

Hyundai, Hyundai IDEA festival, hyundai multi-rotor flying car, hyundai spare tire electric bike, hyundai portable transforming car, hyundai five-jointed car, hyundai road car/ bike, hyundai E4U egg car

For the last three years, Hyundai has organized this internal contest to enhance and expand R&D staff’s creativity, and to discover fresh ideas for future mobility. The engineers use the contest to demonstrate how new thinking can create new and innovative possibilities. The multi-rotor flying car is just one of the concept’s that was presented during the contest.

Hyundai’s engineers also unveiled a few other concepts like a portable transporting car that you can carry around with you, a road car that can easily be transformed into a bike and the E4U egg-shaped car that can travel at low speeds on narrow roads in urban areas.

Hyundai is currently working on the next event with the theme being “R&D for customers” – focusing on how to meet customers’ future needs. The prototypes will be unveiled in September.

+ Hyundai

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