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I made 2 sprites of Princess Margaret.


I drew a portrait of Princess Margaret for the ReStaff Release April 2013.

I made an emoset of the Magicial girl (one of the cover characters of RPGMakerVX). This was requested by Oriceles & Ocedic, sorry for the delay guys :)

I’ve been very busy for a few weeks. I have so many things to do but I’m trying to find time to make more recources and to finish requests.

Today I would like to announce the next update. My new tileset of the woods road will be coming soon! It is an edit of RPGMaker XP tileset but I will add some originalities to it. Please tell me if you have any idea to make it look better. Thanks.

Momo is a one of the masterpieces of German auther, Michael Ende published in 1973. It’s regarded as a children’s literature but it also deserves to be read by the adults.

A sprite of Gretel from a famous fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel”. Because she is a sister of Hansel, she should be similar to him to some extent. Even though it’s difficult to show how similar they are with pixel arts, color of hair and eyes or their clothes can be good clues.



I remaked one of the cover characters of RPGMaker VX. I guess she is a magician and proud beauty. She has no name so please name her as you like.

This time it’s really hard to draw her because she is not an edit. I drew her from scratch but I used the original version and RTP portraits as reference. So please credit Enterbrain when you use her in your game.

I will make her emosets too.
