

Editor's choice

  • Nasa sketch of Kepler-22b, one of the planets spotted by the telescope

    Failure of Nasa's Kepler telescope puts search for another Earth in peril

    Telescope orbiting the Sun has lost part of its stabilising system, making it too inaccurate to hunt for another Earth

  • The aliens are already here – share your pictures and videos

    Aliens landing... or Crystal Palace at TV switchover

    Have you spotted incontrovertible proof of an alien invasion here on Earth? Share your astonishing photos and videos

  • Human embryonic stem cells created from adult tissue for first time

    Cloning technique: a donor egg before nucleus extraction

    The cells, made with cloning technique behind Dolly the sheep, have the potential to regenerate damaged organs and tissues

  • Podcast: living in a random universe

    Rolling dice

    Audio (40min 30sec) Brian Clegg discusses the deeply random nature of the universe. Plus, Hanne Albert on her discovery that antibiotics may alleviate a particular kind of lower back pain

  • Beating human heart cells produced from skin - video

    Human embryonic stem cells have been harvested from cloned embryos for the first time and grown into beating heart cells

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