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Abdu Returns and the attack on human rights defenders in Egypt begins

On Saturday 22 May 2010 a case against two Egyptian human rights defenders, Gamal Eid (Director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information) and Ahmed Seif El-Islam (Founder of the Hisham Mubarak Law Centre), and blogger Amr Gharbeia will commence. The case is brought against them by Abdel Fattah Murad, a judge and writer of a book on the legal and scientific origins of blogging, accusing them of defamation, extortion, threat, and misuse of communication tools.


Did I ever tell you about my first kiss? x

A couple of years ago, we set up a drama group at work. We were asked to write monologues to practice on. I wrote the piece below. I felt its time to be shared. 


Did I ever tell you about my first kiss?

I was seven, maybe eight years old and I was invited to a birthday party. I loved hanging out with my school friends. That day I was very excited. I loved parties. This one was special. All my close friends were going to be there and to make sure I come, my friend’s parents arranged for their driver to take me home after the party was over.


أيامنا الحلوة Our beautiful Days

I am always proud to be an Egyptian and will always be but sometimes things happen to further consolidate my love and passion for my country. Life is strange with its surprises. For me, most of its surprises are unpleasant, but the one I encountered on Friday night uplifted my mood so much that I haven't stopped smiling. Yet my heart aches. I miss my country so much. I miss its people, history, walking downtown late at night, my friends .. everyone. But what has been nagging me was my lack of impulsiveness. I who consider myself so spontaneous have failed to satisfy my curiosity to learn more about a random person I met coincidently. 
On Friday night I have changed my rituals and instead of hanging out with my work colleagues I went to the west end for a change. I should have known better.

الحرية لمسعد أبو فجر

Urge Egyptian Authorities to stop returning Eritrean asylum seekers to Eritrea

Amnesty International issued a request for an urgent action and calls upon its members and non members to write to the Egyptian authorities to stop forcibly returning Eritrean assylum seekers to Eritrea where they will be at risk of torture and other ill treatment. 


For more information on these cases and on how to take action, read below:  


Amnesty International: Assault on human rights defender a further obstruction to effective investigation of torture


AI Index: MDE 12/008/2008 (Public)

Date: 02 May 2008

Egypt: Assault on human rights defender a further obstruction to effective investigation of torture

The assault on a human right defender and doctor denouncing torture in Egypt two days ago is a disturbing development at a time when the Egyptian authorities purport to be combating torture.

Amnesty International calls for investigation of police killings during Mahalla Demonstrations

AI Index: MDE 12/006/2008 (Public)

Date: 11 April 2008

Egypt: Arrests of Kefaya movement leaders, investigation needed into police killings

The arrests of Kefaya movement leaders George Ishak and Fathi al-Hefnawy following protest demonstrations this week in which two people were killed by police, represents a deeply disturbing development, Amnesty International said today.

اضراب عام لشعب مصر يوم 6 ابريل

1- الاجماع على تعليق علم مصر فى البلكونات

2- الاجماع على ارتداء ملابس سوداء و يفضل مطبوع عليها اى شعار للإضراب لو
امكن مع حمل شاره او اى اعلان عن "إنى مضرب إحتجاجا على الأسعار

3- تم بالإجماع الاتفاق على الإضراب عن شراء أى سلعه لتمثل وسيلة تهديد للحكومه التى لا تعيرنا اى انتباه و لا تحترم وجودنا ولا تحس بمعاناتنا و كذلك الاضراب عن شراء السلع يعتبر تهديد لاى تاجر يرفع الاسعار اننا يمكن ان نتحد لمواجهته
عند حدوث حالة شلل فى هذا اليوم سيفكر الجشعون الاف المرات امام هذا الشعب الواعى

London Olympic Torch Relay 6th April

In the build up to the Beijing Olympics, the Olympics Torch is passing through London on Sunday 6 April on its international relay.

As part of the Human Rights for China campaign, we would like as many people as possible to take to the streets to raise awareness amongst the public about China’s failure to live up to the human rights promises it made when awarded the Olympics.

We will be congregating in a number of places along the route of the torch, taking Human Rights for China banners in order to alert people of the deteriorating Human Rights situation in China, please join us and encourage as many members of your group, friends and family to come along too.

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