Episodes / An Enemy of Fate    

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      • Season/
      • Episode Title
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      • 5/13
      • An Enemy of Fate(43:53)
      • The thrilling worlds of "Fringe"come to a mind-blowing end.
      • 01/18/2013
      • 44 days

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      • The Fringe team and Michael return to the Harvard lab, where Donald/September has finished the device. But the initiating reactor needed to start the thing up has lost its charge.
      • September has convinced his former colleague December to steal another reactor from the future. All 12 members of the original Observer survey team became emotionally affected by humans — but agreed to keep it secret.
      • Peter lasers away more amber in search of equipment Walter needs to create the wormhole that will take Michael to 2167.
      • Instead, he finds another videotape. The label, in Walter's handwriting, is addressed only to Peter.
      • They watch Walter on the tape explaining that one day Peter will receive an unusual letter and will discover that his father has simply vanished from the world.
      • Peter struggles to accept that Walter's going to 2167 — and they'll never see each other again. They embrace tearfully. Walter says, "You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing."
      • When Olivia and Astrid go to December's for the replacement reactor, they find the Observer dead and the part gone — and a Loyalist pointing a gun at them.
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      • 5/12
      • Liberty(43:00)
      • The thrilling worlds of "Fringe"come to a mind-blowing end.
      • 01/18/2013
      • 44 days

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      • Agent Phillip Broyles informs the Fringe team that the Observers are holding Michael in a super-secure lab. It's on Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty has been destroyed.
      • Olivia could retrieve Michael by crossing over to the Other Side, but did the Observers invade there too? The team looks through the old universe window and sees the Statue still intact.
      • Walter gives Olivia a massive dose of Cortexiphan to re-trigger her abilities. She prepares to cross over at the site of Fringe Division on the Other Side. Peter's worried but knows she's coming back.
      • Olivia sets off alarms as soon as she crosses over. Fringe troops take her in, and she's reunited with Bolivia and Lincoln Lee. They're now a couple, with kids.
      • Bolivia and Lincoln are amazed and pleased to see Olivia again. They quickly agree to help her, and it's off to Liberty Island.
      • Meanwhile, Captain Windmark informs the Commander that Anomaly XB-6783746 has unknown capabilities, and he believes the fugitives intend to use it to destroy them.
      • Olivia grabs Michael, but a few Observers follow her back from her side! Lincoln and Bolivia help her take them out. Time to head home.
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      • 5/11
      • The Boy Must Live(43:34)
      • Time to save the world is running out.
      • 01/11/2013
      • 37 days

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      • Dr. Walter Bishop uses the sensory deprivation tank to access his memory, and the Fringe team tracks down September/Donald. He's amazed to see them — and Michael the boy Observer — again.
      • The Observers removed September's chip, making him an ordinary human and exiling him to this era. He named himself Donald O'Connor because the first movie he watched with Walter was "Singin' in the Rain."
      • The evolutionary path that produced the Observers began on February 20, 2167, when a scientist rewired the brain to remove jealousy and increase intellect. Eventually humanity stopped valuing all emotions, even the positive ones.
      • Michael was born of donor DNA in a lab, but the Observers considered him a defect. September hid him in the past to save him — because Michael is September's son.
      • September's plan is to send the boy to 2167, to show the scientists a different kind of intelligence, an enlightenment beyond knowledge or cognition. Then they will take another path, and the Observers will never exist.
      • Privately, Olivia tells Peter the plan will reset time, and they'll get Etta back. Meanwhile, Captain Windmark has learned about the boy's origins and is tracking September.
      • After they retrieve some future tech September hid, he leaves to gather more supplies. Windmark has roadblocks all around, so the team splits up to escape on the monorail.
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      • The Fringe team turns to Nina Sharp for help in communicating with Michael the Observer child. She takes them to a former Massive Dynamic "black lab," where she has some tech that might help.
      • The resistance uses the lab now, carrying out experiments on Observers. Among other things, they hoped to learn how the invaders are reading humans and perhaps develop the same technology.
      • Nina has Walter and Peter cover the bodies before Olivia brings Michael in. She says they might be able to use a device called an Electrocognitive Translator (a/k/a Ecog) to get into Michael's mind.
      • Peter asks if Olivia's thinking about Etta. Yes, every time she sees one of those "Resist" posters with their daughter's face on it, her heart jumps. Peter's too.
      • Nina explains the Ecog halo. It works by interpreting patterns of electrical activity into words and images that humans can understand, allowing us to "read" their thoughts.
      • Walter's eager for results so he can find out the boy's role in his plan. So eager that his cold former self manifests, and he keeps referring to Michael as "the subject."
      • The software doesn't work, because Michael's mind is unlike other Observers'. Nina suggests they instead try having him read their thoughts. That requires a second Ecog halo, from the Ministry.
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      • 5/9
      • Black Blotter(43:00)
      • Walter takes a trip in search of answers.
      • 12/14/2012
      • 9 days

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      • The transistor radio the Fringe team found in the pocket universe suddenly starts broadcasting a message on a loop. Unable to decipher the code, they trace the signal to a Connecticut island and plan to take a boat to investigate.
      • This wasn't the best time for Walter to drop some of his "Black Blotter" LSD, but he's desperate to remember the plan before the old Walter completely takes him over. As the team prepares to depart, a boatload of Loyalist troops speeds up.
      • The Loyalist leader says he'll have to scan them. Threatened with being discovered, Peter and Olivia are forced into a firefight. They quickly overcome the Loyalists.
      • Walter hallucinates Dr. Carla Warren, his long-dead lab assistant, who repeatedly insists that the "old" Walter is his true self. Another vision, of a young Nina Sharp, represents Walter's desire to stay as he is.
      • The team motors to the island to find the source of the signal — and perhaps to finally meet Donald, Walter's mysterious collaborator in the plan to defeat the Observers.
      • At the house that's broadcasting the signal, a man named Richard confronts the team. They explain they're here to meet Donald, but he says there's no Donald here.
      • Peter asks Richard if he knows who Walter is, but Richard doesn't. When the Observer boy steps onto the porch, Walter asks if Astrid sees him. She does — they all do. But only Walter sees Carla.
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