Yamaha Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation and conglomerate based in Japan with a wide range of products and services. Originally a manufacturer of piano and read organs, Yamaha are now renowned for making musical instruments, electronics, motorcycles and power sports equipment.

Yamaha Electronic Drums

Yamaha Electronic Drums

The shortcomings of first generation electronic drum kits have only started to be resolved in recent years, as manufacturers such as Yamaha have created kits with a sound and playing experience that is nearly indistinguishable from those of an acoustic kit.

Yamaha pro electric kits such as the Yamaha DTXtreme IIS benefit from high quality modelled drum sounds of actual percussion sounds. The DTXtreme also offers the ability to store up to 8Mb of user-generated samples in the module. Multiple triggers across the snare and toms allow for rim shots and cross shots, while hi-hats allow for actual open and closed foot playing.

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