Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Plan

Are you having a hard time losing the weight you gained during your pregnancy? You are not alone. In fact, women typically gain about 35 pounds or more during their pregnancy and although some of this weight is lost postpartum, many new moms are waiting 9 months or so to even see significant weight loss Quite frustrating, right? Well I have to be honest with you. Feeling frustrated isn?t going to help you lose the excess weight. The only thing that will help you lose weight is an effective post pregnancy weight loss plan.

The most important step of your plan; you have to change your mind set about dieting ? the post pregnancy weight loss plan is not a diet ? it is a lifestyle change. It is not about losing weight by following a restricted fad diet. It is about eating supportively as well as having an effective fitness plan in place. It is also about being a mom that cares about her body and wants to look good but realizes that it will take commitment to burn fat and get back to her postpartum weight. 

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Step two; you have to focus on making better choices. Although it is unrealistic for you to avoid all junk food, you must reduce tempting, highly processed snacks like cookies and chips and replace them with healthier choices like fruits, veggies and protein based snacks. You will get the best results when you plan for your indulgences. In addition, you should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. The post pregnancy weight loss plan is about nourishing- not depriving -your body. 
Step three; be consistent. There is no getting around it, in order to get the best results you need to eat supportively and add both resistance training and interval training to your lifestyle. Doing so does not mean you will be spending hours and hours each day on your post pregnancy weight loss plan. Not even close. I created the Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System with busy moms like you in mind, and with this approach you?ll be spending less than 15 minutes a day on your exercise plan.

Note for breastfeeding moms: while you too should be consistent in eating supportively ? you need to take in slightly more calories than non-breastfeeding moms. The recommendation for breastfeeding moms is typically an intake of 300 calories more than for non-breastfeeding moms making sure not to go below 1800 calories. Please consult your physician to determine the amount that is best for you to follow.

When you integrate exercise into your day you will feel energized and see your body begin to take on a new, lean shape. Even if you can only fit 10 minutes in per day, you should be doing some type of short burst fat burning resistance training and interval based cardiovascular training. A good place to start for maximum results would be to alternate a day of 15 minutes of resistance training with a day of 15 minutes of interval based cardio. 
Step four; have patience. Gimmicks and fads that promise quick fix results will only take you off the path to true  and lasting fat loss results.  It will take a time for you to lose the post baby weight so be patient with your body and enjoy the process. Acknowledge small but powerful victories with each drop in clothing size and every inch you take off your mommy belly and be proud of the progress that you are making. Do something special for yourself, like getting a manicure, pedicure or massage when you meet mini goals along the way. 

Being a new mom is a challenging yet one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. You can get more out of each and every day as you take care of your body and lose the excess post baby weight the right way. When you stick to a post pregnancy weight loss plan, you will lose the weight and get your pre-baby body back. I?ve witnessed over a thousand moms get their pre-baby bodies (or better) back using the Fit Yummy Mummy System so I know you can do it too!

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Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Plan

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