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Cold Case Chronicles: Unsolved crimes of Southwest Florida

Cold Case Chronicles


National Database of unsolved crimes

An interactive database containing unsolved crime data from 1980 to 2008. Break the data down by sex, age, race, ethnicity, circumstance or weapon.

Map of Florida by county - unsolved crimes

View an interactive map of Florida by county. Each county will display the percentage of solved crimes per decade.

NBC2 News Cold Case Chronicles

Every cop has a case that haunts them

The murder of David Comparetto hap pened 17 years ago. Burned alive in the trunk of his car. Anchor Jamie Yuccas shows us how real-life cold cases don't get solved in 60 minutes like the ones on TV.


Most would say time goes by too fast. Others feel like life is frozen in time.

Read stories regarding unsolved crimes in southwest Florida. View and interact with a national database of unsolved crimes. Compare Florida counties with our interactive map.

Read stories regarding unsolved crimes in southwest Florida. View and interact with a national database of unsolved crimes. Compare Florida counties with our interactive map.

Cold Case Chronicles

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