Allen Ellenzweig

Allen Ellenzweig is an arts critic. His book, The Homoerotic Photograph, is being reissued in paperback by Columbia University Press this month.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Ask

Artists, particularly in theater, are still plagued by the slur “Gay Commie Jew.” But how did it come about?

Melancholy Gay Arabia

Moroccan novelist Abdellah Taïa confronts the challenges of gay life in the Mideast in An Arab Melancholia

Auntie Semitism at the Met

Gertrude Stein’s ties to Nazis, revisited at the museum, shouldn’t eclipse her nurturing of young artists

Likeness of a Jew

A dispute between novelist Alan Hollinghurst and author Daniel Mendelsohn revives a history of sensitivity to British stereotypes about Jews

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