I’m Not Dead

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a long time. Sorry I haven’t gotten a chance to post anything new for a while. I started a new job a few months back and I’ve just been insanely busy. I usually post in the mornings before work, but lately I’ve just been going to work early to get a jump on stuff. My current project is starting to wind down a bit so I promise there will be some great new stuff coming in July.

For most of the history of the site I’ve either been underemployed or employed in a job I didn’t really care about so it was easy to focus a lot of time on MM. However I’m really, really enjoying my new job at a company called AppNexus. (I’m a software developer for those of you who didn’t know or guess). We’re actually hiring a ton of people right now so if you live, or want to live in, NYC, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, London, Paris, Hamburg or Tel Aviv, you should check out our careers page. And if you do apply, mention me because we get pretty decent referral bonuses.

Longer term I’m going start trying to figure out how to make this site more collaborative and less of just a catalog of things I like. I have a huge archive of scanned material that is not on the site and an even bigger trove of stuff I haven’t gotten a chance to scan.

Meanwhile, if you get bored, the sites on the right are all really good. Also, readers of this site will probably love the amazing magazine collection at archive.org. It’s curated by the always amazing and indefatigable Jason Scott

  1. Hirudinea says: June 12, 20134:01 pm

    Phew, I pictured you trapped under a pile of old magazines. Glad your enjoying your new job so if you can put up one article every couple of weeks I’m sure people would be happy, and maybe you could come up with some software to auto post articles when you get more time (2025?)

  2. ladykatey says: June 12, 20139:35 pm

    Glad to hear from you, and gladder that you have good excuses for your absence. I would like to volunteer for ocassional contributions- finally my collection of mid 20th century Better Homes & Gardens magazines (and pamphlets and some Popular Mechanics / Mechanics Illustrated type magazines) has met up with access to a large format scanner. I’m heading to grad school in the fall, but I am comfortable committing to one post a week.

  3. Toronto says: June 14, 201310:22 am

    I had the same thought Hiru did – that you were buried in PopMechs.

    (donning corporate hat): You should “LEAN” your process and batch up the uploads. :0)

  4. simmer says: June 16, 20137:54 pm

    Long-time reader, first-time commenter. Good to see you and the blog are not going away. Happy to help you try to keep this going in future, should the need arise. Congrats on the job!

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