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Locanto offers free user-to-user classified ads in all major cities in India. You can post an ad at no cost and browse through the huge selection of free classifieds on Locanto!

Are You Looking for Something?

Locally? Many things in life work best locally. For example, if you are searching online for a used car or a part time job, local solutions are often the best solutions. This is why Locanto free classifieds offers a local marketplace in your own community. Find a new job in your area through our Jobs pages, buy used cars near you with our Vehicles category, or find new homes in your city in our Real Estate classifieds. You can also find local offers and opportunities in our classified ads under Personals, Pets, Community, Buy & Sell, and Services categories.

Nationwide? Locantos nationwide search allows you to easily and quickly travel throughout the country on your computer to take advantage of the free classifieds opportunities that you want, where you want, in all of our categories.

Would You Like to Post a Classified Ad?

Posting a classified ad on Locanto free classifieds is very easy and works just like the classified ads posted in the local newspaper classifieds, except that with Locanto free classifieds your classified ads are featured for as long as you would like, and therefore reach a much larger audience! Locanto free classifieds also offer you better classified ads features because you can upload pictures, use HTML codes, and put a link to your website in your ad. To post a free classified ad now and sell online, simply choose your city or click on the link below.

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