Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
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Educating Religious Leaders for a Multi-Religious World

Report: Outcomes and Learning

The final report of the Educating Religious Leaders for a Multi-Religious World project is now available.

Click here to download the report (pdf)

The Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions developed an initiative to explore the importance of interfaith understanding for the curriculum and priorities of our schools. To this end, the Council created a Task Force of U.S. Seminaries to highlight the importance of interfaith understanding at the seminary level.

Strong acknowledgment was made concerning the urgency of interfaith engagement and the preparation of a religious leadership equipped with knowledge and understanding of the plurality of faith traditions in the contemporary world. Cultural and intellectual understanding of other religions, along with profound pastoral instincts, are increasingly essential for theological students as well as for those engaged in the academic study and teaching of religion. The very nature of world events today demands that effective religious leadership be able to identify and articulate the influence of religious traditions on these events. Theological seminaries in particular are obligated to equip students for meaningful pastoral practice and leadership of their communities in the midst of this growing diversity.

The 2009 Parliament featured special programming sessions on these topics through the Symposium on Educating Religious Leaders for a Multi-Religious World

Syllabus Examples

Syllabi for the 2009 Parliament

The following syllabi were used in preparation for the Parliament by participating seminaries.

Other Example Syllabi

The following syllabi are from classes that have previously been taught in areas of interfaith study. They represent the type of interfaith education that is essential for our future religious leaders to have in our increasingly pluralistic world.

World Religions

Hybred With Engaging In Dialogue
Hybred With Interfaith Relations
Particular Traditions

Interfaith Relations

Interfaith Dialogue

About Dialogue
Engaging In Dialogue

Theology Of Religions


For more information on this project, please contact Dena Fokas Moses.