Saturday, June 02, 2007

IRS Warns Church Against "Political Activity"

No, not Snuffy Pfleger's. The government likes his kind of "activism"...

A New Hope?

By now, GUNS readers will have heard Washington DC’s firearm ban has been overturned. The 2-1 decision in Parker v District of Columbia by a three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals reversed a lower court ruling and affirmed the Second Amendment protects an individual right. That sounds like a big deal, a huge deal some say, and they may be proven right.

"A New Hope?," my Rights Watch column for the June 2007 issue of GUNS Magazine is now on line.

GUNS Magazine, June 1957

And Mr. Juan Q. Citizen is likewise loco if he doesn't take similar precautions when he sticks his neck into potentially dangerous situations. Changing a tire on a deserted stretch of road, or tooling the old bus into the family driveway at night, or getting out of bed to see whether it's a man or a mouse, can all qualify as potentially dangerous situations. In all such cases, the gun should be in hand or handy-not in the rear trunk of the car along with the jack, nor yet in the glove compartment, not in the bureau drawer, but where you can reach it.

Time was, if you didn't have a gun for emergencies, it was considered "loco."

The June 1957 issue of GUNS Magazine is now on line.

Also in this issue:
  • Alaska--Where Guns Go to College
  • Which Bullet--And Why
  • Shotgun Myths Make Misses
  • Sammy Davis, Jr.--"My Favorite Gun"
  • And much more, including the classic period ads.


The Armorbearers share an individual and collective desire to lay down their lives for the life of another, namely Pastor Pfleger.

Christ came to lay down His life for us, not the other way around. So is this arrangement Christ-like or antichrist-like?

This sounds more and more like a Jim Jones-style cult.

I wonder if any of them are armed...?

Here's another thing that's bugging me about Snuffy: He wants to go after John Riggio. You'll note he's not assembling his mob around the houses of known gangbangers and threatening to snuff them out. Surely with all his contacts at the CPD, not to mention his parishioners who live in the neighborhood, he knows who they are and where they live...

Pop Goes "Big Weasel"

The founder of an anti-gun group will be arraigned June 21 on weapons charges, following his arrest Thursday for allegedly selling firearms to federal undercover officers, a spokesperson for the District Attorney's Office said today.

Hector "Big Weasel" Marroquin
, 51 -- who founded the one-time city-funded group "No Guns" in 1996, purportedly to work against gang and gun violence in the inner city -- is charged with the sale of an assault rifle, a machine gun, two pistols and two silencers...It is his second weapons-related arrest in as many years.

All this and apparent gang affiliations, too. Wonderful people, these anti-gun "activists".

At least he didn't threaten to snuff anybody out.

Levy on C-SPAN

For those persons interested in the Second Amendment, gun control, and the DC gun ban, I'll be discussing those subjects this Saturday morning, June 2, on C-SPAN's Washington Journal from 8:45-9:15 a.m.

Bob Levy
Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies
Cato Institute
[Via Dan Gifford]

Ontario Suggests Banning Handguns May Cause Decline in Gun Crime

Personally, I think wishing real hard or maybe some magic incantations would be a lot more effective.

Survival Enterprises Interview

From ChareltonHest:

I just spoke Mr. Kurt Wilson of Survival Enterprises. He has alerted me that he will be interviewed by Don Harkins & Ingri Cassel of the Idaho Observer through the Republic Broadcasting Network(RBN). He will discuss the ATF and his case, and their will be call-in time.


1.) The program time:
2.) Kurt's case:

Please spread the word.

We're the Only Ones Dredging Up the Past Enough

Niagara regional police dive members searched the Grand River in Kitchener yesterday for signs of an officer's missing handgun and equipment...

Police have been looking for the semi-automatic handgun since it went missing Thursday across the street from Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate.

"Went missing."

All by its own self, no doubt. At least they didn't say it ran away.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

This Day in History: June 2

For a long time past, this colony has, by a corrupt administration in Great Britain and here, been deprived of the exercise of those powers of Government, without which a people can be neither rich, happy or secure. The whole continent saw the blow pending, which if not warded oh, must inevitably have subverted the freedom and happiness of each colony; the principles of self defence, roused in the breasts of freemen by the dread of impending slavery, caused to be collected the wisdom of America, in a Congress composed of men, who through time must in every land of freedom be revered among the most faithful assertors of the essential rights of human nature.