Friday, November 21, 2008

A Party in San Benito

I got an RSVP!

And y'all know what a party animal I am.

I haven't had this much fun since I got that invitation from Marshal Dave! (I only wish I had time to compose another WarOnGuns Bite-Me-Gram). Maybe Deputy Reyna can arrange for a local visit...?

Naturally, I'll be pleased to post future correspondence.

I wonder if this guy realizes I'm actually chuckling as I type this?

An Appropriate Response

And while I'm glad the standoff ended peacefully with an appropriate response, and that responding officers showed such restraint, tell me they would have held themselves back once in position around one of our houses. Tell me the flash bangs and the gas grenades wouldn't have been used to flush us out, and that positioned snipers wouldn't have taken us out should we so much as twitch while stumbling blindly and retching our way to air.

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column...

Vanderboegh: Absolved -- The Squad -- Rubicon

And when you're done with that, Mike has some words about Paul Helmke.

A Negative Maligner

David is so negative all the time...

Please don't malign ALL of the people in the Military and police forces...
Huh. Sorry if I give those impressions.

For the record: I am happy. I laugh every day with my kids. Hugs, kisses and "I love you's" are daily occurrences in my family. My favorite word is "puppies."

And as for the "maligning" charge, allow me to repeat something I've reminded WoG readers of several times--perhaps I need to put this in the sidebar:
The purpose of "The Only Ones" has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only the police are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly when they're involved in gun-related incidents.


I wonder if these folks will be the next target?

Just sayin'...

We're the Only Ones Waving Enough

A Northeast District police officer has been charged with three counts of menacing...

Officer Mitchell J. accused of pointing and waving a gun, Buffalo police reports said.

So would it have been OK to wave back, or can't you do that to "Only Ones"?

We're the Only Ones "Oh, Magoo, You've Done it Again!" Enough

Cops mistake motorist's phone for gun; close road
I guess things look different when you look at the world through the eyes of an "Only One"...

We're the Only Ones Documented Enough

A judge dismissed felony gun charges Thursday against Drew Peterson after prosecutors refused to hand over internal documents leading to their decision to arrest the former Bolingbrook police sergeant, who is suspected in the disappearance of his wife...
Can't let a citizen know things that might be useful in defending himself against criminal charges, can we...?

I have mixed feelings on this--my main objection centers on Peterson's "Only Ones" status being used to justify him having guns the state would deny to you and me. As for the rest of it, my feelings based on what I've heard from the media aren't enough--bear the burden of proof and find him guilty, and we'll talk.

[Via Tom Z]

A Pressing Non-Threat

The fact that Attorney General nominee Eric Holder is no friend to gun owners is not a surprise. What may be a surprise, and worthy of examination at his confirmation hearing, is Holder's post-9/11 contention that a pressing threat to our national security is terrorists shopping for weapons at U.S. gun shows.
Why is that a surprise?

The Brady's have been promulgating that lie for years.

[Via Peter G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

Mr Phyall rested the saw on his neck and waited for the timer to go off.

The Black and Decker chainsaw sliced through his neck in an instant but kept going for a further 15 minutes.

Thank goodness he didn't have access to a gun!

[Via Zachary G]

Registering Mistakes

The national daily Helsingin Sanomat reports that the national weapons register is rife with mistakes and inaccuracies.
Government ineptitude. Gee. What a surprise.

So is it better or worse than BATFU's NFRTR?

And let's not even talk about creating an incentive for criminal workarounds via modifying "de-activated weapons," or stimulating the market for "illegal trade."

Oh, hell, let's--not that it will do any good...

[Via Bruce Mills]

Following a Trend

Ten days ago, I posted a link to a dire prediction by "trends forecaster" Gerald Celente.

I just received an email:
I work for Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente. I had been going to blogs that have referenced his work and getting the contact information so we can send emails (weekly Trends Alerts) and keep blog owners updated on the latest. I...figured that you would know a few people on those gun-rights sites who would want to be on Gerald's email list. If so, please forward to me.
I don't do that to people who trust me with their email address, but if you're interested and want to know more, go to Celente's site and feel free to contact them there.

It's Ba...ack...

No need to wear the mask any more...

But I do wonder why someone who is not yet officially president-elect (that won't happen until the Electoral College makes it so in December) gets a .gov website, but by "virtue" of this treason appearing there, I guess that makes this an "official" ultimatum.

Hey, for all that talk of "change," The Lightworker sure is bringing in a lot of the old Red Guard, isn't he?

[Via Len Savage]

We're the Only Ones Warranted Enough

A crooked former Chicago cop testified Wednesday that he paid a judge in connection with a search warrant.
So should we assume that between Bodyguarded Boss Daley, a judiciary for hire and their confidence-inspiring "Only Ones," things are so corrupt that there is absolutely no incentive to do anything but whatever it takes to get away?

Forget it, Jake, it's Chi-Town.

On a side note, I just noticed a startling resemblance, and I'm wondering if there's any kind of separation-at-birth thing goin' on:

[Via HZ]

When Animals Attack

A Dunbar Police K-9 dog was shot and killed Monday evening after it fought with its handler's neighbor's dog in a rural part of Kanawha County, according to Police Chief Earl Whittington.
I trust we can all agree that we have a right to protect ourselves and our own from savage animals, regardless of their affiliations or their species...?

[Via Ed D]

"It's Not Your Money"

And he wonders why he lost.

The pity is, he wasn't bad on guns.

And naturally, his D-rated opponent was endorsed by all the right unions and the Sierra Club...

Message for Republicans: I don't suppose you could focus more on liberty and less on being Democrat-Lite?

Nah, I didn't think so...the conventional "wisdom," that is, the manipulation by "moderate" Fifth Columnists, is that they need to go even more toward the center.

Another pity. I would never expect people who perceive they have no representation or ability to resolve concerns to just accept the direction they're being pushed without at least some of them pushing back.

[Via Avg Joe]

This Day in History: November 21

I expect, during the confused usurpation of power, that an officer of the customs, if he only acts with spirit, or as his duty and oath binds him, that he will immediately fall under the lash of the damned Committees, &c., who, on such occasion, will show them as little mercy as they themselves may expect in the future world; and as I have on sundry occasions opposed their measures, and strove to convince the deluded people of their error, I have, by that means, rendered myself obnoxious to them, and no doubt if ever in their power, shall have their whole weight of vengeance laid on me. But while I am acting in favour of Government and my own steady principles, I make no doubt but I shall be able, with half their number, to meet them in the field; as I hold it to be an established point that those who fight, or take up arms against Government, are always in dread, and fight to great disadvantage, knowing that they are fighting against their sovereign, by whom alone they can hope for assistance against their real enemies, and who, out of his grace and favour, has offered them protection from all their foes, and who would be glad to see them return to their duty, and embrace the proffered grace.