Monday, December 31, 2012

Armed American Radio ‘Round Table’ addresses price-gouging on guns and more

Had the majority of gun owners spent the last several years ponying up tens of dollars toward memberships or supporting special projects, they would not now be faced with the prospect of spending extra hundreds or more, assuming the racks, counters and shelves haven’t already been emptied of all the good stuff. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes there's plenty of blame to go around for today's higher prices.

Projecting Cartoons

Mike explains what they're doing and why. [Read]

The Few, The Proud

In my 8 years of service I could probably count on one hand the number of people that I met who would forcibly disarm the American public. The vast majority of American service members that I know and that I served with recognize that the Constitution is what we pledge to obey. [More
I hope you're right, Marine. Great letter, by the way.

No Foolin'

Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. They hate guns in those whom they have slated for a barrel to the back of the ear. [More]
[Via several of you]

Dangerous Insurrectionists

Dang! Where are the Threepers? [Read]

Additions to the WoGroll


It's Not About the Money?

Well of course it is, but that's OK if it has the effect of establishing liability. [Read]

I'd like to find out if a credible legal argument could be made that because attendance is compulsory, a special relationship, and thus a duty to protect exists.

[Via William T]


It can take many forms. [Read]

We'll be the ones who'll decide when it's futile, and for whom.

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise

Beware: 11,000 psychotics on streets [More]
Considering the promised response to lifting a finger, that sounds like a lowball estimate to me...

[Via bondmen]

A Professor of Constitutional Law

I've seen somebody else called that, too. [Read]

I wonder how subversive academics are going to fare if the hive insects get their way and start something that meets with resistance?

UPDATE: An NC Gun Blog anticipates if the professor gets his way, some of us will be donning black masks.


What You'll See in the Rebellion

Bob Owens' crystal ball is probably about as tuned in as anyone's. [Read]

This really is a good summary of potentialities. If it happens, I guess those of us who have already publicly chosen sides will find out if we bet on the right team.


Journal News To List More Gun Permit Holders After Uproar [More]

If the Journal News really wants to escalate like this, and if retaliatory publication of management and staff addresses has not worked, and if their intent is to expand their efforts, then it's time to do the same.

Who are their big advertisers?  They're the ones who are giving the Journal News the resources to do this, are in effect giving aid and comfort to the enemy. By default, they have become legitimate targets in this cold war the paper started, just as surely as supply convoys would be in a hot one.

Contact them and let them know if they don't cut off the funds, they will have chosen their side, and will be subject to the same tactics those they're enabling are using. Ask them if they think such publicized actions may have a deterrent effect on potential customers, and if that might give a competitive edge to rival dealerships. And don't accept the excuse that there's a contract -- by their own actions, the Journal News will have invalidated that by creating a situation that produces the exact opposite of what their advertising program promises  -- driving customers away instead of bringing them in.

That's the kind of revenue loss that could really cripple a newspaper in today's economy, and since the parent corporation Gannett is no friend and could have put the brakes on this at any time, there's no reason why this tactic shouldn't spread to all of their holdings.

Or do nothing and watch this gun owner outing spread to other newspapers, emboldened by the simple observation that they'll be allowed to get away with it by the very people they're attacking.

This Day in History: December 31


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post-Columbine essay asks questions that still have not been answered

An essay written during the Clinton administration after the Columbine school massacre asked a series of questions about human nature and the right to life and liberty that I believe are especially valid now, in a post-Newtown anti-gun frenzy that dwarfs what I assessed back then as "dark times for defenders of the Second Amendment, probably as perilous as they have ever been." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner offering dusts off an old effort from the past that shows some things have not changed.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

German gun registry ensures only law-abiding will be caught in net

Their entry for Germany maintains “The estimated total number of guns held by civilians in Germany is 25,000,000.” Cutting to the chase, the report gives other critical pieces of information about “unlawfully held guns”: Their numbers are estimated at 17,000,000, or “20.614 illicit firearms per 100 people.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner entry notes it's what's not counted that counts.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Issa notes 113th Congress rules will keep Holder subpoenas from expiring

“Without these provisions, the Justice Department could have argued that its obligation to produce subpoenaed documents expired with the previous Congress.” [More]
Today's third Gun Rights Examiner report notes it ain't over 'til it's over.

El Paso Times repeats discredited Mexican recovered crime gun lie

“Will you issue a clarification?” she was asked. [More]
Evidently not, so today's second Gun Rights Examiner feature does it for her.

Going for the Record

The last time the city reached the 500-homicide mark was in 2008, when the year ended with 512 killings. [More
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Kid Sis]

Gun group says active killer events quadrupled after Gun Free School Zones Act

“As you can clearly see, the frequency of Active Killer Events QUADRUPLED following the enactment of the Gun-Free School Zone Act in 1990,” it concluded. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an increase that our government told us wasn't supposed to happen, meaning it was inevitable.

"Your Privacy is Our Promise"

That way, when you open your indignant yap about gun control for the masses, no one will ever know what a bloody hypocrite you are... [Read]

Besides, out of the millions who buy tickets to whatever it is you do, losing a few now and then won't even register on the bottom line.

And us?  We'd just as soon anyone unbalanced enough to idolize walking stage props stay unarmed--it makes our job so much safer.

[Via Kid Sis]

Certificate of Surrender

Coincidentally, I was sent that link by Steve T within moments of retweeting this:
I wish I had the capital to buy the rights for and restart production of this:

It Must Be That Time of Year Again

You know, for jack-booted oath-breaker Charlie ("weapons of war/weapons of death" for me but not for thee) Beck to trot out the inert trainer so the summoned "Authorized Journalists" can experience group hysterical paroxysms.  Does it look like the same dead, hollow tube to you? [More]

And those of you wanting to dispose of "crime guns" take note:
Beck acknowledged that the weapons would not be checked for connections to crimes before being melted down. He said the sheer number would make that difficult, and he does not want to deter people from turning in firearms.
Say, what a convenient way to get rid of recovered Fast and Furious questions asked!

Villaraigosa looks good, doesn't he? Hiding behind that zoning violation wall with his tax-funded armed security detail while banging the newschick reporting on him gives him a certain glow.

[Via Steve T]

Meanwhile, Across the Great Wall in CSGV "Monopoly of Violence" Paradise...

China's government tightened Internet controls Friday with approval of a law that requires users to register their names after a flood of online complaints about official abuses rattled Communist Party leaders. [More]
You know, the champions of human rights.

I guess Jingjing and Chaccha need better tools to do their job.

Speaking of that, everybody knows what a tool Jackie Chan is, right?

Shooting Destination Night: 5th Annual Mammoth Biathlon

From American Trigger Sports Network:
Molly Smith, ATSN Field Correspondent, takes us to the 5th Annual Winter Biathlon in beautiful Mammoth Mountain, CA. Molly has a chance to speak with Winter Olympic hopefuls and the organizers. Conditions are great on Saturday, but cold and snowy on Sunday. Molly gets her hands on a rifle and takes aim. 

Watch tonight, Friday, December 28th, on Pursuit
6:00pm Pacific 7:00pm Mountain, 8:00pm Central, 9:00pm Eastern:
DirecTV Channel 604 PRST 
DISH Network Channel 240 HUNT

Works for Me

But people in this traditionally self-reliant section of timber country aren't about to raise taxes to put more officers on the road. Instead, some folks in Josephine County, larger than the state of Rhode Island, are taking matters into their own hands — mounting flashing lights on their trucks and strapping pistols to their hips to guard communities themselves. [More]
Instead of complaining about their level of training, sheriff, train them.

[Via Ed D]

The Answer

OK, daughter of the Fudd, if it isn't to arm the teachers, what is it? [Read]

She sure packs a lot of concentrated stupid into one brief essay.  Amazing what qualifies for a Pulitzer and a professorship these days, isn't it?

So Much for the Content of His Character

The White House selected Dixon for the task force because of his position as vice president of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives. [More]


It makes sense though--they embrace total gun bans, even in the home.

And he now presumes to help decide "Who should actually be allowed to have assault weapons? Should it be an everyday thing? Or should it be a process you have to go through to get an assault weapon?"

"I encourage people to send their ideas to my email address," Dixon said.

Well ... oblige the man.

You're in the Army Now

Who is the unorganized militia? [More
Hold one of these up.

A Civil Debate

Stigmatizing Gun Owners Makes Civil Debate Impossible [More]

I have the same sentiment about this as I did about that "civil tone" we spoke of the other day. Would you rather have an uncivil debate or a civil war?

I've got news for you, pally, it should be impossible, unless you're interested in making concessions with tyrant wannabes or their useful idiot mob followers.  Truth isn't debatable, and any goose who hasn't made up his mind at this late stage, well, life is tough, it's tougher when you're stupid, and when things get really tough, having softer targets may buy the harder ones more time to fortify.

We're long past the stage of rebuttals with those making plans to force their will upon us, and they can't say they haven't been warned.

[Via Neil W]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

"In law there is no dispute that Mr. Clarke has no defence to this charge. The intention of anybody possessing a firearm is irrelevant."[More]
Joyce Lee Malcolm's latest foray into inconvenient truths notes the best laid plans of the Queen's subjects and those of the Empire's former prison colony haven't exactly panned out as intended.  You realize, of course, the quote I selected from it is exactly applicable to David Gregory's legal dilemma, those who would defend him notwithstanding.

This Day in History: December 28

On December 28, 1780, Morgan used Washington's dragoons and mounted militia to subdue 250 Georgia Loyalists at Hammond's Store near Fort Ninety-Six. [More]

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Of Course You Realize This Means War

Bring it on. [Read]

I'm actually glad to see this--she way overplayed her hand, has shown the antis for what they are, and has just done more to unify gun owners than anything in recent memory.

D.C. chief and ATF head asked who authorized violation of magazine ban

The truth is, the issue isn’t really about throwing David Gregory and the production staff of "Meet the Press" in the slammer anyway -- that would just be an amusing side benefit, especially if they were put in with the same threatening and demeaning treatment and terrifying characters you and I would be subjected to for the “crime” of possessing verboten boxes and springs. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report can't help but notice the elitist nature of the egalitarians.

Die. I Hope It's Painful.

The Chicago Tribune and six other newspapers owned by Tribune Co. are dropping the services of Associated Press, effective in early January. [More
Gee, and they always brought us such important stories.

We're the Only Ones Love You Long, Long Time Enough

Veteran Sacramento Police Officer Arrested For Repeated Sexual Assault Of 78-Year-Old [More
 Anybody think this would not be headline news all over the place were he a veteran NRA employee?

[Via William T]

The THING That Would Not Die

UN Arms Trade Treaty Resurrected [More]
They do seem intent on provoking the one thing that can kill it, don't they?

[Via DMJ]

"Business Decisions" Have Consequences

But don’t protest a business — one, by the way, that is not hindering a person’s rights whatsoever — that is simply making a decision to give up market share to competitors on a particular kind of weapon. [More]
Bull. It's abandoning their brothers-in-arms on the battlefield and leaving them to stand or fall while the cowardly profiteers who want the benefits without the rigors or risks slink away. It is emboldening the enemy.

Dick's and Quislings like them deserted us in time of need. Their competitors who did not collapse before we even engaged, but who have held fast and faithfully, and stand with us through the storm, are the ones who have earned our continued association.

Nixon's the One

Nixon opposes concealed carry gun bill for Missouri schools [More
Thank goodness he and his family remain protected and safe!

Who Needs an 'Assault Weapon'?

I'll betcha this guy would have appreciated having one. [Read]

A Demand of Our Own

In re this: We can make 'em too, you know. [Watch]

This Day in History: December 27

Cornet Merrit was in the rear trying to fight off Maj. Horry's men, but they caught up with him. Cornet Merritt had two horses shot out from under him and was so stunned by the fall of the last one that he was left for dead. Maj. Horry's men took his boots, helmet, and weapons. When he recovered his senses he escaped into the swamp and hid. [More]

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid

Now that's  a Christmas present for a boy! As Doug Rink says via email, he even kind of looks like Ralphie. [More]

It doesn't say, but it kind of looks like Washington, D.C.

What the hell happened to this country?

How Come the "Temperance" Zealots Are So Damned Intemperate?

We just saw the tobacco analogy. So naturally, now the booze people need to put in their two cents. [Read]

Ask yourself what type of control freak thinks freedom is a vice.

Henigan is Right: Treat Guns Like Tobacco!

What a great and truly progressive idea! [Read]

I just got a box of maduros delivered by UPS. I didn't have to go through a background check or anything, and can buy as many as I want as often as I want--off the internet or over the phone, and from dealers in other states.  And while there are "No Smoking" zones, no one prohibits carrying them concealed wherever I go. And I can even have them while enjoying adult beverages!

The more I think about this, the better I like it.

A Civil Tone

Jeff Weinstein, president of the Maine Gun Owners Association, said destroying guns is an ineffective approach to reducing crime, but he urged people to be civil when expressing their opinions. [More]
Why?  We've already seen the "common ground" that results from when anti-gun sentiment prevails.  It's past time this Hammond character was reminded of the "Life is tough. It's tougher when you're stupid" truism in no uncertain terms.

And unless those discussions invoke "How about 'No'?" as the default position on "gun control," leave me out of them.  What would you rather have, an uncivil tone or a civil war?

One Man's Terrorist

I can't wait to see what they pick for their school mascot. [Read]

Message in a Bottle

Keep buying cheap crap from the latter day slavers. [Read]

The human rights advocates thank you.

[Via Jess]

Cummings seeks dismissal of Fast and Furious suit against Holder

Characterizing the committee’s actions as a “rush toward unnecessary conflict” and referring to such litigation as “unnecessary and premature,” the petitioners ignore official stonewalling now measured in years, documented lies submitted to congressional investigators, and the deliberate indifference shown by Cummings and other Oversight Democrats when publicly asked to look into allegations of waste, abuse, corruption and fraud by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives management long before the public had ever heard about Fast and Furious. Had they provided such high-profile scrutiny, there is every possibility gunwalking attempts would not have been dared, and those killed as a result might still be alive. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the latest sabotage attempt by Old Bloody Hands and his fellow administration-supporting domestic enemies.

Sauce for the Goose

...home address and phone number of Journal-News publisher...[More]
Sow the wind 'n all that...

[Via Neil W]

A "Pro Choice Liberal"

Agree. The radical nra has never met a gun they didn't like regardless of who is killed or how many. Ignorant gun culture. There are HUMANE options, and this article reiterates these people love guns more than people or children. SELF-DEFENSE works-knock a gun out of someone's hand, mace, tasers, bullet-proof vests are all HUMANE options. Time for the gun people to lose some rights-REGISTER ALL GUNS/AMMO so law enforcement can look up home # or license plate # and see how well you're armed before the NEXT tragedy happens. Also, where are the ATF stats on guns? Oh yeah, radical gun/nra people BLOCKED those. Ridiculous gun toters. Time for CHANGE!!! RESTRICT GUNS!!! [More
That doesn't sound very "pro choice" or "liberal" (in the classical sense) to me... Oh, now I get it: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength..."

I love hive insects like this clown. Their utter inability to mask their totalitarian sympathies does more to create opposition than any arguments I could come up with.