Salary of Fashion Photographers

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Working for a company gives photographers a steady income.

The field of photography is highly competitive, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), because many people are attracted to the idea of monetizing on this art form. While more than half of all photographers run their own business, many fashion photographers work for an employer. Fashion photographers often work for publications and catalog companies, which can offer a steady paycheck.

  1. Salary

    • According to the BLS, the median annual wage for a salaried photographer in 2008 was $29,440. The salary range for the middle 50 percent of photographers is between $20,620 and $43,530. The salaried photographers in the 90th percentile earn over $63,400 as of 2008. The BLS states that salaried fashion photographers generally work full-time and earn more than those who are self-employed because they often do not have to purchase their own equipment and have steady work. states that freelance fashion photographers can earn hourly rates ranging from $9.42 to $99.02 as of 2011.

    Salary by Industry

    • Most salaried fashion photographers work in the commercial photography industry, for magazines, newspapers or advertising agencies, or take portraits of individuals. According to the BLS, in 2010, fashion photographers who worked for periodicals and newspapers earned an annual salary of $40,580, or $19.51 an hour. In the same year, fashion photographers who worked for media, art, entertainment and design industries, which the BLS categorizes as “Printing and Related Support Activities,” earned annual salary of $52,540, or $25.26 per hour.

    Job Prospects

    • Fashion photographers will continue to experience a lot of competition for salaried job openings and contracted positions because of the number of individuals interested in this field is greater than the number of jobs available. Because of the high number of freelance photographers, who may be cheaper to hire, it may be hard for a fashion photographer to find a salaried job.

    Education and Training

    • Aspiring fashion photographers should consider seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art, with a specialization in photography. University training will teach a student about all the important principles of photography and give him access to the latest in photography equipment, both analog and digital. College photography programs will also teach how to manipulate photographs digitally with a computer, which can make a job applicant more attractive to potential employers seeking fashion photographers.

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  • Photo Credit Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images


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