ms_daisy_cutter: (agatha-rage)
[personal profile] ms_daisy_cutter

(from Microaggressions)

No, actually, how about the entitled, woman-resenting manchildren who seem to infest both meatspace and cyberspace take responsibility for their own fucking actions for a change, and the "traditional values" numpties/Reader's Digest subscribers who burble these kinds of pieties actually pressure THEM to do so instead of blaming women for the men's behavior?

(Typical would be this tool — warning for shitty music autoplay — whose "About" page includes this splendid advice: "Never allow yourself to be made a victim." Gosh! Thank you for your words of wiz-dumb, 18-year-old xtian fundie d00d!)

I hate, absolutely despise, the words "lady" and "gentleman" as behavioral prescriptives. Every woman I've ever met who ostentatiously simpered about being a "lady" was a roaring bore who got her jollies from policing the behavior of other women. Every man I've ever met who loudly announced that he was a "gentleman" was a puffed-up sexist shitpeel who believed he was owed endless groveling and blowjobs for ... being "nice" to women. And the announcement is not infrequently made in the following context: "If I weren't a gentleman, I'd have decked that pushy bitch/uppity cunt/skanky whore like she deserved."

I am not a lady. If your reaction is, "Yeah, no shit, bitch," then congratulations on achieving total recto-cranial inversion. You are officially too stupid to read my DW. And I don't have any use for "gentlemen." I want to deal with grown-ass men who don't whine and clutch their pee-pees when women don't fawn over them — or do worse.


Date: 2011-07-30 05:37 am (UTC)
gardnerhill: (JW: Now Cute Has Learned To Kill)
From: [personal profile] gardnerhill
When my mom chewed me out at 14 for striding like a lumberjack is the exact moment I stopped giving a rat's ass about anything "ladylike"; I finally put all the pieces together and noticed that all "ladylike" movements, postures, clothing and attitudes add up to the same thing: Making it harder for women to run away.


ms_daisy_cutter: (Default)

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