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Anti-prohibition news from over the world

Collected live from our allies' blogs.
Note: All opinions expressed below are those of the authors only, not necessarily TICAP's.

Les fanatiques de l’hygiène publique, par Jean Romain, Ecrivain, philosophe, député PLR GC Genève

Published on 2013-08-13 18:36:52.
Website: Accueil

lesobservateurs.ch: "Depuis deux décennies, l’école est devenue une sorte d’hôpital de jour où l’élève est un patient permanent qu’il faut guérir de tous les maux : la mal-bouffe, la drogue, les caries dentaires, l’égoïsme, le stress, la tentation suicidaire, le développement durable, l’habillement, toutes choses utiles dont la liste est infinie, mais qui ont déteint sur une idée de l’échec scolaire. (Photo: Jean Romain)

"Un « apprenant », objet de tous les soins des pédagogos, ne peut pas faillir, ne doit pas faillir. Il mettrait en cause le merveilleux système de « compétences » qui coûte une fortune et dont les résultats sont consternants."

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Everything you know is Wrong.

Published on 2013-08-13 16:56:14.
Website: Frank Davis

I’d never heard of him either. …the most important toxicological scientist you have never heard of, Dr. Ed Calabrese of the University of Massachusetts. His work, painstaking and seemingly obscure, is upsetting just about everything we “know” about cancer and … Continue reading →

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Préventocrates éconduits deux fois à Berne...

Published on 2013-08-13 16:29:01.
Website: Accueil

La Tribune de Genève: " Interdiction après 22h: commission opposée

"La commission de l'économie du National a refusé mardi par 16 voix contre 7 de restreindre la vente de boissons alcoolisées. Elle a aussi rejeté par 17 voix contre 4 l'idée des Etats de leur fixer un prix minimal.

"Les noctambules devraient pouvoir continuer d'acheter de l'alcool entre 22h00 et 06h00. La majorité de la commission n'est pas convaincue que ces deux mesures proposées dans la révision de la loi sur l'alcool parviennent à juguler de manière efficace la consommation excessive d'alcool, explique-t-elle dans un communiqué."

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Alcohol Next

Published on 2013-08-13 14:03:00.
Website: Velvet Glove, Iron Fist

Many readers will be familiar with the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies, the fruity campaign group that masquerades as a scientific research institution. State-funded with a bit of cash from Big Pharma thrown in, its staff includes "Red" Gerard Hastings, Anna "Dunce" Gilmore and "Lying" Linda Bauld. It advocates loony policies such as giving films that show smoking an 18 certificate—all because tobacco is a "unique product", of course.

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Un journaliste du "Matin" perquisitionné à son domicile, en son absence

Published on 2013-08-13 11:50:43.
Website: Accueil

ATS: "Un journaliste du "Matin" perquisitionné

"Le journaliste du "Matin" Ludovic Rocchi a été l'objet d'une perquisition tôt mardi matin à la suite d'une plainte du directeur de l'€institut de l'€™entreprise de la faculté des sciences économiques de l€'Université de Neuchâtel. Le quotidien romand dénonce une "grave entrave à la liberté de la presse".

"Accusé notamment de plagiat et de mobbing dans une série d'articles signés par Ludovic Rocchi, le professeur à l'Université de Neuchâtel a déposé plainte fin juillet contre le journaliste pour diffamation, calomnie et violation du secret de fonction. C'est dans ce contexte que la perquisition a été ordonnée, afin de mettre la main sur des données nécessaires à l'enquête. "

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Gallup Poll Shows that Cold Turkey is Overwhelmingly the Most Successful Quitting Strategy, With NRT Making Little Contribution

Published on 2013-08-13 04:59:00.
Website: The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary

A July Gallup poll asked former smokers to identify the strategies or methods they used to successfully quit smoking. Based on their smoking cessation recommendations to the public, if you ask any anti-smoking organization what they think would be the most common answer to this question, they will most likely say:

a. Nicotine patch;
b. Nicotine gum;
c. Nicotine inhaler; or
d. Prescription drugs.

But the public's answer to the question was essentially "None of the above." Overwhelmingly, the method identified by ex-smokers as most effective for quitting was "cold turkey."

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"L'interdiction de fumer a un impact positif sur la santé"

Published on 2013-08-12 21:00:31.
Website: Accueil

Le 30 mai 2011 Monsieur Pierre-François Unger, conseiller d'Etat chargé du département des affaires régionales, de l'économie et de la santé de la République et du Canton de Genève a présenté les résultats d'une étude menée par le Dr Jean-Paul Humair qui démontre que la loi genevoise sur l'interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics a un impact positif sur la santé.

Extraits du communiqué de presse:

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Environmental Golf Balls

Published on 2013-08-12 17:05:21.
Website: Frank Davis

An assortment of health-related stories today. First up: Unhealthy lifestyles will see British children die before their parents. The parents who have been smoking and drinking most of their lives. Professor John Ashton, president of the Faculty of Public Health, told the … Continue reading →

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On illegal tobacco undermining legitimate sales

Published on 2013-08-12 15:31:00.
Website: Freedom-2-Choose (Scotland)

Sheila Duffy once more attempts to make a case that tobacco retailer groups are only arguing against tobacco control because they are supported by tobacco companies. And fails.
After a long and loud campaign telling their members that counterfeit tobacco is damaging local shops, the TRA asked shopkeepers whether they thought their shop was at risk of closing due to counterfeit and smuggled tobacco. We are not told how those involved made sure of an unbiased sample or whether they just relied on their existing friends and contacts.Of those who responded, 92 were from Scotland.So the dramatic “one in ten” headline is based on nine individuals across Scotland giving their personal opinion.That kind of survey sounds like the way thirdhand smoke was invented: the difference being that the fairy story about high taxes making opportunities for black market traders is written by the Tobacco Retailers Alliance, and the other story is created by somebody wanting to create a bad press around tobacco, and using the 'scientific' press to achieve it.

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Du doux, de l'acide et de l'écoeurant au menu du Grand Conseil de Genève

Published on 2013-08-12 11:09:40.
Website: Accueil

(DDG) Le choix de mets offerts au menu du Grand Conseil le 29 août 2013 est riche: les plats vont du très doux à l'acide en passant par le chaud-froid et le franchement écoeurant. Pour vous en convaincre, consultez l'ordre du jour complet ici.

Parmi les mets agréables, mentionnons la motion de Marc Falquet (UDC) (photo) en faveur de la "protection des mineurs au centre d’un système bureaucratique dépassé : pour le bien des familles et des collaborateurs, une réforme s’impose !"

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Smoke Or Drink And The NHS Will Cut Your Bits Off

Published on 2013-08-12 10:37:00.
Website: Dick Puddlecote

'Tis an important date here in Puddlecote Towers but, before I zip off to a rather nice restaurant for the evening, here's something astonishing from the postbag.

Long-time fellow jewel robber Moonrakin recounted a story from the weekend about which he is still understandably angry. In his own words, here is what happened to his brother in law who I shall rename John.
My brother in law is an electrician and a builder - yesterday [Saturday] he got his thumb squashed very badly on site by a JCB digger. So ... chauffeured off 10 miles to our local A&E; by the mortified digger driver- where the following took place:  Doctor: It's bad

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Un élu PDC lucide et...dissident !

Published on 2013-08-12 06:01:39.
Website: Accueil

Une fois n'est pas coutume: nous découvrons la prose libertaire du Dr Bertrand Buchs, député PDC au Grand Conseil. Il n'aime pas les 21 caméras projetées par Maudet aux Pâquis et exprime ses craintes pour l'intégrité de la vie privée de ses concitoyens. La prise de position sans ambages de l'élu démocrate-chrétien et si exceptionnelle qu'elle mérite qu'on s'y attarde et qu'on la savoure. Puisse-t-il convaincre son clan ! Sous le titre " Jusqu'où faut-il aller ?", il écrit:

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Obesity and the early grave

Published on 2013-08-12 05:27:00.
Website: Velvet Glove, Iron Fist

What better way to start the week than with some shrill scaremongering?

From The Times:

Obesity will send today’s children to early grave
Britain’s “couch potato culture” is in danger of raising a generation of children who will die younger than their parents, according to stark new figures.

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Why is the CDC Taking Research Funding from a Pharmaceutical Company?

Published on 2013-08-12 03:50:00.
Website: The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary

When I worked at the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) from 1993-1995, I always considered it to be an independent, objective source of public health scientific research and policy analysis. I can attest that all of the research I conducted there was independent and free of any influence from corporate interests. None of the research I conducted was funded by, or conducted in partnership with any tobacco or pharmaceutical companies, nor did we farm out any research to be funded by or associated with corporations.

It's remarkable how much things have changed since I left the agency in 1995.

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Gut Feeling and Cold Reason

Published on 2013-08-11 17:02:11.
Website: Frank Davis

The recent (and perhaps still current) furore surrounding UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom’s ‘Bongo Bongo Land‘ remarks seem to have caused something of a rift in the ranks of eurosceptics surrounding Richard North and Autonomous Mind. In their view, Bloom’s remarks … Continue reading →

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Patients en coma éthylique bientôt punis ?

Published on 2013-08-11 16:21:24.
Website: Accueil

RTS - La Première - Forum: " Faut-il faire payer aux jeunes leur consommation excessive d'alcool?

"Les jeunes soignés pour coma éthylique à l'hôpital devraient bientôt payer tous leurs frais médicaux de leur poche. A Bern, alors que les travaux reprennent la semaine prochaine, la commission de la santé du Conseil national s'empare du projet de loi initié par l'UDC Toni Bortoluzzi. Celui-ci demande que la loi sur l'assurance maladie (Lamal) ne rembourse plus les coûts des buveurs excessifs occasionnels, qui atterrissent dans les hôpitaux suisses."

"Débat entre les conseillers nationaux Guy Parmelin (UDC – VD) et Christian van Singer (Les Verts - VD)."

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Vote Dick

Published on 2013-08-11 14:12:00.
Website: Dick Puddlecote

For some reason, a lefty blogger seems to be sufficiently bored to have resurrected a snap poll he last ran in 2010.

Back then, your humble jewel robbing tabloid host reached the heady heights of being rated the 21st worst blog on the internet. Coming from the 'progressive' ban-all-and-everything side of the fence, this made me incredibly proud - I nearly shed a tear, so I did - especially considering competition was intensely fierce at the time.

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Anna Soubry Must Be Fired

Published on 2013-08-10 17:21:16.
Website: Frank Davis

It really is outrageous, this story. Chris Snowdon has the details. I’m just adding a bit of emphasis. I touched on the story a couple of weeks back, in These Filth Never Stop. Well, they never do, do they? Filed under: … Continue reading →

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Splendeurs pyrotechniques fumantes: les préventocrates muets !

Published on 2013-08-10 17:13:19.
Website: Accueil

Ouf ! Commes les chiens terrorisés par les explosions, ils sont restés muets, mutiques, cois et ont ravalé leurs slogans aux "fumées passives létales". "Ils", ce sont bien sûr nos fuméophobes, terrés dans leurs caves, le visage couvert d'un masque à gaz adéquat et de protège-oreilles. Eux seuls pourtant, seraient capables, avec le concours d'un spécialiste des HUG tel que le Dr J.-F. Etter ou Humair, de vous dire, à la décimale près, le nombre de jours de vie perdus par la population genevoise en ce beau soir de Fêtes de Genève à cause des 3, 5 tonnes de poudre noire répandues dans notre ciel étoilé du 10 août 2013:-) ! Le feu d'artifice fut sublime, une fois de plus et les pulmo-préventologues eux-mêmes ont rengainé leur antienne sur la protection de la "santé publique".

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«Qu'est le langage, et en quoi est-ce important ?»

Published on 2013-08-10 09:08:47.
Website: Accueil

unige.ch: " Conférence de Noam Chomsky (en anglais avec interprétation ... (à venir ! ) simultanée en français)

"Retrouvez la vidéo de la conférence de Noam Chomsky (photo), le linguiste révolutionnaire

"A l'occasion du 19e congrès international des linguistes qui a lieu à Genève, le linguiste américain Noam Chomsky a donné une conférence, le jeudi 25 juillet 2013 à Uni Dufour: " Qu'est le langage, et en quoi est-ce important?»

"Connu pour son activisme politique et ses ouvrages à succès sur la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis et le fonctionnement des médias, Noam Chomsky a révolutionné la manière d’aborder sa discipline. Sa thèse de doctorat, présentée en 1955 alors qu’il n’avait pas encore 30 ans, sera considérée par la suite comme la contribution la plus importante dans le domaine de la linguistique théorique du XXe siècle

"Titulaire d’une trentaine de doctorats honoris causa et professeur émérite au Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chomsky a développé des thèses qui, bien que souvent contestées, ont eu une influence majeure, au-delà de la linguistique, dans l’émergence des sciences cognitives, mais aussi dans des domaines a priori plus éloignés. Son modèle génératif a ainsi été utilisé par le Prix Nobel 1984 de médecine, Niels Jerne, pour expliquer le système immunitaire humain.

"Lors de sa conférence à l’UNIGE, Noam Chomsky a présenté son point de vue sur les liens entre linguistique et cognition. "

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Anna Soubry should be sacked

Published on 2013-08-10 08:40:00.
Website: Velvet Glove, Iron Fist

This is astonishing. During Anna Soubry's car crash of an interrogation by the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee, she was asked to provide written evidence showing what effect Britain's vote had on the Tobacco Products Directive. It turns out that Soubry's decision to bypass parliament and take a personal decision to approve the legislation was absolutely critical.

From Liberal Vision...

In a letter (dated July 31st) to Bill Cash MP (Chairman, House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee) Soubry says:
“The committee asked whether the UK’s support was vital to a General Approach being agreed” (at the Council of European health ministers meeting on 21st June)

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Link Tank 10/08

Published on 2013-08-10 03:01:00.
Website: Dick Puddlecote

For those not planning to productively waste the weekend watching cricket.

Nanny Bloomberg now planning to ban e-cigs

The hysteria over trolls is a classic moral panic

Minimum alcohol pricing, maximum cost

New Zealand’s plan to regulate designer drugs is better than trying to ban them and failing

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Sport Roundup

Published on 2013-08-09 16:11:30.
Website: Frank Davis

H/T wobbler for smoking cricketers in the Daily Mail. In a further embarrassment to the England team, players were photographed smoking after their Ashes triumph. Batsman Joe Root, 22, and bowler Tim Bresnan, 28, went to a nightclub in Manchester … Continue reading →

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Friedhelm bleibt!

Published on 2013-08-09 05:28:38.
Website: Netzwerk Rauchen e.V.

Spendengelder für Friedhelm Adolfs für Sicherheitsleistung eingesetzt. Friedhelm Adolfs muss bis auf Weiteres nicht fürchten aus seiner Wohnung geworfen zu werden. Dank der Spendengelder konnten wir die Sicherheitsleistung in Höhe von 3.300 EUR aufbringen, die nunmehr durch seinen neuen Anwalt beim Amtsgericht Düsseldorf hinterlegt werden kann.

Das Amtsgericht Düsseldorf hatte in seiner Entscheidung vom 31. Juli die fristlose Kündigung von Friedhelm Adolfs Wohnung bestätigt. Weil die Berufung gegen dieses Urteil zulässig ist hat das Gericht die Hinterlegung einer Sicherheitsleistung verfügt. Diese dient dem Schutz des Mieters vor der Vollstreckung des Urteils bis zur Berufungsentscheidung. Würde die Sicherheitsleistung nicht hinterlegt, könnte die Vermieterin jederzeit die Zwangsräumung der Wohnung veranlassen.
Netzwerk Rauchen e.V. hatte mit seiner Spendenaktion "Ein Dach für Raucher" über 2.000 EUR an Spendengeldern einsammeln können, um Friedhelms Prozess zu finanzieren. Dieses Geld sowie weitere Spenden von anderer Seite ermöglichen nun die Sicherheitsleistung zu stellen.

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Review of Laboratory Studies on Electronic Cigarettes Concludes that They Pose Few Health Risks and that Secondhand Vapor is Unlikely to Be Hazardous

Published on 2013-08-09 05:06:00.
Website: The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary

A new study which reviews approximately 40 laboratory studies of the chemical constituents of electronic cigarette vapor concludes that these products pose few health risks and that secondhand vapor is unlikely to pose any significant health hazard.

(See: Burstyn I. Peering through the mist: What does the chemistry of contaminants in electronic cigarettes tell us about health risks. Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University School of Public Health, 2013.)

The major conclusion of the report is that vaping poses few health concerns and that "passive vaping" is unlikely to pose any health concerns.

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More Humiliating Plain Packs Campaign Fail

Published on 2013-08-09 04:10:00.
Website: Dick Puddlecote

I'm sure you've seen these quotes about plain packaging before, but just in case ...

Remember Smokefree Action's Myth 7?
Myth #7: It may be tobacco today but other consumer products will follow  FACT: Tobacco is not like any other product ... Plain packs for tobacco will not therefore set a precedent for other consumer products. And then there was ASH's Deborah Arnott being even more dismissive.

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RWJF commits $10,000,000.00 to promote Obamacare

Published on 2013-08-08 12:05:00.
Website: Clearing The Air

And just as RWJF, a 501(c)3, illegally funded lobbyists to get smoking bans enacted; now RWJF is funding a campaign to promote the much hated legislation coming out of Obama's presidency....Obamacare:


Of course CTA readers know the real reason that Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) funds these anti-choice, rent seeking initiatives is that it creates big profits for the drugs and medical devices manufactured and sold by their parent entity ........the Johnson & Johnson Co

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Cry Me A River

Published on 2013-08-08 11:33:00.
Website: Dick Puddlecote

Still incredibly busy at Puddlecote Inc so, in the absence of time to write anything tabloid myself, do go have a read of this article on the BBC website about the plight of anti-smokers compelled to use smokey beer gardens. Arm yourself with a hanky in case you shed a tear or two for the poor dears, won't you?
"Sometimes it's like stepping out into a mist," complains Barbara Harpham, national director of Heart Research UK and a strong advocate of the anti-smoking laws. Just yer average impartial pub-goer, then.
"The majority of people don't like smoking but when they go outside it's imposed on them." Imposed on them in the sense that they are strong-armed to the pub against their will, before being whipped with a cat o' nine tails out of the legislated safety of the plush interior into the smoke-filled danger of the garden. Doesn't your heart just bleed?

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Proposed New York City Ordinance Declares that Electronic Cigarettes are Designed to Deter Smokers from Quitting, Then Bans the Sale of Flavored Elect

Published on 2013-08-08 04:30:00.
Website: The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary

Today, I reveal that a proposed New York City ordinance would ban the sale of flavored electronic cigarettes on the basis that these products are designed to deter smokers from quitting.

According to the preamble of the ordinance: "Electronic cigarette marketing is often designed to deter smokers from quitting... ."

On this basis, the ordinance goes on to ban the sale of flavored electronic cigarettes. While plain tobacco-"flavored" e-cigarettes could still be sold, the ordinance would ban the sale of a wide variety of flavored e-cigarettes. These flavors are central to the success of these products and the ordinance, if enacted, would likely decimate the sale of electronic cigarettes in New York City.

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Respect your elders

Published on 2013-08-08 04:25:00.
Website: Velvet Glove, Iron Fist

From The Times...

Ageing, you might think, comes with its own inherent long-term health risks - death, for one thing.
There is a 'but' coming here, isn't there? What could it be, this fate worse than death?

But a new study, funded by Age UK, has warned that too many over 65s are bingeing on alcohol and should be set lower safe drinking limits.

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What Ian Gilmore Didn't Tell Northern Ireland Yesterday

Published on 2013-08-07 09:53:00.
Website: Dick Puddlecote

Like a fraudulent salesman caught flogging snake oil and run out of town with six-shooters peppering his heels, the alcohol prohibitionist movement's biggest hope decided yesterday to scoot off to Northern Ireland and see if he has better luck with the wide-eyed provincials.
Prof Gilmore, a specialist in liver disease and chair of the European Alcohol and Health Forum Science Group, said: "Given the failure of the Westminster government to follow through on its earlier commitment to a minimum unit price for alcohol, there is a real opportunity for government in Northern Ireland to show the way in adopting this evidence-based public health policy." Evidence-based? He's surely pulling our chain. You see, we can judge how good the evidence for minimum pricing is from the competency of those paid with your money to produce it.

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Cheaper than popcorn

Published on 2013-08-07 08:15:00.
Website: Velvet Glove, Iron Fist

Back in May, I mentioned that the anti-alcohol campaign group Balance North East—a classic sock puppet, founded and funded entirely by the government—had been granted £1.4 million by local authorities to continue its fraudulent astro-turfing.

Balance North East's main activity is campaigning for minimum pricing, but it also does other things such as spending taxpayers money on drinking binges in cinemas.

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© 2013, The International Coalition Against Prohibition