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Prince Is Tweeting, Maybe Doesn’t Understand What a Selfie Is

Prince tweeted this. Really.

The 3rdeyegirl Twitter appeared in January, looking like some kind of entity with the ability to leak new Prince music. It turned out to be the name of Prince's new band, and now Prince has taken over the account, at least for Tuesday night. (When a man says the Internet is "completely over," you don't expect him to tweet for long.) The first couple tweets read: "PRINCE'S 1ST TWEET... TESTING 1, 2..." and, quite simply, "PRINCE'S 2ND TWEET." Then the Purple One mixed things up with a picture of a peppery salad, a lack of clarity on the meaning of selfie, some new live videos, and a hat-tip to Janelle Monaé's new album, on which he's set to appear.