What happens when you mix important women with clever wordplay?

The best Tumblr ever.

LadyPuns is the brainchild of illustrator Dav Yendler, who thinks up "herstorical heroineterpretations" and draws them. He told the Huffington Post in an email:

Like all things, LadyPuns started as a joke in a bar. Some friends and I were making up a superhero team made up of awesome women; the original team was made up of Amelia Bearheart, Charlotte Brontosaurus, Anne Frankenstein, and Jane Eyre Guitar. The next step was to draw them, and now we have LadyPuns!

Tien Tran of Ladiez Home Journal contributes some of the copy -- such as the MC'Dith Wharton rap, which is truly a work of genius.

Click through the slideshow below to see some of our favorites, and head on over to LadyPuns for the whole collection.

LOOK: LadyPuns

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[h/t The Jane Dough]