Warhammer 40K turn-based collectible card game coming in 2014


Warhammer 40,000 fans who’ve always wanted to stomp Orks on the go are in luck today. Games Workshop has partnered up with Russian developer HeroCraft to bring a new turn-based collectible card game to iOS, Android, and PC based on the dystopian sci-fi/fantasy setting.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is free-to-play and is expected to launch sometime in 2014.

Unlike other digital collectible card games, Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf will use interactive 3D environments, enabling you to play your cards and watch the action unfold in real time onscreen. You can build your own deck or jump into the fray quickly using a template. Victorious commanders will receive new powerful weapons, bonuses, and tactics cards.

“We are all very excited to work with Games Workshop on this project, particularly our development team, who are not only games industry veterans but also Warhammer 40,000 fans who know the series well. As a gamer myself, I’m also excited about the mix of tactical turn based play using my own deck of cards to lead my Space Wolves to victory. I can’t wait to play it!” says HeroCraft sales and marketing director Alexey Sazonov.

HeroCraft is also promising an epic campaign with branching storylines involving the robotic Necrons and the Word Bearers, fanatical servants of the chaos gods.



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