Microsoft on Windows Phone: We grew 78% last quarter

Tomorrow Apple is going to unveil new iPhones, new sales numbers, and a new mobile operating system. Tonight, however, Microsoft put up its hand and said “Don’t forget about us!”
And the company has good reason to.

iTomorrow, here we come: What to expect from Apple

Tomorrow is Apple’s biggest opportunity since June to address the world. But it’s much bigger than that, really … it’s Apple’s biggest opportunity since October of last year to impress the pundits, analysts, press — and most importantly buyers — with its vision for the future.
That vision — and the man who crafts it — has been very much in question lately.

Analysts: iOS growth lags, and iPad is losing market share

Apple’s already lost its majority stake in the smartphone market, and at this rate, its grip on the tablet market won’t last long, either.

World mobile device map: Apple = rich, Nokia = poor, Samsung = global leader

Samsung has extended its global lead over Apple in the world’s use of mobile devices to access the internet, according to the latest numbers from web analytics provider StatCounter.
Which may not last long, of course, given Apple’s coming iPhone launches.

Activision releases Call of Duty: Strike Team for iOS

Call of Duty: Strike Team combines tactical and first-person gameplay on mobile devices.

Ultima Forever’s missing women warriors are a sign of Mythic’s future improvements

Ultima Forever for iOS is a game of choice — so why can’t you play as a female? Mythic explains.

iPhone up, Windows Phone up, Android down in latest mobile marketshare numbers

First-time buyers are turning away from Android as Apple’s three-year-old iPhone 4 was the top model for feature-phone switchers in the last three months, according to the latest numbers from Kantar Worldpanel.
Proving once again that the U.S. smartphone market is a very, very different animal.

Microsoft buying Nokia is like Google buying Samsung (but it still loves the other girls)

Microsoft may have married the Finnish girl of its dreams, but the Redmond software giant still plans to play the field.

Android app revenues to double this year to $6.8B for smartphones alone

Android app revenues will hit $6.8 billion this year for smartphones alone, ABI Research said today. That’s almost double the total from last year.
It’s still only about 60 percent of Android rival iOS.

6 of the top 10 Google Play apps are messaging apps, Pandora leads iOS for the fourth month

Google continues to hold the top spots on the iOS app store, with Google Maps and YouTube taking the first and second most-downloaded spots. And Google Earth jumped from being the 31st to the 9th most downloaded app on iOS in July.

700K of the 1.2M apps available for iPhone, Android, and Windows are zombies

Mobile testing service StarDust released a new study today which compares total apps, publishers, rate of new apps being added, monetization details, and more about the three main global app stores: iOS, Windows Phone, and Google Play.

Google Play Games boss to devs: Android is a ‘party we want everyone to experience’

Google Play Games product manager Greg Hartrell explains the philosophy of Android’s gaming service.

Malware to iOS: I am in you

A group of researchers successfully slid malware past Apple’s safeguards and into the iOS App Store — a scary exposure for the operating system often touted as one of the safest in the industry.

Smartphones finally beat feature phone sales globally, says Gartner

It’s been about two years since Nielsen noted that smartphone sales overtook feature phone sales in the U.S. — now, it seems we’ve hit that milestone on the global level.

iPad, Tab, Nexus, Surface, and Kindle Fire: What tablet users think (infographic)

The iPad may have lost the tablet wars to an army of Android tabs, but it’s still first in people’s hearts. Second place, however, belongs to a somewhat unlikely candidate.

Grovo brings its bite-sized web training videos to the iPhone and iPad

If you’ve got a few free minutes, you can finally start learning how to use Basecamp, Asana, or plenty of other online services from just about anywhere thanks to Grovo’s new iOS app.

Twitter updates: more security, better search, and in-app lists management

Twitter hacking may be the new phone phreaking, but with a parcel of new updates, Twitter’s making it easier to keep control of your account — and ensure no unauthorized people tweet in your name.

Android reaches massive 80% market share, Windows Phone hits global high, iPhone languishes

This really is Mac versus PC all over again, as iOS hit its lowest levels since 2010.

Android vs. iOS: The green robot wins on app downloads (but not revenue)

According to the App Annie Market Index, Q2 2013 metrics show that Android beats iOS by 10 percent in number of applications downloaded.

iPhone gains, Android cools, and Apple wishes that the U.S. was the world

Last month Kantar Worldpanel numbers showed iPhone and Windows Phone were growing faster than Android in the U.S. market. In new results released today, iOS and Windows Phone are up again, while Android market share has decreased.

Apple’s iPad market share chopped in half as Android takes over

Dropping not just share but units in a rising market is a rare talent, usually reserved for failing companies. If the rising tide doesn’t raise your boat, perhaps you’ve got a hole in the hull.

55% of Sword & Sworcery’s revenue came from iOS, less than 10% from Android

The adventure title sold 1.5 million units. More than a third on iOS.

Chromecast first look: Less elegant than the press photos, but whaddya want for $35?

We got our hands on Google’s new $35 media adapter that plugs into a TV and lets you stream video from your phone or laptop. Here’s a photo gallery with our notes.

Apple in China: $27B sales in the last 12 months, 500K iOS developers

“Let’s put it in perspective,” Cook told analysts and investors. “Our revenues there were $4.9 billion for the quarter … which is 14 percent of the company. A few years ago that was hundreds of millions — we’ve grown our business significantly.”

Apps want to be free, and we love ads (report)

In 2011, 80 percent of apps were free. Today, 90 percent of apps are free, with monetization provided via good old we-gather-an-audience-and-sell-its-attention strategy that has worked since the dawn of modern media.

6,000 mobile developers: Android most popular, iOS most profitable, Windows Phone most ‘next’

The biggest mobile developer study in history with 6,000 respondents from 115 countries says that while iOS developers make an average of $5,200 per month in app revenue and Android developers pull in $4,700, more developers plan to start developing for Windows Phone than any other platform. Besides Windows 8, that is.

Transit launches real-time transit schedules in Mexico City, Paris, and perhaps soon Manila

Mexico City’s mayor was so impressed, I heard, that he said something unprintable.