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Gorga the Hutt

Hutt Businessman



One of the ruling members of the Hutt Council, Gorga the Hutt kept his sharp eye and pudgy fingers on the flow of credits into Hutt coffers. Knowing full well the scheming nature that the Hutts take deep pride in, Gorga ably accounted for skimming and outright theft while ensuring the criminal enterprise remained healthy enough to thrive. He would regularly meet with his fellow Hutt councilors in the halls of the Grand Hutt Council on Nal Hutta, where his voice was given equal measure, though it was not as weighty as that of the mighty Jabba.


  1. The Clone Wars
Nal Hutta
2.11 meters tall; 3.6 meters long
Criminal underworld; Shadow Collective


Jabba the Hutt

Jabba the Hutt

Gorga worked closely with Jabba the Hutt, the most influential of the Grand Hutt Council. When the Shadow Collective attempted to takeover Hutt operations, Gorga stayed close to Jabba for sanctuary.

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Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta

The Hutt Council convened on Nal Hutta, a wretched, steamy bog of a world.

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Ziro the Hutt

Ziro the Hutt

Gorga sat on the council as it deliberated on the fate of the traitorous Ziro the Hutt. The council was stymied by Ziro's bid to blackmail his fellow Hutts by making public sensitive transactions.

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Darth Maul

Darth Maul

When Darth Maul was forming a Shadow Collective of criminal organizations, he attempted to coerce the Hutts to join his cause. They declined, prompting Maul to strike violently.

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Jabba the Hutt's palace

Jabba's palace

After the attack on the Hutt Council by the Death Watch, Gorga stayed at Jabba the Hutt's palace. The Death Watch continued their assault, attacking on Tatooine until finally Jabba and Gorga capitulated and joined the Shadow Collective.

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