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Bob Comis
Bob Comis grew up in a shopping mall in a suburb of Syracuse, New York, playing video games and eating fast food. In his late twenties, he woke up to the unfortunate reality of the industrial food system, especially factory farms. After losing fifteen pounds in his short three-month stint as a very unsuccessful vegan, Bob realized that he could move to the country with his horse-loving wife and start raising his own animals for slaughter, making sure that they were raised and killed humanely and ecologically. After discovering that he loved farming, Bob worked for five years to expand the farm to the point where he was able to become a full time farmer. Bob has been raising animals for slaughter now for nearly a decade.

Also an avid writer, Bob has been chronicling his day to day farm life and his ideas about farming in an effort to share the farming life and generate discussion about the ethics of livestock farming and what a local-regional farm and food system might look like.

He blogs regularly at: stonybrookfarm.wordpress.com

Entries by Bob Comis

Farming Taught Me That the Ordinary Life Is Worth Living

(74) Comments | Posted August 29, 2013 | 4:47 PM

For most of my life, all of my life, in fact, I have had an intense desire to be extraordinary -- not just to stand out from the crowd, but to be the crowd's meaning and purpose, and the one that gives it direction.

When I began farming, nearly...

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