Sunlight is Food!




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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas Edison

Airport naked scanners may promote DNA damage and skin cancer. 1, 2, 3.

How did the underwear bomber get on an international flight without a passport? Here is an eyewitness report.

New research shows vitamin D slashes risk of cancers by 77 percent.

Breast cancer is a vitamin D deficiency disease, just as scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency disease. - Carole Baggerly

People living in sunnier countries are less likely to have lung cancer.

Patients on the sunny side of hospital rooms used 22% less pain medication. - Psychosomatic Med 05;67:156-163

Chronic pain is associated with very low vitamin D levels. When vitamin D levels return to normal pain is reduced or gone. - Ann Rheum Dis 05;64(8):1217-1219.

Pure coconut oil is the best natural skin lotion. Apply a small amount and reapply as often as necessary as it soaks into the skin.

Ionizing radiation from sunlight, X rays, and other sources creates free radicals that damage DNA and  cause cancer. Free radicals are neutralized by anti-oxidants such as vitamins C and E, propolis, selenium, iodine/iodide, resveratrol, coenzyme Q10 MAK, Alpha Lipoic Acid, glutathione, etc.

Green tea is protective in all stages of skin cancer formation - initiation, promotion, and progression.  - Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol 01; 14:69-76. ("protective in all stages of skin cancer" means that it is never too late to start drinking it.)

Those who add a twist of citrus peel to their tea experience a 70 percent reduction in skin cancer. They also experience a 70 percent reduction in severe sunburn. - Nutr Cancer 00;32(2):161-8.

I'd recommend using lemon as a first choice, grapefruit second, and lime third. The peel oils of lemons and grapefruit contain the highest percentage of d-limonene, with lime containing a little less. Make sure you squeeze and twist the peel to release the peel oils into the tea. - Dr. David Williams

Dr. Ralph Moss suggests that sunshine and spirulena work well together in fighting cancer.

People who get skin cancer are more susceptible to other cancers as well.

Many people apply sunscreens and bathe in the sun because they think that sunscreens prevent skin cancers by preventing sunburns. Sunscreens can prevent sunburns, but they don't prevent melanomas and other skin cancers. - Journal of the National Cancer Institute January, 1994

Five of the  chemicals used in sunscreens, lipsticks, and cosmetics behave like estrogen and make breast and uterine cancer cells grow more rapidly in test animals. These five chemicals are octyldimethyl - PABA (OD-PABA), benzophenone-3 (BP-3), homo salate (HMS), octyl - methoxy - cinnamate (OMC), and 4-methyl - benzylidene camphor (4-MBC). - Dr. David Williams

Sunscreen with an SPF rating of 8 reduces vitamin D production by 95%. - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkets Prev 04;13:1502-1508

The nutritional supplement "astaxanthin" creates an "internal sunscreen".
- Dr. Mercola

Any amount of vitamin D intake under 800 IU is not enough to prevent vitamin D deficiency. - Eur J Clin Nutr 01;55(12):1091-7

I believe the ideal amount of vitamin D is not in the paltry 200-400 IU per day range, but more like 4,000-6000 IU per day. This level seems to be required for all vitamin D-dependent systems. The good news is, you don't have to take supplements if you can spend several hours outdoors. The sun helps your body produce up to 10,000 IU, especially in the spring, summer, and fall. Supplementation may be warranted in the winter months, though, when the body doesn't produce much vitamin D. - Dr. Robert Jay Rowen's Second Opinion, October 2002

Lack of vitamin D is associated with
- cancer
- heart disease
- osteoporosis
- diabetes
- arthritis
- depression
- obesity
- multiple sclerosis

Lack of vitamin D in pregnant women is associated with schizophrenia in their children.

The incidence of diabetes in children has been skyrocketing over the last couple of decades. Lower vitamin D levels have now been found to be one of the contributing factors. - Lancet 01;358(9292): 1500-3

Decreased vitamin D levels result in less production and secretion of the hormone leptin. Leptin was recently discovered to be one of the primary hormones involved in fat storage and weight loss. Millions of dollars are now being spent on trying to duplicate these effects by artificially increasing levels of leptin in the body or turning it into a weight-loss drug. The simple answer, of course, is to ensure you're producing and/or receiving adequate amounts of vitamin D. - Dr. David Williams

For information on vitamin D, see the website of the Vitamin D Council.

The sun is your friend, but sunburn is not. In my experience, a diet rich in the antioxidants found in fresh vegetables makes the skin more youthful looking and retards facial aging. - Dr. Robert Jay Rowen

Aloe vera is a fine houseplant and helps burns heal when you rub the juice on the burn. The active ingredient in Aloe vera is acemannan, which is composed of glyconutrients.

Or you can soak a cotton swab with 3% hydrogen peroxide and rub it all over the burn. For more information about hydrogen peroxide, see our oxygen page.

Essential oils may also be helpful.

For national defense reasons, since the 1950's it has been official policy of the US government to keep the public confused regarding the danger of radiation. - Moss, page 69.

Jet pilots and crew members have increased cancer risk due to ionizing radiation from the sun. - The Lancet, December 23, 2000; 356

Microwaves leaking from your microwave oven can cause skin cancer. In time, all microwave ovens begin to leak microwaves. 

Ozone is used to treat severe burns because there is no physical contact. Pain is greatly reduced and healing is rapid. - McCabe, page 94.

Why you should never sleep with a night light...Light alters production of the hormone melatonin... inadequate melatonin levels are linked to greater risk of breast cancer and other diseases, as well as myopia - nearsightedness. - Dr. David Williams.

Northerners have higher rates of heart disease than southerners because they don't experience the same levels of sunlight... Sunlight also helps prevent osteoporosis, diabetes, colon and breast cancer, and multiple sclerosis. - Dr. David Williams. (Sunlight on the skin results in vitamin D production, which is used by the body for calcium absorption).

See our Frequently Asked Questions page for some comments regarding radiation burns.

Fight depression with:
- sleep
- sunlight
- full-spectrum lighting
- vitamin D
- Earthing
- B vitamins
- vitamin B12
- inositol (lecithin)
- DMG (Dimethylglycine)
- SAMe (
- magnesium
- omega-3 oil
- organic, cold-processed whey powder
- sprouts (source of tryptophan)
- moderate exercise
- deep breathing
- Transcendental Meditation
- Withania (Ashwagandha)
- Ultra H-3 / Vitacel 7
- hyperthermia
- aromatherapy with lemon or orange oil
- St. John's wort
- rhodiola rosea tea

- kava kava
- remove mold from your home
- potassium bicarbonate

- cesium carbonate.

A healthy diet changes your gut flora. Healthy bacteria in your gut produce serotonin and greatly influence your mood.

The body makes serotonin from tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid (protein) that is destroyed by heat. This is one reason why it is important to eat raw protein in the form of sprouts.

Human breast milk contains very little vitamin D. Due to the trend to protect babies from sunlight, the incidence of rickets is rising. Rickets is weak and soft bones caused by lack of mineralization resulting from a deficiency of vitamin D.

"Sunshine & Rest" by Barbara O'Neill




"Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun."
- Noel Coward

Heliotherapy - "Sunlight as therapy for disease."

This page attempts to reconcile two opposite views of sunlight - sunlight causes cancer vs. sunlight prevents cancer. Exposure of the skin to sunlight is necessary for good health and for thousands of years "solariums" have been an integral part of health spas. However, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. Ionizing radiation creates free radicals that damage cells and are associated with cancer. Diet (antioxidants) and lifestyle factors can remove free radicals and accelerate the repair of any damage they have caused. The ultraviolet rays that cause sunburn also produce vitamin D that is necessary for calcium absorption and cancer prevention. Dr. Johanna Budwig suggests that through dietary changes everyone, including cancer patients, can increase their tolerance for sunlight thereby becoming able to enjoy more of the health benefits that sunlight can provide.

Recent research indicates that vitamin D is extremely important to cancer treatment. Cancer patients who have their cancer surgery in the summer and who consume ample dietary vitamin D are twice as likely to be alive five years later compared to cancer patients who have their surgery in the winter and who consume little dietary vitamin D.

The impact of sunlight on the skin will become more controversial as the years go by. This is partly due to continued pollution-caused destruction of the earth's ozone layer that blocks UV radiation. However, there is another phenomenon you will be interested to learn about. The earth's magnetic field has been weakening for the past 300+ years. Some scientists believe this may be the prelude to a flipping of the earth's magnetic poles. This phenomenon happens on average about every 250,000 years. The earth's magnetic field protects all life on earth from solar and cosmic radiation. It has been estimated that the increased radiation reaching the earth's surface during the centuries required to complete the pole flip will cause an additional 100,000 cases of cancer annually (assuming that people fail to learn about antioxidants. The best antioxidant may be Earthing.) Let's hope there are no extreme solar flares during this time when the earth's magnetic shield is down, or the consequences for power grids, electronic devices, and living things could be significant.

"That the sun, as the element of life, also affects the dynamics of the vital functions is apparently self-evident. Everyone seems to agree. But then why are there so many people who say: I can't tolerate the sun? The answer is on its way. Firstly, a few words on the topic of: The dynamics of the vital functions and their base in the sun's energy: When I have treated patients and they then lie in the sun, these sick people notice that they begin to feel very much better; rejuvenated. In contrast to this you often hear about people on sunny beaches having heart failure. It is not unusual for heart infarction to occur. Both conditions are observable. For some people nowadays, the sun's energy is an overly strenuous matter, while for others the dynamics of the sun's energy have an invigorating effect on all the vital functions. The stimulating effect of the sun on the secretions of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, bladder and salivary glands is easily felt. These organs only dry out under the sun's rays when the substances which stimulate secretion in the body are lacking. With all these observations it is of decided importance, whether the surface-active electron-rich highly unsaturated fats are present as a resonance system for the sun's energy, or whether they are not. Doctors tell cancer patients that they should avoid the sun; that they can't tolerate it. That is correct. The moment, however, that these patients – cancer patients as well – have been following my oil-protein nutritional advice for two or three days, which means that they have been getting sufficient amounts of the essential fats, they can then tolerate the sun very well. Indeed they emphasize how fine they suddenly feel in the sun – how much their vitality and vigor is stirred and stimulated." - Budwig, Dr. Johanna, Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases, Apple Publishing Company Ltd., Vancouver, 1994, pages 53-54.

As explained on our Cancer Self Treatment page, Dr. Johanna Budwig treats cancer patients with a mixture of 3-6 Tbsps. flaxseed oil and 4 oz. (1/2 cup) low-fat cottage cheese daily. The mixture is most effective if the flaxseed oil and low-fat cottage cheese are thoroughly mixed or blended. 

For practical assistance see The Oil Protein Cookbook: Use of Oils in Cooking by Dr. Johanna Budwig, Apple Publishing Co, 1996.

Five targeted nutrients can improve the quality and appearance of your skin while delaying the aging process for your entire body. These five nutrients are coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin C. - Dr. Stephen Sinatra

(Vitamin C is needed for the synthesis of carnitine, which is required for long-chain fatty acids to enter mitochondria where they are used for energy production. Click here for more information on vitamin C and cancer. If you take coenzyme Q10 supplements, look for ubiquinone and ubiquinol because the body needs both forms when making ATP.)


From Dr. David Williams Alternatives newsletter, March 2002:

New research from Monash University, in Victoria, Australia, has shown that what you eat can directly influence the health of your skin. Skin damage in individuals living in Melbourne, Australia was compared to that of individuals living in rural Greece and in Sweden. It was discovered that the type of foods they consumed influenced the amount of wrinkling and damage to sun-exposed skin in older individuals from different ethnic backgrounds.

Far less skin damage and wrinkling was found in those individuals who had a higher intake of the following foods: vegetables, olive oil, fish, legumes, eggs, yoghurt, nuts, olives, cherries, melons, dried fruits/prunes, apples/pears, multigrain bread, jam, tea, and water.

Foods that were associated with more wrinkling and skin damage included: full-fat milk, red meat, potatoes, margarine, butter, soft drinks/cordials, cakes, pastries, and sugar products. - (J Am Coll Nutr 01:20(1):71-80)


From Dr. David Williams Alternatives newsletter, April 2002:

Sunlight exposure is a necessary requirement for vitamin D production in the body, and is also necessary for proper mood health. However, with the fear of skin cancer and wrinkling, tanning or even getting sun exposure has become taboo. The result is that depression is becoming more and more commonplace.

The problem is that, even under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for many people to get enough sun exposure to avoid depression in most of the Northern and Northeastern U.S. cities. Only during a few summer months are there enough UV-B rays reaching those areas to allow for proper vitamin D production. (The three main forms of UV, or ultraviolet, radiation from the sun are UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. UV-B rays are the ones we need to produce vitamin D naturally, but they are also the ones that can produce sunburn and tanning.)

Even when UV-B rays are adequate, most people now either slather on the sunscreen or avoid the sun altogether. Any sunscreen with a protective factor of 8 or more will block almost all of the UV-B rays from reaching the skin.

The ironic thing about all of this is that the incidence of skin cancer has more to do with consuming wrong fats (too many omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3s - see Vol.8, No. 8) than it does with exposure to the sun. Until the general public understands this fact, skin cancer problems will continue to increase -  which will in turn cause even more fear of sunlight exposure and more depression. This whole situation has gotten way out of control. Because of the fats we're now eating and our fear of sunlight, it's becoming necessary to supplement our diets with vitamin D. But in the natural scheme of things, our bodies can manufacture enough vitamin D when given regular exposure to sunlight.

Dr. Shelton offers the following insights:

  • The great sanitarium of Hippocrates, on the Island of Cos, was equipped with a large solarium for the use of the sun.

  • Ultraviolet rays of the sun are capable of ionizing sodium, calcium, and perhaps hydrogen, magnesium, silicon and iron.

  • Sunshine feeds the muscles. Today every athlete employs sunshine as a regular part of his or her training. Muscles subjected to proper sun exposure grow larger, firmer, and have their contractile powers enhanced.

  • In the absence of sunlight, even with the best food, animals are not healthy.

  • Cancer is less prevalent in the sunny regions of the earth.

  • The germicidal power of sunlight is well known. It is the greatest of all disinfectants and antiseptics.

  • Sunshine aids in preserving the normal alkalinity of the blood and should prove an effective aid in restoring normal alkalinity.

  • Sunshine is essential to the production of good milk. 

  • Sunlight aids in skeletal development of babies before birth and aids in the production of milk after birth.

  • Oxygen consumption of living cells is vastly greater in light than in darkness.

  • Light increases chlorophyll in plants and hemoglobin in animals.

  • If a child receives an abundance of sunlight it will thrive on almost any kind of diet, whereas, if you deprive it of sunlight, it will not thrive well on the best of diets.

  • Sunshine aids in building good teeth. Breathing becomes deeper and slower, sleep sounder, blood pressure is diminished. There is not a tissue or function in the body that is not favorably affected, either directly or indirectly by sunshine.

  • Ordinary glass does not permit the ultra-violet rays to pass through. Basking in the warmth and light of the sun that passes through the window pane is of small value in the prevention of "disease" or the restoration of health. The unfiltered rays of the sun alone are capable of assisting the work of metabolism.

  • Corpulent, anemic individuals have their weight decreased by sun-bathing, due to acceleration of the oxidation of fat.

  • Prolonged exposure of the unprotected skin to the sun's rays results in severe and painful burning, prostration and even death.

  • Tanning is due to a deposit of pigment (melanin granules) around the nuclei of the epidermal and basal cells, following exposure to the rays of the sun.

  • Pigment is the most important protecting mechanism by which the body prevents getting an overdose of sunshine.

  • As more pigment develops in the skin, more sunshine can be enjoyed without harm.

  • The brown melanin pigment absorbs the visible and ultra-violet radiations, and also serves to protect against heat.

  • In general, pigmented skin is more resistant to infections and other problems.

  • A good coat of tan increases resistance to both heat and cold.

  • Pigmented nipples are less likely to become sore during nursing.

  • Sunshine is the finest cosmetic. Skin, well-pigmented in response to sunbathing, tends to become firm and strong, but at the same time delicate and soft, almost silk-like in texture.

  • Tanning is part of an overall program to create health, but is not a substitute for right living in other departments of life.

  • Good pigmentation depends on regular sunbathing.

  • If lotions and oils provided the "protection" that they are claimed to provide, they would also prevent tanning and would at the same time deprive the bather of the benefits of sunbathing.

  • In a broad general sense all of these lotions are frauds, none of them are ever necessary, and many of them are actually harmful.

  • A uniform tan is achieved by exposing the body uniformly to the sun.

  • Too much exposure to the sun occasions an excessive thickening of the corneum and, at the same time, makes the skin dry and causes it to scale. A harsh, dry, coarse skin is the result. Certainly this is not desirable and it is the worst kind of folly to stay in the sun long enough that this takes place. The intelligent person will avoid undue exposure and thus avoid the undesirable consequences.

  • A silken, smooth skin is the result of proper sunbathing. The ancient rule of moderation should guide us here. Even animals, birds and insects avoid over exposure.

  • Sunburn is a real burn and injures the skin just as much as fire or scalding water.

  • Sunburn does not show up immediately. One burns without realizing it until hours later. The only safety lies in not overdoing the sunbathing until a protective coat of tan has been built up.

  • To avoid burning it is only necessary to avoid excessive exposure of the body or any part of it to the sun until a good protective coat of tan has been acquired.

  • A thin haze over the sun does not exclude its ultra-violet rays and will not prevent burning. A cool breeze will not prevent burning. It is not the sun's heat rays that produce sunburn. Do not be misled by the fact that it is cloudy or partially cloudy.

  • Plants and animals grown under artificial light are not equal to plants and animals irradiated by the sun. The lamp cannot produce all the effects of sunlight.

  • The complete solar spectrum, with all its colors and shades so blended and proportioned as to produce white light, is needed for ideal growth and development.

  • In medical circles sunbathing is blamed for skin cancer. The evidence for this is very weak. Repeated burning and habitual over-exposure may help to develop cancer, but what has this to do with intelligent sunbathing?

  • There are those who tan readily and those who tan slowly and with difficulty. There are a few who do not tan at all. The amount of precaution required depends on the type of skin possessed.

  • Start with six to ten minutes. Expose the front for three to five minutes and then the back for three to five minutes.

  • Increase the time of exposure by one minute for each side each day until 30 minutes per side is reached.

  • Those who do not want a dark tan on their faces, necks and arms may cover these when taking sunbaths.

  • Closing the eyes is all the protection they need.

  • Constant movement in the sun is best. Rest in the shade.

  • Animals seek the sunlight but avoid its heat. They prefer to be in the sun during the cool portions of the day and seek the shade when it grows hot. The late afternoon is also a good time for sunbathing.

  • If sunbathing indoors, the sun should come in through an open window or door.

  • One cannot take a sunbath without also taking an air bath, but the air bath can also be done in darkness. It consists simply in exposing the nude body to the air.

  • An air bath of twenty minutes duration reduces the hydrogen-ion content of the blood to normal.

  • Air baths will harden one and make one more resistant to weather changes. It is a good thing to train oneself to resist an exaggerated dread of cold. Thousands of people enjoy their daily air bath, even in the most inclement weather.

The above points come from:
Shelton, Robert M., The Hygienic System, Vol. III, Fasting and Sunbathing, San Antonio, Texas, 1963. Dr. Shelton wrote many books and some you can read on the Internet for free.

Many nutrients promote the healing of burns, suggesting that a diet rich in these nutrients may be helpful in PREVENTING burns. This would create exactly the situation that Dr. Budwig suggests - a greater tolerance for sunlight. 

Nutrient Effect on healing and preventing burns.
anti-oxidants Ionizing radiation creates free radicals. Anti-oxidants such as MAK, resveratrol, selenium, germanium, coenzyme Q10, vitamins C and E help protect the body from free radical damage.
essential fatty acids Accelerate healing.
calcium Needed for protein structuring.
magnesium Magnesium is lost from burns
potassium Potassium is lost from burns.
vitamin A Needed for tissue repair.
vitamin B complex B vitamins help the body deal with stress. Vitamin B3 promotes blood circulation to accelerate healing. 
vitamin C Promotes healing, protects the body from infections, helps remove toxic chemicals from the body. Vitamin C can be mixed into a lotion and applied directly to the skin .
vitamin D Needed for calcium absorption.
vitamin E Promotes healing and prevents scarring.
enzymes Prevent scarring.
co-enzyme Q10 Improves circulation. Use both forms of Q10 called "ubiquinone" and "ubiquinol".
protein Needed for tissue building.
zinc Promotes quicker healing.
selenium Promotes tissue elasticity, is an antioxidant.

Many of these nutrients we have discussed previously in our 8 step program to prevent and remove cancer. Compare the above table with the following table which discusses the impact of each or our 8 steps and their impact on prevention and healing of burns 

  8 Step Cancer Program

Impact on Burns

1. More oxygen Burns are devoid of oxygen. Bandages can be soaked with 3% hydrogen peroxide and applied directly to the skin. Alternatively, you can add a cup or pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a bath tub of water.
2. More alkalinity Alkaline minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) help prevent and heal burns.
3. Less free radicals Burns create free radicals. Antioxidants such as MAK and various nutrients help to neutralize free radicals. 
4. More exercise Improved circulation of the lymph resulting in nourishment and purification of the body tissues. 
5. Hyperthermia Promotes circulation, helps to remove toxic chemicals from the body, thereby reducing free radicals. Hyperthermia is an effective treatment for skin cancer, because the skin is so easily heated (cancer cells are destroyed by heat) and toxins can so readily escape through the skin. 
6. More enzymes Enzymes facilitate all metabolic activities, including healing of burns.
7. Nutrient-dense diet, B17, F, C, D & glyconutrients Many nutrients are needed for the healing of tissues. Vitamin F promotes increased oxygen to all parts of the body, and according to Dr. Johanna Budwig, is essential for the body to tolerate sunlight, saying it provides "a resonance system for the sun's energy". Vitamin C significantly reduces radiation damage to skin. Glyconutrients are the active ingredients in aloe vera, which has been found to be very helpful to repair sun damaged skin.
8. Transcendental Meditation Release of stress resulting in calmness of mind, body and emotions. Having a technique to calm the mind and emotions is very useful in stressful medical situations. Many problems are very easy to prevent compared to fix, and the increased clarity of mind that comes with regular meditation can help prevent the "danger that has not yet come".

Our conclusion is that people following the 8 step program to prevent cancer as part of their healthy lifestyle should have significantly greater tolerance for sunlight, and may heal from sunburn more quickly. Moderate exposure to the sun will help increase the alkalinity of the body and improve one's resistance to cancer.

Skin Cancer is Big Business

In the USA, Medicare reimbursement for the removal of keratoses and other benign or precancerous lesions amounted to roughly $211,000,000 in 1995.

Skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) and carcinoma of the uterine cervix are generally so readily curable through surgery and radiation that they are not included in the official cancer statistics. - Moss page 8


SkinAnswer for Skin Cancer

SkinAnswer is a skin cream that can remove precancerous skin lesions (keratoses) and skin cancers according to one doctor.

SkinAnswer is available in the USA. A half ounce bottle costs $45 plus shipping. Because it is not a drug, the people who sell SkinAnswer are not allowed to tell you much about it or how to use it. The instructions are available in a special report called "Another Answer to Skin Cancer" from Dr. David Williams. The report is available for free when you subscribe to his Alternatives newsletter. 

Update 2004. Due to a court case initiated by the FDA, SkinAnswer has been taken off the market. The court case had nothing to do with the therapeutic effectiveness of SkinAnswer.

Update 2012. SkinAnswer is back. It has a new name and packaging, but the ingredients are similar. The name is now SunSpot ES (Extra Strength) Gel from Lane Labs. The glycoalkaloids in SunSpot come from the plant Solanum linnaeanum (formerly called Solanum sodomaeum and also known as "sand brier" or "devil's apple") that has long been used as a skin treatment by Australian aborigines.



Cansema salve for skin cancer has been removed from the market. In 2003 the FDA together with U.S. marshals and local law enforcement raided Alpha Omega Labs, destroyed $400,000 of product and jailed the founder of the company. Search the Internet for the recipe to make your own black salve 1, 2. There are many Cansema black salve videos on YouTube.


Curaderm - BEC5

An extract from the Australian "devil's apple" plant dissolves skin cancer cells without affecting normal cells. A skin cream made from this extract not only helps remove cancer, but also removes moles, blemishes, age spots, wrinkles and makes you look younger. - Health Sciences Institute 

The name of the skin cream containing Devil's Apple is "Curaderm" or "BEC5" and is now available on the Internet.


Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #1

Rub some apple cider vinegar on your skin, or put apple cider vinegar in a small spray bottle and spray it on the problem areas of your skin.  

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #2

Dr. Gordon Telford has developed a skin cream to decrease the incidence of actinic keratoses (precursers to squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas). Here is how you can make your own: Put two ounces of skin cream in a sterile container and mix in 14 grams (one rounded tablespoon) of vitamin C powder, 4,000 IU of vitamin E, 60,000 IU of vitamin A, and 1.5 grams of zinc sulphate. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.  Be sure to use vitamin A, not beta carotene.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #3

If you have already developed squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas, make the contents of one artemisinin capsule into a paste by adding a drop or two of DMSO. Apply the paste to the skin cancer twice daily. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #4

Make Skin Cancer cream #3 using 1/2 capsule of curcumin and 1/2 capsule of artemisinin. Use the other half of each capsule in your next batch of skin cream. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #5

In August 1995, Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D., relayed his own experience with DMSO, when a basal cell carcinoma (about the size of a dime) appeared on his ear. A dermatologist recommended surgical removal of the cancerous portion and a skin graft replacement. Instead, Dr. Whitaker made a paste from shark cartilage, vitamin C, and DMSO and applied the mixture to the lesion daily. Within 3.5 weeks, the basal cell had completely disappeared. Stanley Jacob, M.D., professor at the Oregon Health Sciences University (Portland) suspected DMSO was the hero, although Dr. Whitaker has confidence in the full formula (Whitaker 1995). - from Life Extension Foundation

Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #6

“Every tumour of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) per day. When the crust is formed, don’t take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait till it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed.” - Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #7

Magnesium chloride, when applied directly to the skin, is transdermally absorbed and has an almost immediate effect on local tissues and the same can be said about iodine when applied topically. The two together are safe and may be effective for skin and breast cancers according to Cancer Cure Protocol.

Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #8

Here is a short video showing how a person cured skin cancer on his nose using "medicinal hemp oil" made from the buds of the marijuana plant. In our opinion, marijuana is a medicinal herb that should be legalized. Now in 2012 we finally have a skin cream made from hemp oil that offers the benefits of medical marijuana without the "high" and has been approved by the FDA, DEA and FTC. See here for more information. (There are also YouTube videos showing flax oil helping skin problems.)

 Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #9

Dissolve powdered cesium carbonate in water and spray on the skin. Then massage in. This can be tried for skin cancer and any tumor that has broken through the skin or is not far below the surface. A little DMSO may help the cesium carbonate penetrate the skin. You might substitute potassium bicarbonate for cesium carbonate, or use a little of each.


For rough patches on the skin and other skin irregularities, the first thing we try is scrubbing with a cotton pad soaked with 3% hydrogen peroxide. We find that doing this each day for several days clears up most problem areas. Both the cotton pads and 3% hydrogen peroxide are available in drug stores. The cotton pads are in the cosmetics section as they are used to remove makeup.

If the peroxide does not work, the next thing we try is tincture of iodine, or a 50:50 mix of iodine and DMSO. You can read more about this here. Tea tree oil is also often helpful.
- Editor, Alkalize For Health



"In 1995, Gar Hildenbrand, an advisor to the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) in its attempt to assess the status of unconventional cancer therapies in the United States, coauthored a thorough retrospective analysis of five-year survival rates of melanoma patients treated with the Gerson Therapy, The results were extremely impressive. Some 82 percent of Gerson patents with Stage IIIA melanoma were alive five years after commencing treatment, compared to 39 percent with conventional treatment. For Stage IVA melanoma, the results were even more exceptional: 39 percent were alive at five years, compared to 6 percent." - Robbins page 281.


Testimonial regarding metastatic malignant melanoma treated by Dr. Burzynski. Watch Bursynski movie free on Internet.


There has been no increase in advanced cases of melanoma or melanoma deaths during the last 20 years. The apparent increase in melanoma incidence is due to a 250% increase in skin biopsies since 1986, combined with confusion and disagreement among pathologists regarding identifying melanoma. - BMJ 05;331(7518):698. (If you are diagnosed with melanoma, get a second opinion).


Greater lifetime sun exposure lowers risk of developing melanoma. - J Invest Dermatol 03;120(6):1087-1093. (Vitamin D inhibits cancer cell proliferation)


Researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston have found that curcumin (found in turmeric and curry powder) stops laboratory strains of melanoma from proliferating. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.


Topical application of echinacea and tea tree oil may be an effective treatment for melanoma.


Redheads and melanoma.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy

"Is it possible that a man with metastatic melanoma, one of the worst cancers you can develop, can be brought virtually to remission without any apparent toxicity? Believe it or not, this is just one of several cases of "terminal" cancer that was dramatically reversed and presented at the Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) training workshop sponsored by the International Oxidative Medicine Association in April.

Chicago's Dr. Ross Hauser presented other equally dramatic cases of several other cancers. IPT is a treatment utilizing exceptionally small amounts of chemotherapy for cancer. The toxic effects of the drugs are magnified many fold on the cancer cells by the hormone insulin, while the low dosage spares normal cells, The horrific side effects simply do not occur. Most IPT physicians are experiencing satisfying results. Simply extending life comfortably and with little, if any, toxicity beats the best of what conventional treatment has to offer.

Dr. has a new book out called Treating Cancer with Insulin Potentiation Therapy...IPT physicians can be found at ."  - Dr. Robert Jay Rowen's Second Opinion, June 2002.


"Cancer cells need glucose to burn for energy. They are almost totally dependent upon glucose as their energy source, while other cells can also burn fats. With few exceptions, all cells require insulin to allow glucose to enter. Since cancer cells are totally dependent on glucose as their only energy source, they have many more insulin receptors on their membranes (this is how the cancer cell consumes the glucose). In fact, they may have anywhere from six to 15 times the number of insulin receptors as normal cells, giving them a real competitive advantage in swallowing up fuel.

But insulin has other effects as well. In addition to insulin opening up the path for glucose to enter, it also makes the cell membrane more permeable to other substances, including chemotherapy drugs. Thus, because insulin receptors are so concentrated on cancer cells, increasing the insulin in the cancer patient's body opens the cancer up. When this happens, the cancer can be selectively targeted by the cancer drugs without affecting the normal cells. More drugs will enter the cancer cells in the presence of insulin. In fact, a study in the early 1980's showed that the chemotherapy drug methotrexate had its ability to kill breast cancer cells magnified 10,000 times when the cells were prepared with insulin!

...This means a far smaller quantity of chemotherapy drugs are needed to achieve effectiveness. Hence - little, if any, toxicity!" - Dr. Robert Jay Rowen's Second Opinion, September 2001. 

"All men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough and lack of vitamin D may be the most likely cause." - Cancer Causes & Control 9: 6 (DEC 1998):567-582

"Low cancer areas were far more frequent in the sun belt. What was the significance of sunlight with regard to cancer rates? Sunlight reacts with cholesterol inside and on the surface of the skin to create vitamin-D. Vitamin-D helps the body absorb calcium and plays a major role in the body’s ability to use the calcium that is available," The Calcium Connection, Dr. Cedric Garland and Dr. Frank Garland, 1989, Forside, Simon and Shuster Inc.

Vitamin D deficiency is common in winter, particularly in northern climates.

Vitamin D Council recommended amounts

Based on the body's indicated daily vitamin D usage, Vitamin D Council recommends the following amounts of supplemental vitamin D3 per day in the absence of proper sun exposure. Due to the variable response discussed above, these are only estimated amounts.

  • Healthy children under the age of 1 years – 1,000 IU.
  • Healthy children over the age of 1 years – 1,000 IU per every 25 lbs of body weight.
  • Healthy adults and adolescents – at least 5,000 IU.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers - at least 6,000 IU.

Additionally, children and adults with chronic health conditions such as autism, MS, cancer, heart disease, or obesity may need as much as double these amounts.

Sunshine is good for you. Get some sunshine on your face and body even for five to ten minutes every day. The sunlight has beneficial results not only on the skin, but through the eyes, the layers of brain tissues that secrete "hormones of happiness". - Dr. Keki Sidhwa

"Dr. Ott also demonstrated the deleterious effects of various colors of light on health. His work with microscopic time-lapse photography revealed that heart cells of chicks, when subjected to red light, weakened and ultimately ruptured. "This again raises the question," he said, "of whether there may be any connection between coronary disorders and the high red content within the spectrum of ordinary incandescent light bulbs." The implications here of the possible effect of ordinary incandescent light on the cardiovascular system are enormous, but no one, as far as we know, has followed up Ott's work in this field...Skin cancer is more common among office workers than it is among those who work in the sunlight...Ultraviolet deprivation may have caused the dramatic increase in cancer...There may very well be a relationship between abnormal fluorescent light, i.e., light that is not full-spectrum, and the onset of leukemia...Dr. Ott relates his experience with six women who were able to conceive after he advised them to throw away their tinted glasses. Estrogen, one of the female hormones essential for conception, has a sharp peak in absorption of ultraviolet light at 290 nanometers, This frequency of light is usually filtered out by sunglasses...The same principle may well hold true for the male hormone..." - quoted from Douglass, M.D., William Campbell, Into the Light, Soundview Books, 1996, pages 192-194. This book is available from Second Opinion Publishing Inc., PO Box 467939, Atlanta, Georgia 31146-7939. Phone 800-728-2288 or 770-399-5617.


When "artificial full spectrum" lighting is used, human calcium absorption increases, plants flourish and cows produce 15% more milk. - Reich (page 61).


Just recently, scientists have discovered that the yellow/orange pigment bilirubin, found in bile, could possibly be involved in the transfer of light energy from the sun to our cells.

In previous articles, I've explained how light energy particles called photons are actually absorbed by various essential fatty acids in our skin and bloodstream. This is one of the methods our bodies use to store "energy" from light. It's also one of the reasons I've been so adamant about supplementing your diet with the EFA's contained in foods such as flax seed and fish. As part of those recommendations, I have also stressed the need for proper fat digestion. Even if you supplement your diet with adequate amounts of essential fatty acids, if you can't digest these healthy fats, you're still going to have problems.

One of the key components in fat digestion is bile, which is made in the liver. It is stored and released into the intestine by the gallbladder. Although most physicians place very little importance on the gallbladder, it plays a key role in proper fat digestion and your overall health. The proper timing and release of the bile and bilirubin it contains may be even more important than we thought, for several reasons.

1) Bilirubin now appears to be one of the body's phototransducers. A phototransducer has the ability to absorb light energy from photons and transfer this energy to cells throughout the body...

2) Levels of bilirubin fluctuate with our circadian rhythm...

3) Bilirubin is one of the few compounds that can easily move through cell walls and into the nucleus of cells...

4) Bilirubin can easily cross the blood/brain barrier.

5) Bilirubin has been demonstrated to have strong antioxidant capabilities.

- From Dr. David Williams Alternatives newsletter, April 2002 



Five days of ultraviolet radiation exposure to the chest increased testosterone in men 120%. However, UV radiation on the genital area increased testosterone 200% according to a study by Dr. Abraham Myerson in 1939 (Endocrinology 1939; 25:7-12).

Insufficient testosterone in men correlates with decreased muscle, osteoporosis, infertility, failure of the voice to deepen, etc.

Chemicals in sunscreens tend to increase estrogen and decrease testosterone in men. (Toxicological Sciences 2003; 74:43-50. See also 1)

Estrogen is found in dairy products and soy foods. Plastics contain estrogen mimicking chemicals. Some pesticides contain estrogen mimicking chemicals. Many of these chemicals end up in drinking water. Estrogen feminizes men.

Given the double whammy of too much estrogen and insufficient testosterone it is increasingly difficult for men to be men. Part of the answer is avoidance of estrogen and more sun exposure, particularly to the genital area. With a sun lamp this can be easily accomplished in the privacy of one's home.

See our Frequently Asked Questions page for some comments regarding radiation burns

Page Summary

The ultraviolet B light frequency both burns skin and creates vitamin D. Therefore, we all need ultraviolet light for good health and we all need to be careful not to damage our skin through overexposure. Healthy exposure is at least 30 minutes daily.

Damage to the earth's ozone layer is allowing more ultraviolet light to reach the earth's surface. This has given rise to recommendations to use sunblock on the skin. However, sunblocks may contain toxic chemicals. To the extent sunblocks are effective, they prevent the skin from being exposed to ultraviolet light and forming vitamin D. Therefore, Alkalize For Health does not recommend using sunblock. Rather, we suggest staying out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day, and covering up with a hat, umbrella, etc. if you must be in the hot sun. Tan is a natural sunblock, and the darker your skin color the more sun you need on your skin each day in order for the body to produce sufficient vitamin D.

You can increase your body's tolerance to sunlight by eating certain foods. Foods that help will contain the omega 3 and 6 essential oils, antioxidants, selenium, alkaline minerals, and many of the vitamins.

People who spend most of their time indoors would benefit from the use of full spectrum lighting so that the skin produces more vitamin D.

The skin can produce up to 10,000 - 20,000 units of vitamin D daily and produces only what the body requires. There is no possibility of an overdose. If you are not getting enough sunlight, particularly in winter, then it is good to expose the skin to UVB light from a Vitamin D lamp for a few minutes daily and supplement your diet with fish oils containing vitamin D. A safe and useful dose for adults recommend by the Vitamin D Council ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 International Units of vitamin D per day. The 5,000 IU per day recommendation is for a healthy adult, and 10,000 IU per day is for adults with health problems.

Recommended Reading:

Berkson, Burt, Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough, Three Rivers Press, September, 1998.

Budwig, Dr. Johanna, Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases, Apple Publishing Company Ltd., Vancouver, 1994.

Budwig, Dr. Johanna, The Oil Protein Cookbook: Use of Oils in Cooking, Apple Publishing Company Ltd., Vancouver, 1996.

Budwig, Dr. Johanna, The Budwig Cancer & Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Diet: The Revolutionary Diet from Dr. Johanna Budwig, the Woman Who Discovered Omega-3s, Freedom Press, 2010.

Hobday, Richard, The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century, Findhorn Press, 2000.

Holick, Michael F., The Vitamin D Solution: A 3-Step Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problems, Plume, 2011.

Moss, Dr. Ralph, Antioxidants Against Cancer, Equinox Press, 2000.

Ott, John N., Light, Radiation and You - How to Stay Healthy, Devin-Adair Pub., 1985. 

Ott, John N., Health and Light: The Effects of Natural and Artificial Light on Man and Other Living Things, Ariel Press, 2000.

Pressman, Alan H., and Sheila Buff, Glutathione: The Ultimate Antioxidant, St. Martin's Press, April 1, 1998.

Zaidi, Dr. Sarfraz, Power of Vitamin D: A Vitamin D Book That Contains the Most Comprehensive and Useful Information on Vitamin D Deficiency, Vitamin D Level, Outskirts Press, 2010.

Sinatra, Stephen T., M.D., The Coenzyme Q10 Phenomenon, McGraw-Hill, November 11, 1998.

Sorenson, Marc, Vitamin D3 and Solar Power for Optimal Health, 2008.


Off to a Fast Start...there is much you can do to prevent and minimize Cancer Pain.

Cancer pain is generally controlled with morphine. However, morphine can be addictive, so it is nice to have some options. The twelve ways we discuss to deal with cancer pain include MSM/DMSO, vitamin C, vitamin B17, alkaline minerals (salts of cesium, rubidium, and potassium), hyperthermia, enzymes, and more. The discussion of cancer pain will do much to enrich your understanding of cancer and highlight the value of our 8 step program.

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