Friday, January 1, 2010

Who are the Ashkenazis: The Media Trend of Omitting Motive for 1993 & 9/11 Attacks

Remember, the only persons arrested on 9/11 were a surveillance team comprised of five Mossad agents posing as a moving company (the dancing Israelis) and had set-up to film the destruction of the towers prior to the attacks from their van, whereupon returning to Israel several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after being expelled from the US.

"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1)"


Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab

[Editorial Note: As a dear awol friend used to say, "You're farting in church again, aren't ya?"

For anyone who might have a knee jerk reaction to the term "ashkenazi zionist" or "zionist," just as strangers and family members do when they have a pavlovian reaction to the vilified term "conspiracy theory" when we attempt to challenge there cognitive dissonance, just replace the zionism term with the less lionized, less bile regurgitant terms "white protestant," "anglo saxon," "mafia," "vatican," "catholic," "pedophile priest," "cookie monster" or "neocon." See if the investigation of the perps behind the crimes of humanity don't go down easier with these much tastier chasers as it coats and soothes the high octane hard drink put forth. I just ask that you hold your liquor like an adult or like grandma used to do slyly. But in doing so, shouldn't that bring up an internal red flag, a voice inside your head asking why just one group gets a free pass when no other group gets the same soft glove treatment, no matter that they've committed the same crimes throughout history?

The same pepto bismol trick can be applied should you download the book within the book that Eric Blair's Orwellian protagonist Winston had been proscribed to read in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four, "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism" written by the fictional evil doer and enemy of the state, Emmanuel Goldstein. If you replace Emmanuel Goldstein with the name Osama bin Laden, the story takes on a surreal view of current events and much needed boogey men which is just creepy in nature and fun for the whole family, especially for bedtime reading! The same soothing trick can be done with the forgotten mainstream media reporting on the perps that kept springing up around 9/11 in all of the mainstream news reports for several months after September 11, but scrubbed from the minds of most researchers and revived in the documentary Missing Links, should you replace the offending term for something more benign sounding such as "Hannah Montana Terror Cell". Missing Links

Zionists are as piously connected to Judaism as neocons are to christianity and al Qaeda is to Islam. A crime is a crime no matter what the collective myth is, be it religious dogma, Santa Claus or flying spaghetti monster that the criminal purportedly subscribes to and should bare no weight in the application of justice. Zionists hail from a political movement created in 1897, and have crafted a very effective shield upon which they hide behind. Remember, most of the known accomplices we have uncovered who facilitated 9/11 and have dropped off our collective radar, who hold the highest level offices of power within our government are not dual passport carrying citizens beholden to say the Vatican, Sweden, Marshall Islands, Palau or the North Pole, but to Israel and they flaunt it proudly - and being mindful of that is not anti-semitic but a constitutionally problematic fact, as they have sworn an oath, but not to the US. The special interest group that Congress, the media and current and past administrations hide behind in abused, but well funded fear like a battered spouse does, and unfortunately this control freak dictates our foreign policy, is not cowering to PeTA, the Pope or Elvis impersonators, but AIPAC as we all know which Paul Craig Roberts wrote of recently: The Israeli Stranglehold

Being an atheist, I have no interest in these man-made constructs and control mechanisms in of themselves, but I do have a problem with these psychopaths and sociopaths who hide behind these religions, playing off of the good nature of most of the innocent flock who do cherish these myths that bring them whatever comfort it may afford them. Beliefs are chains used to hold free minds slaves - no chain of steel ever bound a human being tighter than the chains made of their own beliefs. I have no cherished beliefs in my research surrounding the crimes and criminals who created and benefited from 9/11, but I do know of many facts of what happened and of peoples complicit in those crimes, which over time some of those theories change upon introduction of new information, which any sound person would readily admit to in being incorrect in light of new information, as a new theory becomes the current view until challenged by new unknown information. My views change constantly in light of a dogged question finally being answered, but then that usually introduces ten new questions I have never even thought about, much less have been exposed to or areas of new research within the crimes of humanity I have yet to explore. The person who reaches a point where they think they have it all figured out tends to have it all wrong. Knowing your own darkness is the best method for understanding and dealing with the darkness of others.

Now, I've got this powdered water - I don't know what to add.

Happy Truth Year!]


Half the world believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy carried out by Zionist extremists with financing from Jewish charities. The other half believes it was a conspiracy carried out by Islamic Muslim extremists with financing from Muslim charities. Who's right?


Zionists are political extremists who claim that Jews are God’s "chosen race of people" and that they have a God given right to the "promised land" of Israel. There are two categories of modern Jews -- the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazi Jews. The ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews were not Jews at all. In fact, they had never even set foot in Israel. They were mint masters, royal treasurers, tax collectors, and money lenders who "converted" to Judaism in the 7th century under Khazaria's King Bulan for commercial advantage.

The vast majority of modern Jews are "converted" Ashkenazi Jews. Their ancestry can be traced back to Khazaria, an ancient country in Eastern Europe. They ARE NOT Semitic, they have no true genetic or Jewish ethnic identity and they have no inherent entitlement to the land of Israel by right of descent. The word "anti-semitic" is used as a weapon (devised by the Anti-Defamation League) to attack all who oppose or question their fraudulent power and authority. The only true Semitic Jews living in Israel today are Sephardim Jews who are the true descendants of the original twelve tribes of Israel. They are dark skinned with Arab facial features -- and they are treated like second class citizens in Israel.

In 1948, the United Nations violated its own charter by dispossessing over four million "Semitic" Palestinians of their homeland called "Palestine". The UN arbitrarily changed the name of the Palestinian nation of Palestine to "Israel" and recreated it into an Ashkenazi homeland. Since the AshkeNAZIS are not descended from any of the twelve tribes that formed the original Tribes of Israel, they have no ancestral right to the land of Israel granted to them by the UN.

[Editorial Note: Here’s an analogy to illustrate this crucial point. Let’s consider the populace of an ancient Chinese city — one now absorbed within the boundaries of, say, Mongolia, and thus no longer a part of China. Let’s say that centuries ago this ancient Chinese community decided, for whatever reason, to convert to Hinduism. Then, hundreds of years later, these Chinese “Hindus” march into India and claim as their “homeland by birthright” the city of Bombay! And on what justification? Why, they’re Hindus.

Yes, this whole Khazar-Ashkanazi claim to Israel is actually that absurd. I had no knowledge about any of this until I began reading up on it -- post 9/11, of course. This is precisely why I keep stressing that the accusations of “anti-Semitism” leveled carte blanche at anyone who criticizes the policies of Israel are ludicrous. How can one be accused of “anti-Semitism” if one is being critical of a people who are not Semites to begin with? The only true Semitic Jews are the darker-skinned Sephardics. The majority (>85 percent) of Israelis are of
Khazarian descent. They are Europeans who converted to Judaism. Virtually all of these people migrated to ‘Israel’ from Eastern European countries. They have about as much in common with the bloodline of Jesus as I have in common with the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl.]

Is there any proof of an Ashkenazi conspiracy?

Since 9/11, CNN and the five western media monopolies have exclusively sold the American people on Muslim terrorist propaganda. Anyone who dares to suggest that Ashkenazi Zionists were behind the 9/11 attacks is condemned as treasonous and "anti-semitic". Why in the world would Israel's Ashkenazis plan a terrorist attack on the United States? 1. To ignite the 'War of Terror" 2. To label Muslims as terrorists and generate anti-Muslim sentiment. 3. To justify invading, disarming and occupying the land of Israel's Muslim neighbours -- Iraq and Afghanistan. 4. To justify expanding illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.

Unfortunately, the only eyewitnesses capable of positively identifying the 9/11 hijackers died on board the hijacked planes. Before flight attendant, Amy Sweeney was killed on hijacked flight 11, she allegedly picked up an airphone and reported that four middle eastern looking men had hijacked the plane. Israeli men are middle eastern men who just happen to be middle eastern looking. The voice of the hijacker heard from the hijacked plane’s voice recorder was played on CNN. The voice reveals that the accent of the hijacker precisely matches an Israeli Hebrew accent. “Stay quiet and you’ll be okay” shouted the hijacker. “We are returning to the airport…nobody move. Everything will be okay.”

Following 9/11, FBI director, Robert Mueller, BBC news and ABC confirmed that 7 of the 19 hijackers whose mug shots were flashed around the world did notdie in the 9/11 crashes. They are alive and well and are victims of ‘identity theft’. An eighth accused Muslim died before the 9/11 hijackings even occurred! Who stole their identities and why hasn’t the FBI been looking for them? If the hijackers really were Muslims, why would they steal the identity of fellow Muslims and implicate them? Wouldn’t they be more likely to steal Israeli passports and put the blame on Israelis? If the hijackers were Israeli’s, wouldn’t they be likely to steal the identities of Muslims and put the blame on Muslims?

Who purchased the lease to the World Trade Center (WTC) only seven weeks before 9/11?
Larry Silverstein - an Ashkenazi Zionist millionaire. When asked why he purchased the towers, he answered, "I felt a compelling urge to own them." Every morning, Larry routinely had breakfast at the popular WTC restaurant called "Windows on the World" .... but on 9/11, he never showed up. Neither did his daughter and son who worked in building 7 of the World Trade Center.

Who authorized the lease of the WTC complex to Larry Silverstein at a tiny fraction of its true value?
Louis Eisenberg - an Ashkenazi businessman. The 30-year-old World Trade Center had always been publicly owned and managed by the New York-New Jersey Port authority -- until Eisenberg became the Chairman and delivered it into private Zionist hands. Eisenberg was the chairman of the New York Port Authority and is an active leader in Jewish Zionist organizations.

Who else leased the WTC only seven weeks before 9/11?
Frank Lowy - another Ashkenazi millionaire. Lowy was the owner of Westfield America. In May 2001, Westfield paid $127 million US dollars for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the World Trade Center in New York. Lowy stayed out of harms way on 9/11 and steered clear of the WTC. During the Israeli war of independence, Lowy was a member of the Golani Brigade.

Who pushed for privatization of the WTC?
Ronald S. Lauder - another influential Ashkenazi Zionist. Lauder was on the board of directors of the NY Board of Privatization. He lobbied for the privatization of the WTC so it could be leased to Larry Silverstein. Lauder also arranged for the privatization of Stewart Airport, formerly Stewart AFB. The flight paths of the 9/11 flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport. Lauder has funded a school for Israel's Mossad intelligence agency in Herzliya, Israel. Lauder is active in the following organizations:
Jewish (Ashkenazi) National Fund, World Jewish (Ashkenazi) Congress, American Jewish (Ashkenazi) Joint Distribution Committee, Anti-Defamation (Ashkenazi) League, Jewish (Ashkenazi) Theological Seminary

Who ran security at all three airports where the 9/11 hijackings "allegedly" took place?
ICTS is owned by two more Ashkenazis - Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. ICTS is run by "experts" in security and Israeli intelligence. Most employees were ex Shin Bet security agents. Was this security company at Dulles, Logan, and Newark airports so incredibly incompetent that it allowed 19 known Arabs to board 4 different planes with boxcutters, mace, and even a gun? What's wrong with this picture? ICTS owner Menachem Atzmon was involved in an Israeli political scandal involving Ehud Olmert and other Likudnits in Israel. A few hours before the Patriot Act was passed, the Act was edited so that foreign companies in charge of 9/11 security would be exempt from liability lawsuits. This guaranteed that ICTS could not be forced by American courts to provide testimony or hand over incriminating surveillance videos from the airports.

Who wrote the Patriot Act limiting American rights and freedoms?
Michael Chertoff - another Ashkenazi Zionist. The "Unpatriotic" Patriot Act was presented to Congress on September 19th - only 8 days after the 9/11 attacks!. An Act of that magnitude takes months to research, write and prepare - not 8 days! It had to be written in advance and "in anticipation" of the WTC attacks. Michael Chertoff was assistant Attorney General and head of the US Justice Department’s criminal division. He was later appointed Director of Homeland Security. Chertoff’s mother, Livia Eisen, was Mossad’s first woman agent.

Who was on board flight 11?
Daniel Lewin - an Israeli Ashkenazi Zionist. Lewin was confirmed to be a member of the special Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret Matkal, which specializes in "anti-hijack" takeovers and assassinations. Betty Ong was a flight attendant on the doomed 9/11 flight 11. Ong reported to the ground that the man in Seat 9B (Lewin) was the one shooting people with a gun and leading the hijacking. The story was later changed to him (Lewin) being shot. The story was again revised to Lewin being stabbed.

Who had the contract to run security at the WTC?
Jules Kroll - another Ashkenazi. Kroll was the owner of Kroll Associates.

Who ran the WTC security company?
Jerome Hauer - another Ashkenazi Zionist. Hauer not only ran Kroll, he also ran Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management from 1996 to 2000. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement. It is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel. Hauer told journalist Sander Hicks in a phone conversation that Larry Silverstein hired a "private" security team for his WTC complex. Members of this "private" security team are the leading suspects in the placement of explosives for the controlled demolition of Building 7. Larry Silverstein admitted publicly that the building was "pulled"...but demolition experts know that it takes weeks to prepare a building for a controlled demolition - not a few hours in the middle of 9/11 mayhem.

Who released and sent the Israeli 9/11 terrorist suspects back to Israel?
ALL of the apprehended Israeli's were sent back to Israel under the direction of Michael Chertoff. Chertoff's portfolio inlcudes - assistant U.S. Attorney General, head of the US Justice Department’s criminal division, Director of Homeland Security, author of the Patriot Act and Judge on the United States Court of Appeals.

Who quickly shipped the metal evidence from the collapsed towers overseas?
Alan D. Ratner - another Ashkenazi Zionist. Ratner's Metals Management merged with the forewarned SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation. Ratner sold over 50,000 tons of WTC crime scene "steel" evidence to a Chinese company at $120 per ton. Ratner had obtained the steel for $70 per ton and turned a handsome profit for hauling away and destroying the evidence that could have proved that the WTC buildings fell by controlled demolition.

Who were the chief judges in charge of the 9/11 Investigation?
Ashkenazi Zionists Alvin K. Hellerstein and Michael B. Mukasey were the chief judges. Kenneth Feinberg, another Ashkenazi Zionist, set up the victim’s compensation fund of $7 billion. The Zionists managed to get 97% of the victims’ families to agree to take money in exchange for dropping a legal investigation of 9/11. The family members who demanded an investigation were assigned a special mediator - Ashkenazi Zionist Sheila Birnbaum. Nothing came of it. Ashkenazi Zionist Benjamin Chertoff (cousin of Michael Chertoff) wrote a 9/11 debunking article for Popular Mechanics.

Ashkenazi Zionist Stephen Cauffman – Leader of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) covered up the evidence of the controlled demolition of the WTC building 7. Cauffman maintains that fire brought down WTC 7 even though Silverstein admitted the building had been pulled..

Michael Mukasey – The Ashkenazi Zionist judge who oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and the insurance companies after 9/11 awarded billions to Silverstein who bought the 99 year lease for a tiny fraction of its value with a small downpayment..

Who wrote the fraudulent 9/11Commission Report?
Philip Zelikow - another Ashkenazi Zionist with dual American-Israeli citizenship.

Who advocated a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America?
Rabbi Dov Zakheim was the co-author of the PNAC paper on rebuilding America’s defenses. Zakheim advocated the necessity of a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America. (such as 9/11) Zakheim served as Pentagon comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Two large sums of money disappeared from the Pentagon under him. In the beginning $2.3 trillion was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld (September 10, 2001) and later Zakheim was unable to account for another trillion dollars! Zakheim also had squads of American F-15s and F-16s sold as surplus to Israel at a fraction of their value.

Who was the lead architect of the ill-fated U.S. invasion of Iraq after 9/11?
Ashkenazi Zionist Paul Wolfowitz. Wolfowitz was Deputy Defense Secretary and a member of the Defense Policy Board in the Pentagon. Despite the fact that he was the lead architect of the ill-fated U.S. invasion of Iraq, he has now been appointed President of the World Bank. Putting Wolfowitz in charge of the World Bank is like putting a paedophile in charge of a Day Care Center.
The World Bank has lost about 100 billion dollars slated for development in the world's poorest nations. Since the money hasn't been reaching the poor, any guesses about who's hands its fallen into?

Who was forewarned of the 9/11 attacks?
On September 27, 2001 at 11:48 AM, Brian McWilliams wrote the following article for Newsbytes.

Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks. Citing a pending investigation by law enforcement, the company declined to reveal the exact contents of the message or to identify the sender. But Alex Diamandis, vice president of sales and marketing, confirmed that workers in Odigo's research and development and international sales office in Israel received a warning from another Odigo user approximately two hours prior to the first attack.

Soon after the terrorist attacks on New York, the Odigo employees notified their management, who contacted Israeli security services. In turn, the FBI was informed of the instant message warning. FBI officials were not immediately available for comment.

On September 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its Jewish American employees to stay clear of American buildings. Thousands of non-Jewish lives could have been saved on September 11th, 2001 if these warnings had been passed on ...but they weren't.

Odigo, the Israeli instant messaging company, had a feature on its service that allowed messages to be delivered "discriminately" based on nationality. Out of the 4000 Israeli's believed to have been employed in the World Trade Center towers, only ONE died on September 11th.

The other company forewarned of the attacks was an Israeli company called ZIM (as in Askena-ZIM) Integrated Shipping Services. ZIM paid a $50,000 penalty to break its lease and vacate its office (10,000 square feet) in the North WTC tower only a few days before 9/11. Although their lease ran for another 3 months, they chose to pay the fine and get out before the attack. This suggests that ZIM knew about it the attack in advance. FBI agent Michael Dick investigated Israeli spying activity before and after 9/11 and also investigated Zim's suspicious move. He was removed from his duties by Ashkenazi Zionist Michael Chertoff - head of the Justice Department’s criminal division.

The two Zionist companies (Zim and Goldman Sachs) who were forewared of the attacks inevitably passed the warning on to "inside" members of their fold but not to the thousands of doomed "outsiders" who were incinerated on 9/11. This heartless and criminal act of silence amounts to genocidal murder.

Was there evidence of Israeli spying activity prior to 9/11?
Shortly before 9/11, over 140 Israelis were arrested for suspected espionage. Some of them were posing as art students. These suspects targeted and penetrated Military bases, DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., U.S. Marshal’s Service, various U.S. Attorneys Offices, Secret government offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement/intelligence officers. Most of the Israeli suspects served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.

Dozens of Israelis were arrested in American mall kiosks selling toys. The kiosks served as a front for their spying operation. Sixty detained suspects worked for the Israeli company AMDOCS which provides directory assistance calls, call records and billing services for the U.S. through its contracts with 25 of America's largest telephone companies.

During a joint FBI-CIA operation against Mohammad Atta (Muslim terrorist ringleader suspect) in Fort Lee, NJ in 2001, Israeli agents photographed the operation and compromised it. The Israeli's were providing a cover for the alleged hijackers who were set up as patsies.

Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either under the Patriot anti-Terrorism Act or for immigration violations. Some of them were active Israeli military personnel and had been caught spying on Arabs. A number of them failed polygraph examinations when questioned about their surveillance activities against the U.S.

Israeli's were caught in multiple places filming, cheering and "high fiving" right after the 9/11 attacks as a victory dance. These Israeli's confessed to being Mossad agents and got labeled the "Dancing Israelis". Jewish Zionists - Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel and Oded Ellner - were identified. They later appeared on an Israeli talk show and claimed to be "documenting the event". CIA agent Robert Baer confirmed <> that they had set up their filming BEFORE the first plane even struck the first tower!

Another group of Israelis were caught with truck bombs around the George Washington Bridge.

Who released and sent the Israeli 9/11 terrorist suspects back to Israel?
A third group of Israeli's were caught with a van that had a mural painted on the side literally depicting the 9/11 attacks. All of the white vans were working for the Mossad front company called "Urban Moving Systems" under the direction of Dominic Suter, a Mossad agent who fled to Israel right after 9/11.

ALL of the apprehended Israeli's were sent back to Israel under the direction of Michael Chertoff. Chertoff's portfolio inlcudes: Assistant U.S. Attorney General, head of the US Justice Department’s criminal division, Director of Homeland Security, author of the Patriot Act and Judge on the United States Court of Appeals. Chertoff holds dual American-Israeli citizenship.

Did Israel's Mossad network disable Norad?
Michael S. Goff is another Ashkenazi Zionist with Mossad connections. Most of the national security computerized systems that scramble jets during national emergencies were running on Ptech software. Goff became the marketing manager at Ptech which was funded by Lebanese and Saudi Americans. He had worked for an Isaeli database company called Guardium which was funded by Mossad fronts.

MITRE Corporation is a major defense contracting organization headed by former Director of Central Intelligence - James Schlesinger - another influential Jewish Zionist.

For two years prior to 9/11, Ptech was working with Mitre Corp. in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and was the Alpha dog in that relationship. Their job was to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in case of an emergency. Their software was installed on the computers of most U.S government agencies including the military.

The first plane to hit the WTC (North Tower) showed up on the screen in the computer room of the Ashkenazi-owned Kroll Associates. Kroll had acquired control of building security after the 1993 bomb attack on the WTC. The Managing Director of Kroll was Ashkenazi Jerome M. Hauer.

Anyone who doubts whether the 9/11 planes could have crashed into the towers by remote control should ask Ashkenazi Zionist Dov Zakheim (see above) about it. Rabbi Zakheim's company System Planning Corporation does exactly that – develops remote airplane control technology. The SPC Corporation provides the flight termination system and command transmitter system as well as the technology for switching planes to remote control if the pilots are incapacitated or the plane is hijacked.

Who falsely linked Saddam Hussein to Osama Bin Laden only a few days after 9/11?
Ashkenazi Zionist Richard Perle. Perle was Chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. He was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson’s office in the 1970's after the NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel. Perle falsely linked Saddam Hussein to Osama Bin Laden just a few days after 9/11, proclaiming in an interview on CNN on Sept 16, 2001: "Even if we cannot prove to the standards that we enjoy in our own civil society that they were involved, we do know, for example, that Saddam Hussein has ties to Osama Bin Laden..." Perle and his neoconservative Zionist buddies helped develop and sell an invasion and occupation policy that has left over 4,000 U.S. soldiers dead and more than 30,000 wounded, burned or crippled for life.

Every day, five U.S. soldiers try to kill themselves. Suicide attempts are rising and have risen over the last five years," says Col. Elspeth Cameron-Ritchie, an Army psychiatrist. According to the Army, there were about 350 suicide attempts in 2002 before the war in Iraq began (less than one attempt a day). The dramatic increase in soldier suicides is revealed in new U.S. Army figures, which show 2,100 soldiers tried to commit suicide in 2007. The Army lists 89 soldier deaths in 2007 as suicides and is investigating 32 more as possible suicides. Suicide rates already were up in 2006 with 102 deaths, compared with 87 in 2005.

Perle and his Ashkenazi Zionist entourage are directly responsible for the deaths and crippling of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men women and children and an illegitimate war that has cost US citizens extreme heartache and over a trillion dollars. Rivers of blood are on the hands of every tax paying citizen.

See Also:

Asia Times asks: Fifty Questions on 9/11


Middle East

Sep 11, 200

Fifty questions on 9/11
By Pepe Escobar

It's September 11 all over again - eight years on. The George W Bush administration is out. The "global war on terror" is still on, renamed "overseas contingency operations" by the Barack Obama administration. Obama's "new strategy" - a war escalation - is in play in AfPak. Osama bin Laden may be dead or not. "Al-Qaeda" remains a catch-all ghost entity. September 11 - the neo-cons' "new Pearl Harbor" - remains the darkest jigsaw puzzle of the young 21st century.

It's useless to expect US corporate media and the ruling elites' political operatives to call for a true, in-depth investigation into the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001. Whitewash has been the norm. But even establishment highlight Dr Zbig "Grand Chessboard" Brzezinski, a former national security advisor, has
admitted to the US Senate that the post-9/11 "war on terror" is a "mythical historical narrative".

The following questions, some multi-part - and most totally ignored by the 9/11 Commission - are just the tip of the immense 9/11 iceberg. A hat tip goes to the indefatigable work of;; architects and engineers for 9/11 truth; the Italian documentary Zero: an investigation into 9/11; and Asia Times Online readers' e-mails.

None of these questions has been convincingly answered - according to the official narrative. It's up to US civil society to keep up the pressure. Eight years after the fact, one fundamental conclusion is imperative. The official narrative edifice of 9/11 is simply not acceptable.

Update to this article from a valued 9/11 researcher I have come to know. Here is a noteworthy correction in response to the author on one point of contention:

Hi Pepe,

Congratulation on your piece in Asia Times.

You might recall I contacted you some months ago re a few errors in one of your previous articles on 9/11. Upon quickly perusing your latest piece in Asia Times, I caught the following inaccuracy in Question #22”

“...did not reach the 2000-degree heat necessary to hurt the six tubular steel columns in the center of the tower”

Actually, there were a) 47 columns, not six, and b) They were not “tubular” -- they were of box section.

In our last communication, I freely offered you my assistance vis-à-vis fact-checking and accuracy on any future articles. I did so because errors such as these are significant, and only help to draw fire from critics who claim we in the 911 Truth movement don’t have our facts together. These kinds of technical errors only serve to make us all look bad -- and I say that on behalf of the almost one thousand architects and engineers who are members of AE911 who have been striving tirelessly to ensure the highest level of accuracy possible in all our communiques and presentations.

Incidentally (and for whatever it’s worth), I was a technical consultant on the movie 911 Mysteries. Further, my research and comments on aerodynamics and pilotage have been quoted in a few 9/11 documentaries, including the recent Italian production Zero 911. I sincerely hope you will take up our offer to help you ensure the highest level of accuracy possible in your future articles.

That being said, keep up the great work!

Kind regards,


Fifty questions
1) How come dead or not dead Osama bin Laden has not been formally indicted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as responsible for 9/11? Is it because the US government - as acknowledged by the FBI itself - has not produced a single conclusive piece of evidence?

2) How could all the alleged 19 razor-blade box cutter-equipped Muslim perpetrators have been identified in less than 72 hours - without even a crime scene investigation?

3) How come none of the 19's names appeared on the passenger lists released the same day by both United Airlines and American Airlines?

4) How come eight names on the "original" FBI list happened to be found alive and living in different countries?

5) Why would pious jihadi Mohammed Atta leave a how-to-fly video manual, a uniform and his last will inside his bag knowing he was on a suicide mission?

6) Why did Mohammed Atta study flight simulation at Opa Locka, a hub of no less than six US Navy training bases?

7) How could Mohammed Atta's passport have been magically found buried among the Word Trade Center (WTC)'s debris when not a single flight recorder was found?

8) Who is in the possession of the "disappeared" eight indestructible black boxes on those four flights?

9) Considering multiple international red alerts about a possible terrorist attack inside the US - including former secretary of stateCondoleezza Rice's infamous August 6, 2001, memo - how come four hijacked planes deviating from their computerized flight paths and disappearing from radar are allowed to fly around US airspace for more than an hour and a half - not to mention disabling all the elaborate Pentagon's defense systems in the process?

10) Why the secretary of the US Air Force James Roche did not try to intercept both planes hitting the WTC (only seven minutes away from McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey) as well as the Pentagon (only 10 minutes away from McGuire)? Roche had no less than 75 minutes to respond to the plane hitting the Pentagon.
11) Why did George W Bush continue to recite "My Pet Goat" in his Florida school and was not instantly absconded by the secret service?

12) How could Bush have seen the first plane crashing on WTC live - as he admitted? Did he have previous knowledge - or is he psychic?

13) Bush said that he and Andrew Card initially thought the first hit on the WTC was an accident with a small plane. How is that possible when the FAA as well as NORAD already knew this was about a hijacked plane?

14) What are the odds of transponders in four different planes be turned off almost simultaneously, in the same geographical area, very close to the nation's seat of power in Washington, and no one scrambles to contact the Pentagon or the media?

15) Could defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld explain why initial media reports said that there were no fighter jets available at Andrews Air Force Base and then change the reports that there were, but not on high alert?

16) Why was the DC Air National Guard in Washington AWOL on 9/11?

17) Why did combat jet fighters of the 305th Air Wing, McGuireAir Force Base in New Jersey not intercept the second hijacked plane hitting the WTC, when they could have done it within seven minutes?

18) Why did none of the combat jet fighters of the 459th Aircraft Squadron at Andrews Air Force Base intercept the plane that hit the Pentagon, only 16 kilometers away? And since we're at it, why the Pentagon did not release the full video of the hit?

19) A number of very experienced airline pilots - including US ally Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a former fighter jet pilot - revealed that, well, only crack pilots could have performed such complex maneuvers on the hijacked jets, while others insisted they could only have been accomplished by remote control. Is it remotely believable that the hijackers were up to the task?

20) How come a substantial number of witnesses did swear seeing and hearing multiple explosions in both towers of the WTC?

21) How come a substantial number of reputed architects and engineers are adamant that the official narrative simply does not explain the largest structural collapse in recorded history (the Twin Towers) as well as the collapse of WTC building 7, which was not even hit by a jet?

22) According to Frank de Martini, WTC's construction manager, "We designed the building to resist the impact of one or more jetliners." The second plane nearly missed tower 1; most of the fuel burned in an explosion outside the tower. Yet this tower collapsed first, long before tower 2 that was "perforated" by the first hit. Jet fuel burned up fast - and by far did not reach the 2000-degree heat necessary to hurt the six tubular steel columns in the center of the tower - designed specifically to keep the towers from collapsing even if hit by a Boeing 707. A Boeing 707 used to carry more fuel than the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 that actually hit the towers.

23) Why did Mayor Rudolph Giuliani instantly authorized the shipment of WTC rubble to China and India for recycling?

24) Why was metallic debris found no less than 13 kilometers from the crash site of the plane that went down in Pennsylvania? Was the plane in fact shot down - under vice president Dick Cheney's orders?

25) The Pipelineistan question. What did US ambassador Wendy Chamberlain talk about over the phone on October 10, 2001, with the oil minister of Pakistan? Was it to tell him that the 1990s-planned Unocal gas pipeline project, TAP (Turkmenistan/Afghanistan/ Pakistan), abandoned because of Taliban demands on transit fees, was now back in business? (Two months later, an agreement to build the pipeline was signed between the leaders of the three countries).

26) What is former Unocal lobbyist and former Bush pet Afghan Zalmay Khalilzad up to in Afghanistan?

27) How come former Pakistani foreign minister Niaz Niak said in mid-July 2001 that the US had already decided to strike against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban by October? The topic was discussed secretly at the July Group of Eight summit in Genoa, Italy, according to Pakistani diplomats.

28) How come US ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine told FBI agent John O'Neill in July 2001 to stop investigating al-Qaeda's financial operations - with O'Neill instantly moved to asecurity job at the WTC, where he died on 9/11?

29) Considering the very intimate relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and the ISI and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is Bin Laden alive, dead or still a valuable asset of the ISI, the CIA or both?

30) Was Bin Laden admitted at the American hospital in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on July 4, 2001, after flying from Quetta, Pakistan, and staying for treatment until July 11?

31) Did the Bin Laden group build the caves of Tora Bora in close cooperation with the CIA during the 1980s' anti-Soviet jihad?

32) How come General Tommy Franks knew for sure that Bin Laden was hiding in Tora Bora in late November 2001?

33) Why did president Bill Clinton abort a hit on Bin Laden in October 1999? Why did then-Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf abort a covert ops in the same date? And why did Musharraf do the same thing again in August 2001?

34) Why did George W Bush dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force nine months before 9/11?

35) How come the (fake) Bin Laden home video - in which he "confesses" to being the perpetrator of 9/11 - released by the US on December 13, 2001, was found only two weeks after it was produced (on November 9); was it really found in Jalalabad (considering Northern Alliance and US troops had not even arrived there at the time); by whom; and how come the Pentagon was forced to release a new translation after the first (botched) one?

36) Why was ISI chief Lieutenant General Mahmud Ahmad abruptly "retired" on October 8, 2001, the day the US started bombing Afghanistan?

37) What was Ahmad up to in Washington exactly on the week of 9/11 (he arrived on September 4)? On the morning of 9/11, Ahmad was having breakfast on Capitol Hill with Bob Graham and Porter Goss, both later part of the 9/11 Commission, which simply refused to investigate two of its members. Ahmad had breakfast with Richard Armitage of the State Department on September 12 and 13 (when Pakistan negotiated its "cooperation" with the "war on terror") and met all the CIA and Pentagon top brass. On September 13, Musharraf announced he would send Ahmad to Afghanistan to demand to the Taliban the extradition of Bin Laden.
38) Who inside the ISI transferred US$100,000 to Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001 - under orders of Ahmad himself, as Indian intelligence insists? Was it really ISI asset Omar Sheikh, Bin Laden's information technology specialist who later organized the slaying of American journalist Daniel Pearl in Karachi? So was the ISI directly linked to 9/11?

39) Did the FBI investigate the two shady characters who met Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi in Harry's Bar at the Helmsley Hotel in New York City on September 8, 2001?

40) What did director of Asian affairs at the State Department Christina Rocca and the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Salam Zaeef discuss in their meeting in Islamabad in August 2001?

41) Did Washington know in advance that an "al-Qaeda" connection would kill Afghan nationalist commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, aka "The Lion of the Panjshir", only two days before 9/11? Massoud was fighting the Taliban and al-Qaeda - helped by Russia and Iran. According to the Northern Alliance, Massoud was killed by an ISI-Taliban-al Qaeda axis. If still alive, he would never have allowed the US to rig a loya jirga (grand council) in Afghanistan and install a puppet, former CIA asset Hamid Karzai, as leader of the country.

42) Why did it take no less than four months before the name of Ramzi Binalshibh surfaced in the 9/11 context, considering the Yemeni was a roommate of Mohammed Atta in his apartment cell in Hamburg?

43) Is pathetic shoe-bomber Richard Reid an ISI asset?

44) Did then-Russian president Vladimir Putin and Russian intelligence tell the CIA in 2001 that 25 terrorist pilots had been training for suicide missions?

45) When did the head of German intelligence, August Hanning, tell the CIA that terrorists were "planning to hijack commercial aircraft?"

46) When did Egyptian President Mubarak tell the CIA about an attack on the US with an "airplane stuffed with explosives?"

47) When did Israel's Mossad director Efraim Halevy tell the CIA about a possible attack on the US by "200 terrorists?"

48) Were the Taliban aware of the warning by a Bush administration official as early as February 2001 - "Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs?"

49) Has Northrop-Grumman used Global Hawk technology - which allows to remotely control unmanned planes - in the war in Afghanistan since October 2001? Did it install Global Hawk in a commercial plane? Is Global Hawk available at all for commercial planes?

50) Would Cheney stand up and volunteer the detailed timeline of what he was really up to during the whole day on 9/11?

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) and Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. His new book, just out, is Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).

He may be reached at

(Copyright 2009 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication andrepublishing.)

Asia Times: Fifty Published Questions on 9/11 and Now Even More Questions


Middle East

Sep 18, 2009

More questions on 9/11
By Pepe Escobar

Osama "dead or alive" bin Laden would rather lose his kidney than pass up the opportunity to celebrate the eighth anniversary of September 11, 2001, on the United States. And like clockwork, he resurfaced in an 11-minute, al-Sahab-produced audiotape last week (sorry, no video, just a still picture), where he states how a series of grievances had "pushed us to undertake the events of [September 11]".

But there may be no mobile dialysis machine operating in a mysterious cave somewhere in one of the Waziristan tribal areas of Pakistan after all. According to David Ray Griffin's new book,Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? and based on a Taliban leader's remarks at the time, the mellifluous Saudi jihadi died of kidney failure in Tora Bora on December 13, 2001. Problem is, by that time, according to local mujahideen, Bin Laden had already escaped across the mountains with a bunch of al-Qaeda diehards
to Parachinar, in Pakistan, and then to a shadowy underworld.

A decoy? A ghost? The devil himself? Who cares? Bin Laden, the brand, is still very good for ("war on terror") business. All this with the Barack Obama administration insisting the US is fighting the elusive, seemingly eternal Taliban leader Mullah Omar and the Taliban plus al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, while General Stanley McChrystal - General David Petraeus' former top death squad operator in Iraq - insists there is no al-Qaeda in Afghanistan (but he wants up to 40,000 extra troops anyway).

Last week, Asia Times Online published Fifty Question on 9/11. The article stressed the questions were only a taste of the immense, mysterious 9/11 riddle. (Arguably the best 9/11 timeline on the net may be seen here.

Due to overwhelming reader response, here's a follow-up with 20 more questions - with a hat-tip to all who joined the debate.

1. In the first months of 2001, three years after Bin Laden's 1998 fatwa against the US, Mullah Omar wanted to "resolve or dissolve" the Osama-Taliban nexus in exchange for Washington maneuvering to lift United Nations sanctions. Would anyone from the first George W Bush administration confirm a solid Taliban offer? Kabir Mohabbat, a Houston-based, Paktia (Afghanistan)-born businessman also involved in the (failed) 1990s negotiation for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan pipeline, and then named by Bush's National Security Council as a key Taliban contact, has sustained that was the case.

2. Eight names on the "original" Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) list of 19 Muslim hijackers happened to be found alive and living in different countries; the FBI has always sustained that the identity of the hijackers was established from DNA collected at all four sites - the World Trade Center (WTC), the Pentagon and the Shanksville, Pennsylvania, crash site. Would the FBI explain how is that remotely possible?

3. All four planes referenced in the official narrative have thousands of parts with a serial number, plus tail numbers. Any one of these would have been enough to identify the plane(s). How come all of these parts disintegrated or vaporized? Why was not a single one of them recovered and/or matched up with all the mass of data about these four flights?

4. How come cell phones miraculously find a signal and work properly at 10,000 meters?

5. How to explain the enormous surge in "option puts" on both United Airlines and American Airlines on September 10?

6. How come the passport of alleged hijacker Satam al Suqami (and not Mohammed Atta, as reported) was miraculously found amid massive World Trade Center debris - either by "police and FBI" or by "a passerby who gave it to the NYPD", according to different versions?

7.Why was a military grade of thermite - a super-explosive - found at all sample sites surrounding Ground Zero? A peer-reviewed, scientific journal analysis is here.

8. How come Barry Jennings, who worked for New York City's Housing Department, reported on 9/11 to ABC News how he heard an explosion on the 8th floor of WTC 7? Jennings happened to die just a few days before the release of the NIST report on the WTC 7 collapse. A great number of actual 9/11 witnesses also heard and saw explosions going off inside the Twin Towers long before their collapse. A montage of news reports about these explosions can be seen here.

9. Why did the BBC confirm live on air the collapse of the WTC 7 building - which was not even hit by any plane - no less than 23 minutes before it actually collapsed? In the BBC live report, the WTC7 building is shot still standing.

10. Why there has been no investigation of Dov Zakheim? He was a prominent member of the Project for the New American Century group, and chief executive officer of SPC - a company making systems for remote control of airplanes - for four years prior to 9/11. Six months before 9/11, he became supervisor of a group of Pentagon comptrollers responsible for tracking no less than $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon books; many of these comptrollers died on 9/11.

11. The "five dancing Israelis" question. How come Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, Paul Kurzberg, Sivan Kurzberg and Yaron Shmuel had set up a video camera on top of their white van pointing at the Twin Towers even before they were hit? Later they were seen celebrating. The FBI established that two were Mossad agents and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems, was a front operation. The investigation about them was killed by the White House. After being deported from the US, they admitted on Israeli TV that they had been sent to New York to "document" the attacks. How about other reports of vans packed with tons of explosives intercepted on New York bridges?

12. How come two US employees of Odigo, an Israeli instant messaging company based in Herzliya, the headquarters of Mossad, received an SMS about an attack on the WTC two hours before the fact?

13. How come there was no investigation of ICTS International, owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon, and crammed with former Israeli Shin Bet agents? This was the company responsible for airport security at Dulles, Logan and Newark airports on 9/11.

14. Why was there no full investigation of the circumstances related to how Larry Silverstein leased the WTC only seven weeks before 9/11 - as facilitated by New York Port Authority chairman Lewis Eisenberg? Silverstein over-insured the WTC against terrorism and made an astonishing profit.

15. Why were anthrax packages mailed to the only two US senators who voted against the Patriot Act?

16. Why did situation room director Deborah Loewer follow Bush to Florida on 9/11 - considering that's not part of her job description?

17. Where are the full tapes from the Pentagon's security cameras? The hole in the Pentagon may be the most glaring hole in the official narrative - as the destruction caused by a Boeing 757 was simply not compatible with the size of the hole. Why were no significant plane debris and remains of passengers ever found?

18. Why did the 9/11 Commission not consult reputed engineers and architects to show that in the real world, steel and concrete skyscrapers simply cannot dissolve into molten metal and fine powder in only 10 seconds after very localized and relatively low-temperature fires? Kerosene simply cannot melt steel.

19. Why did the 9/11 Commission not consult airline specialists who insist trainee pilots who had practiced on very light aircraft for a few weeks simply cannot land a jet on the ground floor of the Pentagon after allegedly slicing through half a dozen light poles and evading a series of trees, cars and overpasses?

20. How come no one investigated claims by the two co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, who wrote in the New York Times on January 2008 that the Central Intelligence Agency "failed to respond to our lawful requests forinformation about the 9/11 plot [and] obstructed our investigation?"

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) and Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. His new book, just out, is Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).

He may be reached at

(Copyright 2009 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication andrepublishing.)

UN expert repeats call for threat of sanctions against Israel over Gaza blockade

    29 December 2009 UN News Center
Photo: Building destroyed by Israeli military bombings in the Gaza Strip.

29 December 2009 – The United Nations independent expert on Palestinian rights has again called for a threat of economic sanctions against Israel to force it to lift its blockade of Gaza, which is preventing the return to a normal life for 1.5 million residents after the devastating Israeli offensive a year ago.

“Obviously Israel does not respond to language of diplomacy, which has encouraged the lifting of the blockade and so what I am suggesting is that it has to be reinforced by a threat of adverse economic consequences for Israel,” Richard Falk, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, told UN Radio.

“That probably is something that is politically unlikely to happen, but unless it happens, it really does suggest that the United States and the Quartet and the EU [European Union] don’t take these calls for lifting the blockade very seriously and are unaffected by Israel’s continuing defiance of those calls,” he said, referring to the diplomatic Quartet of the UN, EU, Russia and US, which have been calling for a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict.

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), the main UN body tending to the needs of some 4 million Palestinian refugees, said today Gaza had been “bombed back, not to the Stone Age, but to the mud age,” because UNRWA was reduced to building houses out of mud after the 22-day offensive Israel said it launched to end rocket attacks against it.

“The Israeli blockade has meant that almost no reconstruction materials have been allowed to move into Gaza even though 60,000 homes were either damaged or completely destroyed. So we in UNRWA have been saying ‘let’s lift this senseless blockage,’” UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness told UN Radio.

“We are the United Nations and we always hope that diplomacy will prevail, and it will prevail above the rationale of warfare. But if you look at what is going on in Gaza, and if you look at the continued blockade and the fact that that blockade is radicalizing a population there, then one has to have one’s doubts.”

In a statement last week, Mr. Falk stressed that the “unlawful blockade” was in its third year, with insufficient food and medicine reaching Gazans, producing further deterioration of the mental and physical health of the entire civilian population.

Building materials necessary to repair the damage could not enter Gaza, and he blamed the blockade for continued breakdowns of the electricity and sanitation systems due to the Israeli refusal to let spare parts needed for repair get through the crossings.

Mr. Falk also deplored the wall being built on the borders between Gaza and Egypt.

“I’m very distressed by that, because it is both an expression of complicity on the part of the government of Egypt and the United States, which apparently is assisting through its corps of engineers with the construction of this underground steel impenetrable wall that’s designed to interfere with the tunnels that have been bringing some food and material relief to the Gaza population,” he told UN Radio.

“And of course, the underground tunnel complex itself is an expression of the desperation created in Gaza as a result of this blockade that’s going on now for two and a half years, something that no people since the end of World War II have experienced in such a severe and continuing form.”

As a Special Rapporteur, Mr. Falk serves in an independent and unpaid capacity and reports to the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council.

In a new policy brief, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), entrusted with promoting the integration of developing countries into the world economy, reported that more than 80 per cent of Gaza’s population are now impoverished; 43 per cent unemployed; and 75 per cent lack food security. “In view of the eroded productive base, poverty is likely to widen and deepen unless reconstruction begins in earnest and without further delay,” it warned.

See Also:

Spurred by AIPAC, US House Denounces Goldstone Report on Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

Summary of the Goldstone Report
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