Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bombs, Terrorism & Manure: Is That A Bomb In Your Pants Or Are You Just Glad To See Me?


“Worse still, the “terrorists” father, described by the press as a “Muslim banker” turned out to be a partner in an Israeli managed defense company and a close friend of the CIA.”

“Never was America, its freedoms and security less free and less secure as when Michael Chertoff was watching over us.” 
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor 
Last week, we were told courier services were carrying powerful and undetectable bombs, sent from Yemen, mailed to “Chicago synagogues” to strike out at America’s Jewish population just before the elections.  This would seem like a credible terrorist act if it were not for a few things: 
  • Recent “debunked” terror threats, Adam “Perlman” Gadahn, the actor playing “American Taliban” and the long dead Osama bin Laden had both issued terror alerts that had, as usual, made no reference to Israel or Palestinians.  This time, the press noticed and Israel became suspect number one as to the real origin of these threats.
  • Wikileaks has also been “outed” as a source unique in its protection of Israel and its interests.  Reports have been proven to be, not only altered or falsified, but carefully filtered using PROMIS software, proving high level government complicity in filtering and fabricating data. 
  • Today, Israel announced that Wikileaks proves they were singled out by the UN for investigation for atrocities in Gaza as proven by the Goldstone Report.  They now ask for a similar investigation of the United States, a nation they used to consider an ally, the nation that underwrites their economy with massive economic aid.
  • Newspaper reports, so often horribly unreliable, have universally misrepresented the nature of the explosive used, PETN, its detectability and function.  This is not a minor thing, not at all.  Literally hundreds of reporters were fed information easily disproven in Wikipedia.
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