Criminal conduct


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Criminality, violence and hate-cultivating behaviours are all social pathologies. The level of these elements within a society indicate the social health of that society. In the western world, there is a growing trend of the normalization and acceptance of socially pathological behavior when it is exhibited by members of the female biological demographic. In fact, some types of violent and criminal conduct by are now financially incentivized by government and the courts.

This site and it's editors oppose the increasing normalization of violence, and the growing acceptance of female criminal and violent behavior. In addition, false accusation of crime is a growing problem not adequately addressed in western courts, and this site treats that problem as a social pathology. However, to avoid emulating the problem we mean to address, the editorial policy of this site is that identification of types of offence must conform to the definitions listed on this page.

It is also the policy of this website that all submissions to the site must be meticulously documented prior to approval and inclusion.


FA Rape

False Accusation of Rape An individual who willingly and knowingly makes or files a false rape accusation. This is arguably more corrosive to civil society than any other violent crime. False accusers make a cynical use of the legal system for personal vendetta, or in many cases, for profit and elevated social status which comes from being classified "victim." Western courts and governments appear to be encouraging this, and incentivizing false rape accusations, by lowering the standards of evidence - and providing victim benefits, legal anonymity and reduced civil rights for individuals accused.

False Rape Accusers


False Domestic Violence Accuser An individual who willingly and knowingly makes or files a false accusation of Domestic Violence. Since the scope of the definition of Domestic Violence is increasingly expanded to encompass many normal nonviolent behaviors, the increasing prevalence the use of false Domestic Violence accusations as a level in divorce disputes is a metric of an increasingly corrupt family court system.

Domestic Violence False Accusers


Bigot is a label that reflects the editorial opinion of . It is used to designate individuals whose active ideology is one that results in socially inflicted harm on men and/or boys in the general population. Hatemongers have the added effect of supporting and/or promoting the exclusion of women from consequences for the other offenses defined on this page.



Individuals who have killed other human beings, but have not been convicted of the crime of murder.



Many dictionaries define rape as forced sexual intercourse inflicted on a female. This is an egregiously sexist definition, ignoring the well documented fact that more men are raped in prison than women raped in the rest of civil society, and ignoring the fact that women can and do rape men, and rape children of both sexes. Rape as a category of offense is used on this site where a conviction in a court of law has been obtained for the charge of rape, statutory or otherwise.



The term Pedophile is often used in the media to encompass the sexual victimization of children and minors. On this website,as in the general consensus of the psychiatric establishment, instances of sexual victimization or exploitation of children 11 years old and younger is classified as pedophilia. Sexual abuse of minors aged 12 and older is classified on this site as rape or statutory rape.


Violent Offender

Individuals who have been convicted of any charged related to the intentional infliction of physical harm on another human being, or who have stipulated publicly that they have committed such harm.

Violent Offenders

Paternity Fraud

Paternity fraud refers to a paternal discrepancy or a non-paternity event, in which a mother names a man to be the biological father of a child, particularly for self-interest, when she knows or suspects that he is not the biological father. In cases of paternity fraud, there are many potential victims: the non-biological father, the child deprived of a relationship with the biological father, and the biological father who is deprived of his relationship with his child.

Corrupt Public Official

According to the FBI, public corruption poses “a fundamental threat to a culture's identity and quality of life. It impacts everything from how well borders are secured and neighborhoods protected…to verdicts handed down in courts…to the quality of schools, and other social institutions.” Given that there is frequently the involvement of corrupt public officials in the arrest and prosecution of falsely charged defendants, e.g. Mike Nifong, Mary Kellett, we feel this is a fitting description to employ at Officials that pursue legal actions against individuals known to be innocent of the charges are more destructive to our system of criminal justice, and to society at large, than almost any other type of criminal. We therefore include them in their own category on this registry.

Note: Corrupt Public Official is a classification which reflects the editorial opinion of management of and is not to be interpreted as a legal definition covered in the penal code


“The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.”

Murder is a legal definition, not a behavioral one. We reserve the use of the terms murder or murderer to those individuals who have been specifically found guilty of the crime of murder in an established court of law. For those who were convicted of lesser charges, such as manslaughter, or for those who were, for reasons that necessitated this website, spared a murder conviction, we will employ the term Killer.

Sexual Predator

The category of "Sexual Predator" is designated for individuals who were convicted of crimes that were related to any kind of sexual contact that constitutes a breach of trust, misuse of authority or official misconduct, but who were not otherwise convicted of rape or other form of sexual assault.

The term "Sexual Predator" constitutes the editorial opinion of and is not intended to represent a legal ruling or classification of criminal conduct.

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