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    Our movies have inspired millions, in every country on Earth, to transform the way we make, use, and throw away Stuff. Your contribution keeps our movies, podcasts, study guides and other resources 100% free to view and share…and 100% advertisement free. Thank you for helping us inspire millions more by contributing today!

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  • Episode 11 of THE GOOD STUFF is here!

    Annie talks Girl Scout Cookies,
    Orangutans and Palm Oil!


    In 2007, two kids in Michigan set out to earn their Girl Scout Bronze Award by raising awareness about the endangered orangutan. They learned that the orangutans’ habitat is being destroyed to plant oil palm plantations. After making the shocking discovery that palm oil was an ingredient in Girl Scout cookies, they launched a campaign to make Girl Scout cookies rainforest-safe.

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    Take our Changemaker Personality Quiz to see how you show up in the world and what role you can play in the Story of Stuff Community and beyond.

  • Watch our Films!


    6 years, 8 films, and 37 million views later, our films have been viewed in every country on Earth! Click here to watch the original that started it all!

News & Updates

  • Press //

    Solutions in Our Communities

    Need some inspiration? Annie Leonard has a new article in her Solutions Series on the Patagonia weblog. “Solutions in Our Communities” shows how getting involved at the community level is a fantastic start in making big changes in the world. Check it out here!

    An excerpt:

    “To make changes on the scale needed to address the severity of today’s environmental, economic and social crises, we have to change the rules of the game on three levels: in our governments, in our businesses and in our communities. Our communities are a good place to start: They’re close to home; the solutions are usually easier to achieve than trying to make change at the international, national or even state levels; and the emotional and social rewards are more immediate.”

    Read the full piece here! 

  • Press //

    How to Be More than a Mindful Consumer

    The Fall 2013 issue of Yes! Magazine has a feature piece from our very own Annie Leonard: “How to Be More than a Mindful Consumer.” Check it out here!

     An excerpt:

    “Since I released ‘The Story of Stuff’ six years ago, the most frequent snarky remark I get from people trying to take me down a notch is about my own stuff: Don’t you drive a car? What about your computer and your cellphone? What about your books? (To the last one, I answer that the book was printed on paper made from trash, not trees, but that doesn’t stop them from smiling smugly at having exposed me as a materialistic hypocrite. Gotcha!)

    Let me say it clearly: I’m neither for nor against stuff. I like stuff if it’s well-made, honestly marketed, used for a long time, and at the end of its life recycled in a way that doesn’t trash the planet, poison people, or exploit workers. Our stuff should not be artifacts of indulgence and disposability, like toys that are forgotten 15 minutes after the wrapping comes off, but things that are both practical and meaningful. British philosopher William Morris said it best: ‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.’”

     Read the full article!

  • The Good Stuff — Episode 11: Girl Scout Cookies, Orangutans and Palm Oil

    In 2007, two kids in Michigan set out to earn their Girl Scout Bronze Award by raising awareness about the endangered orangutan. They learned that the orangutans’ habitat is being destroyed to plant oil palm plantations. After making the shocking discovery that palm oil was an ingredient in Girl Scout cookies, they launched a campaign to make Girl Scout cookies rainforest-safe.


  • The Good Stuff — Episode 10: The People Have the Power

    Protecting our health from toxic pollution is too important a job to be left to scientists, govenment regulators or even professional environmental activists. Annie looks at two communities, half a world apart, where citizens showed that people on the front lines of pollution have the power to fight back against being poisoned.


  • Choose Family over Frenzy

    When I turned on my computer today, I had 8 emails from vendors announcing special low prices — Black Friday deals — available all week. I waded through the Black Friday junk mail, tapping away at my delete button, to find the one email I sought: the message from my neighbor with the menu, schedule and guest list for Thursday’s Thanksgiving gathering…. FULL POST »

  • The Story of Change

    I used to think the truth would set us free. Like many who care about the environment, I spent years thinking that information would lead to change. So I wrote reports, gave speeches, even testified before Congress.

    Some things changed. Sadly, the big picture didn’t…. FULL POST »

  • $4,000 v. $7,000,000,000

    If you think corporations have too much power in our democracy (or yours), we need you to keep reading…. FULL POST »

  • Taking That First Step

    I recently heard a yoga teacher explain that the hardest pose in yoga is the one that gets you from your house to the yoga studio. Once you’re there, with a group, it’s a lot easier, and a lot more fun, to figure out what to do next…. FULL POST »

  • We’re Not Broke

    They got bailed out; we got sold out!

    The chant rang in my ears as I marched with my 12-year-old daughter and thousands of my fellow citizens through the streets of Oakland last week…. FULL POST »

  • Press //

    Watch Annie’s interview with Stephen Colbert

    Annie on Colbert talking about how our quest for more stuff is taking the place of things that provide deeper happiness. Check it out!

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