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Ex-Fukushima Worker: High risk they’ll break fuel rods in Unit 4 pool — Gundersen: Moving fuel risks nuclear chain reaction; You can’t stop it, no control rods to control it

Reuters: Corrosion is weakening Fukushima Unit No. 4 — Concern quake to ‘topple’ bulging structure — Holds 14,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of cesium-137

CBS: Dire Warning from Fire Commander — Landfill fire near nuclear waste would threaten entire St. Louis region with radioactive smoke — “Potential for something very tragic”

Japan Reporter: Engineers only have ‘vague idea’ where Fukushima nuclear fuel is after world’s first triple meltdown — “A vast experiment” — Problems are enormous (AUDIO)

Tokyo Professor on CBC: Latest Fukushima crisis is threatening public health — Gov’t response “totally abysmal” (AUDIO)

NHK: Groundwater levels continue rising at Fukushima plant — Gov’t warns Tepco about typhoons — “We can’t do anything” if rainfall overwhelms pump — Contaminated water could overflow and move “extremely fast” into Pacific (VIDEO)

MSN: Nuclear experts call for testing U.S. West Coast waters and Pacific seafood for Fukushima contamination — “I definitely recommend FDA and EPA increase their vigilance”

TV: They are turning ground into quicksand at Fukushima plant — Engineers warn reactor units may topple (VIDEO)

Tepco “deeply apologizes for mistake” — Admits ‘sprayed’ Fukushima workers actually exposed to 5 times ‘safe’ radiation limit — Radioactive dust to blame, not water spray? (VIDEO)

Radiation Expert: Enormous amount of contamination flowing from Fukushima will probably imperil entire Pacific Ocean — Threatens other countries, food chain — Absolutely can reach U.S. and Canadian shores (VIDEO)

NHK Special Report on Fukushima: “We are still in an emergency… Not much time left… We can’t afford to wait” (VIDEO)

AP: ‘Time bomb’ in leaking Fukushima trenches — If Tepco removes extremely contaminated water as planned, it will only make more flow in since reactor buildings connect to trenches

Over 15 quadrillion becquerels of radioactive substances suspected in trench that Tepco now admits is leaking into groundwater at Fukushima

Contamination sprayed on men at Fukushima plant — Alarm sounds over radioactivity levels — Worker: They never told us Reactor 3 building was steaming, “I found out about it on TV” (VIDEO)

Tepco: Trench connected to Unit No. 2 is what’s contaminating groundwater at Fukushima — Has extremely high levels of over 3 billion Bq/liter of radioactive substances — Water is flowing in from reactor building (VIDEO)

Fukushima Workers: Another accident is inevitable — There’s always risk of another explosion, I fear that a lot (AUDIO)

Korea Times: Quarter-billion liters of Fukushima contaminated water flowed into Pacific — Japan cover-up could violate international law — Hid global issue of environmental concern?

Report: The people of Japan are responsible for poisoning of world’s food chain due to Fukushima catastrophe — They have to stand up and take action — “The buck has to stop somewhere” (VIDEO)

NBC Nightly News: Urgent situation after frightening discovery at Fukushima — Planned ice wall shows Tepco is grasping at straws and can’t stop plant leaking like a sieve — Now almost 900 straight days of contamination flowing in Pacific (VIDEO)

TV: China, Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and others are going to want to know just how out of control this newly revealed radiation emergency is at Fukushima (VIDEO)

“Nuclear leaks poison the Pacific” — “We’re talking about the Pacific Ocean, so it’s not just Fukushima that’s affected” — “Criticism will be worldwide” if contamination keeps flowing from plant

FDA “paying attention to the leaks” at Fukushima — “Do not worry about radioactive fish” — Will test seafood “as needed”