
Flour, a red apron, a rooftop and New York City.


I’m Jacqueline.  I write, I bake with alternative ingredients, I build recipes, and in the past I’ve talked into a camera while making food.

Since the age of 12 I’ve lived with Lyme Disease, and it has shaped my relationship with food since the day I  saw my first nutritionist, who gently guided my body into healing itself.  I use food as medicine, yoga and meditation as magic, and honest self-reflection to keep my life in balance and my illness at bay.  I need to surround myself with people who are creative, hard-working, genuine and humble, so that my body doesn’t take on stress and result in ways that halt my quality of living.  I’m an over-worker and an over-stresser, so depending on the day you may meet a calm-spirited hippie or a neurotic overachiever.  I am aware of what I put into my body but do not “diet”, as food is my friend.  Life’s all about the balance, folks.

I love food. I don’t see my allergies as banners to be waved around. I dislike trends. I respect chefs. I speak politely with servers.

Because of all this, my work is about words, and food, and art.

I was on staff at the gluten-free Easy Eats magazine, where I built recipes, planned articles and curated and edited all blog content. For well over a year now I’ve interviewed some insanely inspiring chefs for Serious Eats NY, with the incredible photographer Brent Herrig, with whom I also work on many other awesome things, including our upcoming book, Plates and Portraits. For a bit I was a private “chef”, and now am content to build recipes for website companies instead. I pull a lot of that together on WordsFoodArt.com. I’m often tired, and sometimes in pain, but always thankful.

I live in NYC by the Hudson River with my dog, Mitra (who has a horrible addiction to prosciutto and sheep cheese, bless her tiny heart) and many pieces of cooking equipment of formidable weight.

DB-Spatula-logo-smallThank you for visiting.

Wishing you peace, love and a sweet, sweet life,


Oh! And why Dusty?  Come into my kitchen and watch me bake.  Nuff said.

I’d love to hear from you!

Email: jacqueline@thedustybaker.com

Twitter: @WordsFoodArt

Twitter Follow Me
