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"Imre Nagy aka 'Volodya' - A Dent in the Martyr's Halo?" by Johanna Granville

"Imre Nagy aka 'Volodya' - A Dent in the Martyr's Halo?" by Johanna Granville



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Published by szerzo
When Nikita Khrushchev dropped the other shoe with his “Secret Speech” at the Twentieth Party Congress in February 1956, not only did he expose Stalin’s crimes, he also created a public image of himself as a patron of “different paths to socialism” that would later prove hard to uphold. All over Eastern Europe, the “little Stalins”—Mátyás Rákosi in Hungary, Antonín Novotný in Czechoslovakia, Bolesław Bierut in Poland, and their like—watched fearfully, wondering how far de-Stalinization would go. Meanwhile, their opponents, who had criticized Stalinist policies, suddenly rose in popularity and stature.
The Hungarian leader Imre Nagy was one such critic. Having served briefly as Hungary’s prime minister (July 1953-March 1955), Nagy had become famous for his censure of the pace of collectivization, his expertise in agrarian reform, and advocacy of greater production of consumer goods. In Western history texts, Nagy has become a genuine hero and tragic figure. As former KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov wrote bitterly, Nagy acquired in death a “martyr’s halo.” A professor of agricultural economy and long-time member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Nagy, we know, was something of a “bookworm,” an idealist mixed up with ruthless politicians of Mátyás Rákosi’s ilk. And yet, certain puzzles in the history of Nagy’s career have remained. For one thing, Mátyás Rákosi, who was the most powerful man in postwar Hungary, detested
him. Given Rákosi’s hatred of Nagy, why was it not Nagy - rather than László Rajk - who was branded the first Hungarian “Titoist agent” in Stalin’s sanguinary witch-hunt that swept Eastern Europe from 1949 to 1952, and cost the lives of Traicho Kostov (Bulgaria), Rudolf Slansky and Vladimir Clementis (Czechoslovakia), and the freedom of Władysław Gomułka (Poland)? Apparently, someone was protecting him “at the center” (in Moscow). The translated Russian archival documents printed below reveal that Imre Nagy, codename “Volodya,” enlisted with the Soviet secret police on September 4, 1930. According to the secret police report of March 10, 1938 translated below, Nagy was again recruited three years later, on January 17, 1933, by the OGPU's successor, the NKVD. Of Nagy's numerous submissions to the Soviet secret police denouncing his émigré colleagues, at least the handwritten ones should be seen as authentic. The story of how these archival documents - three of which are translated below - initially emerged in late 1988 from the KGB archives has more to do with Soviet and Hungarian party politics amidst the revolutionary upheavals of the late 1980s and early 1990s than with scholarly investigation. Since these materials were selected specifically to discredit Nagy and undermine political trends in Hungary in 1989, scholars should certainly be cautious in evaluating them.
When Nikita Khrushchev dropped the other shoe with his “Secret Speech” at the Twentieth Party Congress in February 1956, not only did he expose Stalin’s crimes, he also created a public image of himself as a patron of “different paths to socialism” that would later prove hard to uphold. All over Eastern Europe, the “little Stalins”—Mátyás Rákosi in Hungary, Antonín Novotný in Czechoslovakia, Bolesław Bierut in Poland, and their like—watched fearfully, wondering how far de-Stalinization would go. Meanwhile, their opponents, who had criticized Stalinist policies, suddenly rose in popularity and stature.
The Hungarian leader Imre Nagy was one such critic. Having served briefly as Hungary’s prime minister (July 1953-March 1955), Nagy had become famous for his censure of the pace of collectivization, his expertise in agrarian reform, and advocacy of greater production of consumer goods. In Western history texts, Nagy has become a genuine hero and tragic figure. As former KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov wrote bitterly, Nagy acquired in death a “martyr’s halo.” A professor of agricultural economy and long-time member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Nagy, we know, was something of a “bookworm,” an idealist mixed up with ruthless politicians of Mátyás Rákosi’s ilk. And yet, certain puzzles in the history of Nagy’s career have remained. For one thing, Mátyás Rákosi, who was the most powerful man in postwar Hungary, detested
him. Given Rákosi’s hatred of Nagy, why was it not Nagy - rather than László Rajk - who was branded the first Hungarian “Titoist agent” in Stalin’s sanguinary witch-hunt that swept Eastern Europe from 1949 to 1952, and cost the lives of Traicho Kostov (Bulgaria), Rudolf Slansky and Vladimir Clementis (Czechoslovakia), and the freedom of Władysław Gomułka (Poland)? Apparently, someone was protecting him “at the center” (in Moscow). The translated Russian archival documents printed below reveal that Imre Nagy, codename “Volodya,” enlisted with the Soviet secret police on September 4, 1930. According to the secret police report of March 10, 1938 translated below, Nagy was again recruited three years later, on January 17, 1933, by the OGPU's successor, the NKVD. Of Nagy's numerous submissions to the Soviet secret police denouncing his émigré colleagues, at least the handwritten ones should be seen as authentic. The story of how these archival documents - three of which are translated below - initially emerged in late 1988 from the KGB archives has more to do with Soviet and Hungarian party politics amidst the revolutionary upheavals of the late 1980s and early 1990s than with scholarly investigation. Since these materials were selected specifically to discredit Nagy and undermine political trends in Hungary in 1989, scholars should certainly be cautious in evaluating them.

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Categories:Types, Research
Published by: szerzo on Apr 05, 2009
Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial


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Imre Nagy aka 'Volodya'--A Dent in the Martyr's Halo?

Copyright: Johanna Granville, in Cold War International History Project Bulletin, no. 5 (Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington, DC), Spring, 1995, pp. 28, and 34-37. Also at http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?fuseaction= topics.home&topic_id=1409. When Nikita Khrushchev dropped the other shoe with his “Secret Speech” at the Twentieth Party Congress in February 1956, not only did he expose Stalin’s crimes, he also created a public image of himself as a patron of “different paths to socialism” that would later prove hard to uphold. 2 All over Eastern Europe, the “little Stalins”—Mátyás Rákosi in Hungary, Antonín Novotný in Czechoslovakia, Bolesław Bierut in Poland, and their like—watched fearfully, wondering how far de-Stalinization would go. 3 Meanwhile, their opponents, who had criticized Stalinist policies, suddenly rose in popularity and stature. The Hungarian leader Imre Nagy was one such critic. Having served briefly as Hungary’s prime minister (July 1953-March 1955), Nagy had become famous for his censure of the pace of collectivization, his expertise in agrarian reform, and advocacy of greater production of consumer goods. These were, of course, the same policies that Khrushchev advocated, having adopted them from his rival, Georgii Malenkov, after the latter was safely ousted from the prime ministership. Nagy, author of the 1953 “New Course,” was Khrushchev’s political kinsman, the epitome of communist new thinking for his time. In Western history texts, Nagy has become a genuine hero and tragic figure. As former KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov wrote bitterly, Nagy acquired in death a “martyr’s halo.” A professor of agricultural economy and long-time member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Nagy, we know, was something of a “bookworm,” an idealist mixed up with This is an updated version to reflect new research. Expression drawn from Adam Ulam, The Rivals (NY: Penguin Books, 1971), p. 245. 3 The Polish Communist leader Bierut dropped dead, apparently from a heart attack, soon after Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech.”
1 2

ruthless politicians of Mátyás Rákosi’s ilk. Although ostensibly a harmless theorist, Nagy was repeatedly the victim of Moscow power plays. 4 In 1955, in connection with the new anti-Malenkov coalition, he lost the prime ministership and was accused of “right-wing deviationism.” His shining moment came when he led a reformist communist surge to power and regained the prime minister’s post, and still more briefly, after some hesitation, led a popular nationalist revolt against the Soviet Union from October 23 to November 4, 1956. On November 4, 1956, Nagy was forced out of power by a massive Soviet intervention, and ultimately, at 5 a.m. on June 16, 1958, after a secret show trial, the Hungarian quisling János Kádár (and Khrushchev) had him executed, to show other East European leaders just how far Moscow would permit liberal reforms in the Soviet bloc to go. Imre Nagy, it was said, despite the political setbacks it would bring him, was always ready to speak the truth, to refuse to perform self-criticism (“samokritika”). Indeed, Machiavelli’s admonition seemed to address Nagy perfectly: “The man who neglects the real to study the ideal will learn how to accomplish his ruin, not his salvation. Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good.” 5 To be sure, Nagy’s refusal to recant did not always bring him ruin—not at first. It earned him the respect of his people, especially the members of the Petőfi Circle, a literary-intellectual group with strong nationalist leanings. 6 As KGB Chairman Ivan Serov reported to Moscow from Budapest three months before the Hungarian revolt,


One Soviet diplomat called Nagy a “malicious muddlehead” (“zlonamerennyi putanik”). I. Zamchevskii, “About Imre Nagy and his Politics with the Yugoslav Leaders,” Arkhiv Vneshnei Politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii (AVP RF) [Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation], fond [f.] 077, opis' [op.] 37, papka [p.] 191, delo [d.] 39, list [l.] 86. Also Daniel F. Calhoun, Hungary and Suez, 1956: An Exploration of Who Makes History (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991), p. 57. 5 Niccolo Machiavelli, N. H. Thompson, The Prince (New York: Dover Publications, 1992), pp. 39-40. 6 The Petőfi Circle was an organization of Hungarian communist intellectuals founded in 1955. Sándor Petőfi was a revolutionary poet during the 1848 revolt against Austria. (Lajos Kossuth was the Hungarian revolutionary leader in the 1848 uprising.)

“The young people in the Petőfi Circle say that Petőfists are also communists, but they don’t want to copy Russian methods....If we Petőfists are ‘Martovtsists’ [March people] (of the 1848 revolution), then Imre Nagy is our new Lajos Kossuth.” 7 Even Rákosi, who was shipped off to Moscow for “treatment” in July 1956 (he remained in the USSR until his death in 1971), acknowledged Nagy’s popularity. Intending to discredit him after his own arrest by Soviet forces, Rákosi wrote to the CPSU Politburo: “Nagy at the present time is undoubtedly the most popular [figure]. The whole imperialist camp supports him, as well as the influential Yugoslavs. All the Hungarian anti-socialist forces stand behind him.” 8 And yet, certain puzzles in the history of Nagy’s career have remained. For one thing, Mátyás Rákosi, who was the most powerful man in postwar Hungary, detested him. Rákosi was responsible for Nagy’s complete expulsion from the Hungarian Workers’ Party (HWP) in November 1955 - not the Russians (an example of the East European “tail” wagging the Soviet “dog”). 9 Rákosi - dubbed “Stalin’s best disciple,” and by others the “Bald Murderer” or less reverently “Asshead” - had so effectively created his own cult of personality in Hungary that he could shake his little finger and that person would be no more. Given Rákosi’s hatred of Nagy, why was it not Nagy - rather than László Rajk - who was branded the first Hungarian “Titoist agent” in Stalin’s sanguinary witch-hunt that swept Eastern Europe from 1949 to 1952, and cost the lives of Traicho Kostov (Bulgaria),

Notes of Ivan Serov, July 26, 1956, Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Noveishei Istorii (RGANI) [Russian State Archive of Contemporary History], f. 89, per. 45, dok. 4, l. 2. 8 Letter of Rákosi to Khrushchev, December 15, 1956, RGANI, f. 89, op. 2, d. 3, l. 80. 9 “Expressed opinions at the Hungarian Politburo Session, July 13, 1956,” RGANI, f. 89, per. 45, dok. 3. “There were 13 Hungarian comrades present - Politburo members and candidate members, as well as comrade Mikoyan A. N. On July 13, 1956 at 3 p.m...he participated in the Politburo session, which continued for four hours....About Nagy, Mikoyan said it was a mistake to expel him from the party, even though he deserved it, given his behavior. If he were in the party, he could be forced to be obedient. The Hungarian comrades made their work comrades made their work harder on themselves....”[emphasis added].


Rudolf Slansky and Vladimir Clementis (Czechoslovakia), and the freedom of Władysław Gomułka (Poland)? Why was it not Nagy, who was too gentle for the post of Minister of the Interior, rather than Rajk, who did occupy that post? Or why, for that matter, was Imre Nagy, whom Rákosi called a milquetoast (“miagkotelyi”), even offered such plum jobs as Minister of the Interior or Minister of Administrative Organs? Apparently, someone was protecting him “at the center” (in Moscow). As Charles Gati attests in his latest, award-winning book, Failed Illusions: Moscow, Washington, Budapest, and the 1956 Hungarian Revolt, "Nagy was respected, promoted, and for years protected by various departments and individuals in Moscow that dealt with personnel and security matters." 10 The translated Russian archival documents printed below reveal that Imre Nagy, codename “Volodya,” enlisted with the Soviet secret police on September 4, 1930. At the time it was called the OGPU (Ob''edinennoe Gosudarstvennoe Politicheskoe Upravlenie, or Unified State Political Directorate). Having immigrated to Moscow in 1929, Nagy first worked at the Comintern's International Agrarian Institute. He signed in on April 24, 1930, under his new Russian name of "Vladimir Iosifovich (Imre) Nagy. 11 According to the secret police report of March 10, 1938 translated below, Nagy was again recruited three years later, on January 17, 1933, by the OGPU's successor, the NKVD (Narodnyi Komitet Vnutrennikh Del, or People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs). According to this document, Nagy was mistakenly arrested March 4, 1938 by an NKVD unit that was unaware of his ties to the organization. Another NKVD captain who knew Nagy's status quickly engineered Nagy's release four days later, on March 8, writing: "'Volodya' … has… provided valuable material about the anti-Soviet activities of a number of people from the ranks of the Hungarian emigration." The captain continued,

Charles Gati, Failed Illusions: Moscow, Washington, Budapest, and the 1956 Hungarian Revolt (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2006), p. 36. 11 Gati, p. 35.

"In his work “Volodya” shows great interest and initiative, a qualified agent. 12 Nagy also volunteered to fight in the Red Army in 1941 and served in a special NKVD unit. 13 Gati gained access to several top-secret documents in the archive of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, including a twelve-page curriculum vitae that Nagy wrote by hand. In this document, Nagy "fingered numerous Hungarian friends, comrades, and relatives, as well as colleagues and neighbors in the Soviet Union he had named earlier." 14 Gati believes that "of Nagy's numerous submissions to the Soviet secret police denouncing his émigré colleagues, at least the handwritten ones should be seen as authentic": Among them are three lists of people engaged in "anti-Soviet" activities. The first one is dated 1936 (month and day not indicated); the second and third reports are dated April 20, 1939, and June 15, 1940, respectively. Together, the lists contain the names of 203 political émigrés Nagy denounced to the authorities, of whom many were Hungarian exiles and dozens became victims of the purges sweeping the Soviet Union. There is another handwritten report, dated June 30, 1938, in which Nagy complains about being followed despite his cooperation with the police. 15 István Rév, in his book, Retroactive Justice: Prehistory of Post-Communism, concedes that Nagy "most likely played a role in the imprisonment and tragic fate of some

This NKVD report of March 1938 has been available to researchers at RGANI since 1994. In 2004 Gati received a copy of it from Gyula Thürmer, who has served as president of the Hungarian Communist Workers' Party since its foundation in 1989. Previously he was chief foreign policy adviser to the last general secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party, Káróly Grósz, and before that, to János Kádár. According to Gati, Thürmer headed a small delegation to Moscow in June 1989 to receive this and other documents from the KGB. 13 Gati, p. 37. 14 Ibid. 15 Gati, pp. 36-37.


Hungarian Communist émigrés in Stalin's Soviet Union, among them Lajos Magyar, the noted Sinologist." 16 The story of how these archival documents - three of which are translated below initially emerged in late 1988 from the KGB archives has more to do with Soviet and Hungarian party politics amidst the revolutionary upheavals of the late 1980s and early 1990s than with scholarly investigation. Since these materials were selected specifically to discredit Nagy and undermine political trends in Hungary in 1989, scholars should certainly be cautious in evaluating them. In the first volume of his two-volume political biography of Nagy, which is one of the most valuable Hungarian scholarly studies of the past decade, János Rainer, director of the 1956 Institute in Budapest, conscientiously weighs the evidence and concludes that some of the documents accusing Nagy were falsified, including the fourth document, dated June 1941, translated below. 17 Vladimir Kryuchkov, then KGB chief, had sent the incriminating Nagy dossier (containing both genuine and bogus documents) to Gorbachev on Friday, June 16, 1989 - the same day that several hundred thousand Hungarians gathered in Heroes’ Square in Budapest to witness the ceremonial reburial of Nagy and several other leaders of the 1956 revolt who had been tried and executed in 1958. In his letter of June 16, 1989, translated below, Kryuchkov made his intentions clear: Let’s publish these documents about Nagy’s sordid NKVD intrigues; it might defuse the Nagy rehabilitation campaign and the Hungarian reform movement in general. In fact, the hard-line Kryuchkov, who was later one of the shrewder and more sober of the August 1991 coup plotters, correctly perceived the developments in Hungary as a threat to communist rule and to Hungary’s status as a Warsaw Pact ally. There is another, more personal twist: Kryuchkov had himself served as third secretary in

István Rév, Retroactive Justice: Prehistory of Post-Communism (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2005), p. 15. 17 János Rainer, Nagy Imre: Politikai Életrajz, vol. I, 1896-1953; vol. II, 1953-1958 (Budapest: Institute of the 1956 Revolution, 1996 and 1999). See pp. 199-212 in volume I for an analysis of the "Volodya" documents.

the Soviet Embassy in Budapest in October-November 1956, and had personally witnessed what he undoubtedly considered Nagy’s treachery to the Soviet and communist cause. Ironically, the initial search for Soviet archival materials on Nagy was probably triggered by a request from Hungarian reformist political figures in 1988 that all documents pertaining to Nagy’s sentence and activities while in the Soviet Union be declassified. Evidently Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev opted not to unilaterally disclose the Nagy file, and just as Kryuchkov and other Soviet hardliners expected, the Hungarian leaders were also loath to disclose the explosive information. When the documents were unveiled during an inter-party consultation in the summer of 1989, and the topic of Nagy’s NKVD connections was raised, Rezső Nyers, then the chairman of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (HSWP), demanded that the issue be dropped. 18 Károly Grósz, the HSWP General Secretary, eventually broke the news of Nagy's NKVD ties in a speech at the September 1, 1989 meeting of the HSWP Central Committee, but those present decided not to publish the facts. 19 Only in February 1993, when Kryuchkov’s secret letter to Gorbachev was published in the Italian newspaper La Stampa, did Grósz agree to give an interview to the Hungarian newspaper Népszabadsag the following month, acknowledging that Nagy had indeed worked for the Soviet secret police in the 1930s and early 1940s. 20 The subject of Nagy's ties with the NKVD is understandably painful and controversial in Hungary, given his heroic role in the revolution of 1956 and tragic fate. As the KGB would have others believe, Imre Nagy, “Agent Volodya,” had “his hands soaked in blood,” had “given false information,” and [helped to] “sentence innocent men to death,” just as Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito had once said of Mátyás Rákosi and his henchmen. See Valerii Musatov, “Tragediia Nadia,” Novaia Noveishaia Istoriia, no. 1 (Jan. 1994), p. 166. 19 For the Hungarian transcript of Károly Grósz's speech, see Anna S. Koszticz and János Lakos, eds., A Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt Központi Bizottságának 1989. évi jegyzőkönyvei, vol. 2 (Budapest, MOL, 1993), pp. 1514-1518. 20 Musatov, “Tragediia Nadia,” p. 166.

Rákosi, Kádár, and Grósz often hyped Nagy's allegedly direct ties with Lavrentiy Beria, the infamous chief of the Soviet security police during Stalin's rule. 21 At a summit meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev as late as 1985, for example, Kádár told Gorbachev that Nagy had been “Beria’s man.” 22 As Rainer and Gati point out, these are gross exaggerations. Cooperating with the NKVD for one's own physical survival is one thing, but having "direct" ties with Beria and being "personally" responsible for the deaths of "hundreds" of innocent people is another. "It is impossible to believe that the NKVD acted solely or primarily on the basis of what a minor, non-Russian informer had reported," Gati opines. 23 The former KGB operative, Pavel Sudoplatov, who claimed that Nagy was a "full-time [Soviet] agent," could not provide Gati with concrete proof when the latter pressed him. 24 Gati concludes that, while "Nagy probably was an active informer, the exact scope of collaboration and consequences of his reporting for victims is debatable." 25 The fourth document below, dated June 1941, was probably forged, since it does not indicate the day of the month that it was written. Moreover, as Gati explains, it suggests that Malenkov received this document from Vsevelod Merkulov, who was in 1941 the NKVD's deputy director under Beria. "There is no explanation as to why Malenkov or a lesser official in his department had requested or needed information about Nagy from the NKVD." Thus, by itself, this document does not prove that Nagy had direct, personal ties with Beria. 26 While the news of Nagy’s collaboration with the NKVD is shocking, given the “martyr’s halo” he acquired after his dethronement and death, one must interpret this new Gati, p. 36, n. 22. See Valerii Musatov, “SSSR i Vengerskie Sobytiia 1956 g.: Novye Arkhivnye Materialy,” Novaia Noveishaia Istoriia, no. 1 (Jan. 1993), p. 5; and "Kádár János és M. Sz. Gorbacsov találkozója Moszkvában, 1985. szeptember 25-én," Történelmi Szemle, No. 1-2, 1992, 133149. 23 Gati, p. 35, n. 22. 24 Ibid. See Jerrold and Leona Schecter, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a Soviet Spymaster (Boston: Little, Brown, 1994), 452. 25 Gati, p. 35, n. 22. 26 Gati, p. 43.


information in historical context. Given the “kto koro?” [who whom?] atmosphere of the 1930s in the Soviet bloc, with arrests and executions occurring in concentric spirals, one was almost compelled to inform on others for survival, although even that did not guarantee one’s safety. Foreigners were especially vulnerable, because they were, as Russians say, “not ours” (“ne nashi”). Thus, for a foreign Comintern member, to be an NKVD agent was a mark of prestige and trustworthiness. One’s loyalty to communism was measured by the number of people one either recruited (“zaverboval”) or informed on (“donosil”). Many Comintern members had close ties with the NKVD or the GRU (“Glavrazvedupr,” or Main Intelligence Administration) of the General Staff of the Comintern. At the time, there was nothing unusual in this; it was almost a given. As Gati suggests, Nagy may have even "initiated the relationship" with the Soviet secret police to gain leverage against his political enemies within the Hungarian communist party, including Rákosi. 27 As mentioned above, since Rajk rather than Nagy was scapegoated in the anti-Tito campaign, Nagy's calculations may have paid off initially. Twenty or so years after the Soviet purges, East European leaders, even in their home countries, were still vulnerable, especially as the de-Stalinization process got underway. When Imre Nagy did shift his loyalties and struggled on the same side as the Hungarian insurgents in October-November 1956, he took a very heroic step indeed. As he told his Hungarian executioners on June 16, 1958: My only consolation in this situation is that, sooner or later, the Hungarian people and the international working class will acquit me of these heavy accusations, the weight of which I have to carry now, as a consequence of which I have to give my life, but the responsibility for which I have to take. I feel that the time will come when, in a calmer atmosphere, with clearer vision, with a better knowledge of the facts, justice can be administered in my case too. I feel I am the victim of a grave mistake, the mistake of the court. I do not ask for pardon." 28

27 28

Gati, p. 37. Rév, Retroactive Justice, p. 18.

Those were the last words Nagy ever uttered. Thus, in the end, Nagy did not compromise. He died for his beliefs. As two of his countrymen, Miklós Molnár and László Nagy, put it: “If his life was a question mark, his death was an answer.” 29

REPORTS ON AGENT “VOLODYA”: RUSSIAN DOCUMENTS ON IMRE NAGY Documents provided and translated by Johanna Granville

(1) KGB Chief Kryuchkov’s Report, June 16, 1989 SPECIAL FILE Of Special Importance To the CC CPSU Committee of State Security KGB of the USSR June 16, 1989 “About the Archive Materials Pertaining to Imre Nagy’s Activities in the USSR” The data we received show that the full-scale campaign of the opposition forces in Hungary connected with the rehabilitation of Imre Nagy, the former leader of the Hungarian government during the period of the 1956 events, is aimed at discrediting the whole path traversed by the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (HSWP), undermining the party’s authority and present leadership, and stirring up unfriendly feelings toward the USSR among the Hungarian people. The opposition organizations demand a full rehabilitation of Imre Nagy. He has acquired the halo of a martyr, of an exceptionally honest and principled person. Special emphasis in all this uproar about Imre Nagy is placed on the fact that he was a “consistent champion against Stalinism,” “an advocate of democracy and the fundamental


Miklós Molnár and László Nagy, Imre Nagy: Réformateur ou Révolutionnaire? (Geneva: Librarie E. Droz, 1959), pp. 217-18.

restoration of socialism.” In a whole series of publications in the Hungarian press, one is made to think that Nagy, [solely] as a result of Soviet pressure, was accused of counterrevolutionary activities, sentenced to death, and executed. The opposition is trying to raise Nagy on a pedestal and make him a symbol of the “struggle for democracy, progress, and the genuine independence of Hungary.” In the HSWP leadership, there is no united opinion as to the extent Imre Nagy should be rehabilitated. Deciding above all to strengthen their influence in the party and society, [Imre] Pozsgay, [Mátyás] Szürös, 30 and [Imre] Horváth sometimes openly flirt with the opposition in praising the services and dignity of Imre Nagy. [Károly] Grósz, [Rezső] Nyers, [Mihály] Jassó and others, in advocating his legal rehabilitation, believe that this full-scale campaign of unrestrained praise for Nagy will strike at the HSWP and at SovietHungarian relations. There are many mid-level and especially senior Hungarian communists who are very critical of such a campaign. Widespread among them is the opinion, founded on the stories of several party veterans, that the behavior of Imre Nagy in the 1920-30s in Hungary and the USSR was not as irreproachable, as is being suggested to the Hungarian population, which is under the control of the opposition’s press. In the course of the KGB’s work on archival materials dealing with the repression in the USSR in the second half of the thirties to the beginning of the 1950s, documents were uncovered that shed a light on the earlier, not well-known activities of Nagy in our country. From the indicated documents it follows that, having emigrated to the USSR in 1929, Nagy from the very beginning, of his own initiative, sought out contact with the security organs and in 1933 volunteered to become an agent (a secret informer) of the Main Administration of the security organs of the NKVD. He worked under the pseudonym “Volodya.” He actively used Hungarian and other political émigrés—as well as Soviet citizens—


Misspelled in the document as "M. Sjures."

for the purpose of collecting data about the people who, for one reason or another, came to the attention of the NKVD. We have the document that proves that in 1939 Nagy offered to the NKVD for “cultivation” 38 Hungarian political émigrés, including Ferenc Münnich. In another list he named 150 Hungarians, Bulgarians, Russians, Germans, and Italians that he knew personally, and with whom in case of necessity, he could “work.” On the basis of the reports by Nagy - “Volodya” - several groups of political émigrés, consisting of members of Hungarian, German, and other Communist parties, were sentenced. They were all accused of “anti-communist,” “terrorist,” and “counterrevolutionary” activities (the cases of the “Agrarians,” “Incorrigibles,” “The Agony of the Doomed,” and so on). In one of the documents (June 1940) it is indicated that Nagy “gave material” on 15 arrested “enemies of the people,” who had worked in the International Agrarian Institute, the Comintern, and the All-Union Radio Committee. The activities of “Volodya” led to the arrest of the well-known scholar [Eugén] Varga, 31 and of a whole series of Hungarian Communist Party leaders (B. Varga-Vágó, G. Farkas, E. Neiman, F. Gábor, and others). Some of these were shot, and some were sentenced to various terms in prison and exile. Many from 1954 to 1963 were rehabilitated. From the archival materials it does not follow that Nagy was an employee of the NKVD by force. Moreover, in the documents it is directly indicated that “Volodya” displayed considerable “interest and initiative in his work and was a qualified agent.” Taking into account the nature and direction of the widescale propagandistic campaign in Hungary, it would probably be expedient to report to the General Secretary of the Hungarian HSWP and [Károly] Grósz about the documents that we have and advise them about their possible use.

Chairman of the KGB, V. KRYUCHKOV

Eugén Samuilovich Varga (November 6, 1879, Budapest - October 7, 1964, Moscow) was the noted Marxist economist of Hungarian origin who directly challenged Stalin in arguing that capitalist economies were not on the brink of collapse. He was forced to recant.

[Source: RGANI, f. 89, per. 45, dok. 82.] ****

(2) Nagy’s OGPU Enlistment, September 4, 1930 OBLIGATIONS

I, the undersigned, employee of the Department of the OGPU (last name) Nagy (first name) Imre (patronymic) Iosofovich in the course of service, or after being discharged, presently commit myself to keep in the strictest secret all information and data about the work of the OGPU and its organs, not to divulge it in any form nor to share it even with my closest relatives and friends. I will be held accountable for any failure to carry out my responsibilities according to Article 121 of the Criminal Code. Order of the OGPU of April 3, 1923, No. 133, etc. RVS USSR of July 19, 1927 has been declared to me. Signature: Nagy Imre Iosofovich September 4, 1930 NOTE: The present document must be kept in the personal file of the employee. [Source: RGANI, f. 89, per. 45, dok 79.]

**** (3) Report on Nagy’s Arrest by the NKVD, March 10, 1938 REFERENCE About the intelligence work of the agent of the 1st division of the 4th Department of the First Administration. “VOLODYA” “Volodya” Nagy Vladimir Iosofovich, born in Hungary in 1896, by nationality Hungarian,

was excluded from the HCP (Hungarian Communist Party) (Imre Nagy); the case under investigation at KPK and KPV has been in service since 1918, works as a non-salaried employee of the Hungarian journal “Új Hang” [New Sound]. He was recruited on January 17, 1933. He has cultivated mostly Hungarian political émigrés. 1. According to “Volodya’s” data, a group of 4 people was exposed and liquidated. MANUEL, BAROS, KRAMMER, and others who were tried in the case of the “Incorrigibles.” 2. At the present time he is cultivating a counterrevolutionary group of Hungarians, composed of: VARGA E., GÁBOR F. I, SLOSSER K., BOLGÁR E., VARGA S.E., GERREL, LUKÁCS and others who were tried in the intelligence case of the “Restorers.” In his work “Volodya” shows great interest and initiative, a qualified agent. Through “Volodya,” the counterrevolutionary group the “Agrarians” was exposed and liquidated. (Signed) MATUSOV, Deputy Director of the 1st Dept, 4th Dept, 1st Administration, Captain of State Security II. From the Deputy Director of the 4th Dept GUGB of the NKVD USSR to the Commissar of State Security 3 rank, Comrade Karutskii REPORT I report that on the night of the 4-5th of March of 1938 the agent of the second division “Volodya” Nagy, Vladimir Iosifovich was arrested by the 11th Dept. of the UNKVD of the Moscow region. “Volodya” was recruited on January 17, 1933 and during all that time gave valuable material about the anti-Soviet activities of a number of people from the Hungarian political émigré community.

Recently “Volodya” actively cultivated the fundamental objective of the intelligence case “The Incorrigibles” including: BAROS V., MANUEL S., MADZSAR, TEGDAS, and a number of others. Volodya was arrested without a preliminary check in the 8th department of the GUGB, and remained under arrest for 4 days. When we asked on what grounds “Volodya” was arrested, they freed him on March 8 of this year. I report this information by your orders. Director of the 2nd Division of the 4th Department of the GUGB Captain of State Security Signed) ALTMAN March 10, 1938 [Source: RGANI, f. 89, per 45, dok 80, 2] ****

(4) Information on Agent “Volodya,” June 1941 To the CC Hungarian Communist Party (HCP) To Comrade Malenkov Upon the inquiry of the Administration of Cadres of the CC of the (HCP) of April 19, 1940, No. 275/c we are sending reference material about Nagy Vladimir Iosifovich. Enclosed: the abovementioned Deputy of the People’s Committee of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Signed) MERKULOV II. REFERENCE about the agent of the 1st Division of the 3rd Administration of the NKGB USSR Volodya” ____________________, born in 1896, in the town of Kaposvár (Hungary), Hungarian by nationality, a citizen of the USSR, member of the HCP (b) since 1918. At present he works in the All Union Radio Committee. He was recruited as an agent in 1933. In 1936 during

the inspection of his party documents “Volodya” was expelled from the HCP, and in 1939 again readmitted. In readmitting him to the party by the Party Board KPK of the CC HCP, he was reprimanded for the fact that he did not get the Comintern’s consent for his wife’s trip to Hungary in 1935. In the journal “Új Hang” [New Sound] in Hungarian” No. 2 for the year 1939, “Volodya” in his article expressed doubt that the Hungarian proletariat at the present time was faithful to the socialist cause. In 1937-1938 “Volodya” gave a number of materials about the anti-Soviet activities of FARKAS and VÁGÓ. In subsequent materials about “Volodya” the following people were arrested and convicted: MANUEL, LUBARSZKII, DUBROVSZKII, BARON, KRAMER, and MADZSAR. “Volodya” also informed us about the anti-Soviet activities of the people presently arrested: STEINBERG, STUKKE, SUGÁR, POLLACSEK, KARISKAS, FRIEDMAN. At present “Volodya” is cultivating a group of anti-Soviet-minded former Hungarian political émigrés. Director of the 1st Division of the 3rd Administration of the USSR First Lieutenant of State Security (Signed) Sverdlov “ " June 1941 [day of the month left blank]

[Source: RGANI, f. 89, per. 45, dok 81 ] ****

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