Language Resources

For Resource Sets
For an overview of major language-oriented ministry resources and tools, click on the tabs below. Only resources available in large numbers of languages are presented here. Many other smaller sets of resources and tools exist.

For Individual Languages
To find language-oriented ministry resources and tools for a specific language, visit the Joshua Project language page, select the language and click on the Resources tab.

For Mobile App
Joshua Project also has a mobile app called JP Languages to assist with finding various resources in different languages.
Beidalao of China
Population:  24,000
Status: Unreached
Wolio of Indonesia
Population:  222,000
Status: Unreached
Rajput, Gautam of India
Population:  469,000
Status: Unreached
Pinjara of Pakistan
Population:  160,000
Status: Unreached
Yuana, Yuwana of Venezuela
Population:  900
Status: Unreached
Kalbelia of India
Population:  98,000
Status: Unreached
Daur of China
Population:  188,000
Status: Unreached
Bedouin, Arosien of Western Sahara
Population:  7,500
Status: Unreached
Trumai of Brazil
Population:  200
Status: Unreached
Ani of China
Population:  104,000
Status: Unreached

  • Print Bibles
  • Online Bibles
  • Jesus Film
  • Global Recordings
  • God's Story

Print Bibles

To find a print Bible, the best place to start is the Find a Bible website of the Forum of Bible Agencies. Also try searching Amazon using the language name and "Bible" such as "Mandarin Bible."

Wycliffe Bible Translators report the following statistics about Bible translation:

6,800+ ... the number of languages spoken in the world today
Under 2,000 ... the number of languages without any of the Bible, but with a possible need of a Bible translation to begin
about 209 million ... the number of people who speak the less than 2,000 languages where translation projects have not yet begun
Over 1,500 ... the number of translation programs where Wycliffe and its partners are currently at work
1,275 ... the number of language groups that have access to the New Testament in their heart language
518 ... the number of language groups that have access to the entire Bible in the language they understand best

Online Bibles

The largest online Bible collection is ", developed by Faith Comes By Hearing, is the world's foremost Audio Bible ministry, with New Testament recordings in more than 700 languages. Both streaming audio and online text versions are available for many languages and versions. Faith Comes By Hearing also provides solar-powered Audio Bibles, Military Biblesticks, web Bible audio players and other innovate resources for people to hear God's Word for themselves." View a complete list of available Bible versions and translations.

Another source for online Bibles is BibleGateway. The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online -- all in the language or translation of your choice! View a complete list of BibleGateway available Bible versions and translations. BibleGateway also offers a Verse of the Day widget, Bible commentaries, audio Bibles, and more.

Jesus Film

Based on the Gospel of Luke, the "JESUS" film has now been translated into more than 1,160 languages, with new languages being added every month. This allows God’s Word to speak to people in more than 200 countries in languages they know and understand. By God’s grace, it is yielding a spiritual harvest of unprecedented results.

Every eight seconds, somewhere in the world, another person indicates a decision to follow Christ after watching the "JESUS" film. Every eight seconds... that's 10,800 people per day, 324,000 per month and more than 3.8 million per year!

How can any single film reach so many people and touch so many lives? It is the power of the Word of God in their heart language. View a daily updated list of "JESUS" Film versions and translations.

Global Recordings

Global Recordings Network (GRN) is a leading provider of Christian evangelistic and discipleship audio visual materials to the least reached language groups of the world. GRN's passion is to work where there are no translated Scriptures and no viable local church, or where a written Scripture or portion is available but where there are few if any who can read it or make sense of it.

Audio visual materials are a particularly powerful evangelism medium as they communicate the gospel in story format suitable for oral learners. GRN recordings can be downloaded free of charge from their website, and distributed via CD's, email, Bluetooth and other media.

Most of GRN's over 6,000 recordings can be downloaded for free from their website for you to distribute to your friends. Or you can listen right on the website.

God's Story

An exciting 80-minute video project called "God's Story: From Creation To Eternity" presents the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Designed for the more than 80 percent of the world's population that cannot or does not read, this panorama of the Scriptures throughout the Old and New Testaments highlights God's plan to rescue fallen mankind.

Through over 300 translations of the Bible video God's Story: From Creation to Eternity, multiplied millions can now hear the Gospel in an effective chronological storytelling format.

God's Story bible video provides an easy to understand ... entertaining ... yet enlightening overview of the Holy Scripture upon which Christian beliefs are based.

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