Ghost Dance
27 March 2009
At the end of the 19th century Thomas Edison filmed « Ghost Dance », one of the first films ever made and the first filmic record of ‘authentic’ American Indians.
By the late 1880s, many Indian tribes, desperate and facing a dire existence of poverty, hunger and disease, sought a means of salvation to revitalize their traditional culture. The evolution of a new religion, the Ghost Dance, was a reaction to the Indians being forced to submit to government authority and reservation life.

Extra City Benefit Auction - Unique Potential Estate edition
Potential Estate has participated to the first beneft auction launched by Extra City Center for Contemporary Art in Antwerp the December 17th at Bernaerts Auction House in Antwerp.
Don’t forget

Sioux ‘performers’ working for Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show were touring New Jersey and performed for Edison’s operators. The Wild West shows introduced many western performers and personalities, at the same time diffusing a romanticized image of the American Wild West to a very wide audience. The same show would tour Europe extensively and put up its tents in Antwerp in 1891 and 1906.

Cabinet Jurino presents a Potential Estate version of Edison’s Ghost Dance.

Other articles in this chapter

What’s in a name - In Cochiti (a New Mexican pueblo) Aby Warburg (Hamburg, 1866-1929) spoke to a Hopi priest named Cleo Jurino.
Reanimating the serpent - Red on Yellow, Kills a Fellow — American proverb
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" My brain is frozen. I have to break free from this culture of mechanical reproduction and the thick incrustration who die on the surface "

in « House of 10.000 corpses », Rob Zombie, 2003.

Cabinet Jurino / Museumnacht - Potential Estate / Cabine Jurino Nog tot 10 september. Op donderdag 10 september tussen 18 en 21 uur sluit Potential Estate Cabinet Jurino af met een unieke presentatie van Joan Jonas’s single channel versie van ‘The Shape, The Scent, The Feel of Things’, een vijfdelige video-installatie die The Renaissance Society in 2004 produceerde, waarin Jonas ingaat op Aby Warburg’s studie van de Hopi beeldentaal.
Jurino Rodeo - 10 spet 2009 - JOAN JONAS "The Shape, the Scent, the Feel of Things" ⁂ Unique screening - European Première ⁂ + Yeeeeeha!


— Tricksters or fakes, assistants or ‘toons, they are exemplars of the coming community

Giorgio Agamben, The Coming Community, University of Minnesota Press

What Warburg did not see

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David Freedberg / Pathos at Oraibi : What Warburg did not see

One hamburger at a time

« Our ancestors sold Manhattan for trinkets. Today with the acquisition of the Hard Rock cafes we’re going to buy Manhattan back one hamburger at a time. »

Press conference Seminole Tribe

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