Rob Ford celebrates Take Our Kids to Work Day after crack admission


Rob Ford celebrates Take Our Kids to Work Day after crack admission

Toronto mayor Rob Ford gives a tour to the children of staff during 'take your kids to work day' the day after admitting he smoked crack cocaine in Toronto, Ontario, November 6, 2013.

Photograph by: Tyler Anderson/National Post ,

The day after he finally confirmed almost six months of reports about a video that showed him smoking crack cocaine, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford went back to work on Wednesday, with an agenda that included showing Grade 9 students around his office as part of Take Our Kids to Work Day.

Ford blew kisses at the media that spent the day congregated outside his office as they waited for another potential shoe to drop in the drama — while interviewing other city councillors who restated their serious calls for the mayor to take some time off amidst the expectation that more explosive revelations about his conduct are yet to come.

Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly revealed Wednesday that he advised Ford to take a leave of absence over the weekend to no avail; Councillor Doug Ford, the mayor’s brother, claimed that any crack use was kept secret from him before Tuesday; and Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak joined the chorus of federal and provincial leaders urging Rob to seek help.

Protesters gathered outside Toronto City Hall earlier in the afternoon to call for Ford to step aside and left chalk messages in a much different spirit than the ones that covered Nathan Phillips Square after the August 2011 death of Jack Layton.

Concurrently, legendary wrestler The Iron Sheik tweeted that he was on his way to Toronto City Hall to challenge Ford to an arm wrestle, as part of holding him to account for his misdeeds.

(Photos from City Hall by Tyler Anderson/National Post.)

The Iron Sheik showed up to entertain the media:

And more photos of Ford:

Toronto mayor Rob Ford gives a tour to the children of staff during 'take your kids to work day' the day after admitting he smoked crack cocaine in Toronto, Ontario, November 6, 2013.

Toronto mayor Rob Ford gives a tour to the children of staff during 'take your kids to work day' the day after admitting he smoked crack cocaine in Toronto, Ontario, November 6, 2013.

Photograph by: Tyler Anderson/National Post,

Toronto mayor Rob Ford gives a tour to the children of staff during 'take your kids to work day' the day after admitting he smoked crack cocaine in Toronto, Ontario, November 6, 2013.

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