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Articles User Guide

Before adding an article; be sure to have all the necessary related info. Also in case you are posting a public third party Bio (for example about a celebrity or historic figure) or a Fictional Article check if there is already another article about it; in order to avoid repetitive articles.

You can also read the Youbioit tutorial with examples: Tutorial.

Articles types:


A biography about yourself or a public person (a celebrity, a historic figure, etc.)

Fictional Articles:

An article about a fictional character, a literary work, TV series, a film, etc. (for example Robin Hood, Romeo and Juliet, Lost, Castaway)

Show What You Do:

This is a space where you can show the world what you do. You can publish a web space about your interests, a hobby, your business or whatever you want other people to learn you do.

Shared Information:

Share with other users all kind of information in a collaborative way. For example you can write news articles or share information about different subjects like politics, video games, movies, sports, music, science, etc.

Quick guide:

If required, your article can be divided into many pages which can be linked together through the related articles system. You can also add as many images as you need in order to provide further data to readers along with the text information in your pages.

If your web space will be divided into more than one page or article, once you created each one of them, they can be linked through the "Other related articles" tool.

To display images in your articles, first you have to create an album, upload the images by clicking the Add image option of the album; for more information about how to post images check the photoalbums section below.

Nutshell guide:
  1. For a more clear article format, it is recommended to write the main parts of it as well as the introduction and other general info in the Body text field.
  2. Regarding the non-obligatory fields, if you don't write anything in them, they will just not show up in the published article (for instance; if the person has not nicknames, you can leave the nicknames field empty).
  3. If you want to add a cover image to be shown in the teaser of your article as well as in the article header when the page is opened, go to the Attached Images option and upload the image, don't forget to add a title also.
  4. If you want to create a photo gallery related to your article, you have to follow two steps:
    First, create a new photoalbum by clicking in the Add a Photoalbum link located in the left column menu. Second, you have to link the photogallery with your article, so go to the Albums field located above the Body field and write the title of the Album you created.
    A good suggestion is to post the article first, then create the photo-gallery and finally link the gallery with the article. Otherwise you can also first create the album, then the article and finally link them together. No matter which method do you prefer, remember that linking an article with a photoalbum is the last part of the process.
  5. If required, you can link more than one article to a certain photoalbum.
  6. The difference between the article's attached image tool and linking the article to an album is that, the former is just a single image that is used as a cover photo of the article; while the latter is a photo-gallery with a collection of images and sub-albums.
  7. To add inline images in your article, you can do so by simply using the Insert/edit image tool of the text editor located above each article-text field.
  8. To manually define links to external material, enter one URL and a title (separated by a space) per line. For example: http://www.example.com Clickable Text. If no title is submitted, the URL itself will be used as the title.
  9. Finally, if you are not sure about the reliability of some data or information please avoid adding it. All the information you submit must be truthful and accurate. Articles are monitored periodically by the staff of YouBioIt.com or reported by other users and if it's found wrong, improper, offensive or violates any of the terms and conditions of YouBioIt.com, it might be edited or even deleted.

Photoalbums and images:

In YouBioIt.com you can create your own photoalbums which can be filled with thousands of photos about your interests, family and friends, landscapes, you name it. You have also the possibility of managing those albums and sorting them according to your needs; you can even create sub-albums inside parent albums, the limit is your imagination.

In order to start adding albums and images you have to first create your user Root Photoalbum, where all the images and other albums will be located in. Creating this Root Photoalbum is really easy; when you first register in YouBioIt.com a message in the left column menu will ask you for clicking at it in order to create your Root Photoalbum. As soon as you click it, your user photoalbum will be automatically created and the message will disappear. From that moment on you will be able to upload images to your albums as well as creating new sub-albums.

The message asking you for creating a new Root Photoalbum is not going to show up again, unless you delete your root album (and all its contents); disabling you to add images. In such a case just create a new Root album and the message will disappear again. However, while you can delete all your images or albums deleting your root album is not recommended.

Adding Images and albums:

When your Root Photoalbum is created the message mentioned in the above section will be replaced by the Images panel. This panel features three links.

  1. Add a Photoalbum:

    Creating new photoalbums is a really easy task. Just type a title and select the parent album where it will be located in (when first creating your Root Photoalbum you are going to find one single choice until you create new sub-albums).

    In the Body textfield you can write an optional text giving some information about the album.

    You have also the possibility of sorting the images of your album according to your needs (for example: Alphabetical order).

    With the Default Album View options menu you can choose between showing your image thumbnails in a Grid or a List format.

    Finally, with the Weight tool you can sort albums when the aforementioned Listing Default View is selected. Thus, the heavier albums will sink and the lighter albums will be positioned nearer the top. Giving a heavier weight to an album will make it position lower in List views. The weight range spans from -10 to 10, the later number being the heaviest.

  2. Add An Image:

    Adding new images is also pretty easy. Just type a title and select the parent album where the image will be uploaded (when first creating your Root Photoalbum you are going to find one single choice until you create new sub-albums).

    In the Body textfield you can write an optional text giving some information about the image shown in the page.

    With the Rotate Image tool you can edit your image online, giving you the possibility of rotating your submitted photos. For example you might need to rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise if needed.

    In the Related Links textfield you can manually define links to external material. Just enter one URL and a title (separated by a space) per line. For example: http://www.example.com Clickable Text. If no title is submitted, the URL itself will be used as the title.

  3. My Photoalbums:

    By clicking on My Photoalbums you can browse through all your published albums, sorted by update time.


There are three types of polls: Polls, Ranking Polls and Binary Polls

Polls: Simple polls let you create a multiple-choice question which visitors can vote on. Users are allowed to vote only one of the choices available.
Ranking Polls: In this kind of polls users can rank a number of choices.
Binary Polls: In this kind of polls users can vote for or against a number of choices.

Voting / Rating Systems:

When opening an article you are going to find some rating systems at the top of it. In the case of Biographies, Shared Info and Show What You Do articles there is just one rating system based on stars; while in Fictional Articles there are two rating systems; the aforementioned stars rating system and a Select List rating system located at the top of the right bar.

Stars rating system

The Stars rating system is used to rate the quality of an article, no matter if it's a biography, an info article, a "Show What You Do" article or a fictional article.

It's made up of two 10-stars rows. The row located above shows you the overall average rating an article got by all the users who voted so far; while the one below is for you to vote and rate the article just clicking on one of the stars. Your vote will be automatically processed and immediately added to the average rating shown in the row above.

The articles with the highest rates will be added in the top charts of "Top Rated Articles" (it includes biographies, info articles, "Show What You Do" articles and fictional articles), "Top Rated Bios", "Top Show What You Do" articles, "Top Shared Infos" and "Top Rated Fictions".

Fiction Rating

The Fiction rating system is used to rate a fiction, for example you could rate a film or TV Series according to how much you liked it or not. So in this rating system you are not rating the article but the fiction that article refers to. This system is only available for Fictional Articles.

To rate a fiction just select a score from the menu at the top of the right column and click the Submit Rate button. Your vote will be automatically processed and immediately added to the average fiction rating shown at the top of the article, just to the right of the Stars rating system.

Useful Articles

There's also a third voting system available in articles that just determines how many people found an article useful regardless of its average rating. So for instance, no matter the score you gave to an article (in case you voted) you can still consider that article useful or not according to what you are looking for. If you found a good article about a certain subject, but all the info provided in that article didn't add any new data to your knowledge about that subject, it could be rated as a good article and even informative, while still was not useful to you since it didn't add any new knowledge to you.

So if you consider an article useful just click the Vote button located in the right bar of the page and it will be automatically processed adding one point to it. The most useful articles are added in the "Most Useful Articles" list.

Friends Network System

The friends network system lets you add friend users to a list. So, that way you can create private articles with restricted access, only available to them; as well as having a quick contact list in the Friends section, which can be visited by clicking on the link located in the left column.

Currently the most important benefit of having friends is the possibility of publishing private articles, only visible to friends. Of course, those private articles have less chances of becoming popular due to their restricted accessibility compared to unrestricted ones; however if your intention is to build a private group or community or you don't want to share your articles with everyone, but just a selected group, this system is what you are looking for.

Eventually more benefits might be added.

To make an article only visible to friends, when you submit it or edit it, check the restricted access option checkbox.