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Two letters cost $300 -- are you serious?

Christopher Elliott: Two letters cost $300 -- are you serious?

Agnes Lednum's husband's ticket is missing two little letters -- "Jr" -- and in order to fix it her online travel agency wants...

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Jim Abbott on Florida Travel

Jim Abbott on Florida Travel

Wildlife refuge still a quiet gem - November 2, 2013 - Although the government shutdown has ended, the Visitor Center at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge was still closed on my...

Leisurely escape in Crystal River - October 26, 2013 - It's easy to remember that Peck's Old Port Cove, an utterly out-of-the-way, old-school fish house on the Gulf of Mexico, is exactly 9.3...

Cool escape to Devil's Millhopper in Gainesville - October 19, 2013 - With Halloween around the corner, it's fitting that this week's destination has a bit of the devil in its history.

Quirky art rules Solomon's Castle - October 12, 2013 - When Peggy Solomon introduces a museum tour of works by her artist husband, Howard Solomon, she praises him as the "da Vinci of debris,...

Dewayne Bevil on Attractions

Dewayne Bevil on Attractions

Festival of Masters returns to Downtown Disney - November 7, 2013 - The festival features hundreds of artists displaying their talents in tents across the shopping district

Tour of Epcot's France has surprises, snails - October 31, 2013 - The last time my parents went to Epcot, they said the most memorable attraction was

How to go with Disney's 'Glow' - October 24, 2013 - How much you enjoy Disney World's "Glow With the Show" presentations may depend on where you're located and who is standing in front of...

Universal puts guests on couch with Simpsons - October 17, 2013 - I've always thought that an excellent attraction for one of our studio-themed parks would entail re-creations of the sets of popular...