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How to buy images from Fotolia?

Buying images from Fotolia in just 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Create a free account

It takes just 30 seconds, and all you need is a valid email address. Members have access to free images and additional features, including the ability to save collections of your favorite images.

Create my account now!

Step 2: Choose your purchase option



Choose from our Pay-As-You-Go plan, and purchase credits for as low as $0.74 each, in quantity. Credits are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase, so you’ve got plenty of time to select the images you need.

Buy Credits or Learn More



If you need a lot of images on a regular basis, you’ll want to purchase a subscription plan. Simply choose the type of subscription you need (daily or monthly quota) and start downloading high-resolution images, vector illustrations and video footages from $0.19 per file!

Subscribe or Learn More

Step 3: Search and Download

Use Fotolia’s powerful search engine to find the exact image you need, or browse the categories and gallery collections and see what strikes your fancy.
