Top Headlines

Calling takes them to Africa

Calling takes them to Africa

Little did Gary Cowman know that a place he had no intention of visiting would become his home.


County seeking grand jurors

Because of a shortage of candidates, the application deadline to serve on the Orange County Grand Jury has been extended to Wednesday.


District favors retirement incentives

The Laguna Beach Unified School District board unanimously voted Jan. 14 for a tentative contract that would allow certain teachers and administrators to retire early and still reap certain benefits.

Commissioner plans run for council

Robert Zur Schmiede, Laguna Beach Planning Commission chairman, said Thursday that he plans to run for a seat on the City Council in November's general election.


City will study who should pay for Milligan bridge

The City Council unanimously voted for staff to research which property owners could be charged to replace a deteriorating wooden bridge.


Hansen: Ode to watching movies alone

It must be the armrests.



Life + Arts


Former governor endorses Curry for Assembly

Former California Gov. George Deukmejian has endorsed Newport Beach City Councilman Keith Curry for Assembly.

Edison agrees to work with city when replacing utility poles

The Laguna Beach City Council voted unanimously to enter an agreement with Southern California Edison to waive the need for a coastal...

Baseball fields getting major repairs

Baseball fields getting major repairs

The City Council has approved a partnership between Laguna Beach and local Little League to renovate baseball fields at Riddle Field and...

City seeking applications for committees

The city is accepting applications for two committees: recreation and parking, traffic and circulation, according to the city clerk's...

Maintenance man retires after 34 years

Maintenance man retires after 34 years

John O'Hara has encountered many things in his 34 years with Laguna Beach's Public Works department, some more grotesque than others.

Planners OK live-work project

Opponents have called a proposed 30-unit artist live-work project in Laguna Canyon many things in recent months: an encroachment on a...

Public Safety

Crash shears utility pole on Laguna Canyon Road

No one was injured when a car struck and sheared a utility pole along Laguna Canyon Road early Thursday morning, Laguna Beach police said.

Police investigate teen fight

Two teenagers allegedly fought one another in an underground parking structure next to a group of onlookers Friday afternoon, Laguna Beach...

Community emergency team class starts in March

The Laguna Beach Police Department has opened registration for a Community Emergency Response Team course to start in March.

Laguna beaches busy year-round

Laguna beaches busy year-round

Just because the calendar says January doesn't mean beaches become desolate tracks of sand.

Police Files

Broadway Street: A caller reported someone made verbal threats in the 200 block at 9:19 a.m. Sunday.

Public invited to transit planning meeting

The public is invited to attend a transit planning meeting from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Laguna Beach Community Center.

Business & Real Estate

Mammal Center gets donation from Kia

Mammal Center gets donation from Kia

The Pacific Marine Mammal Center has a new set of wheels to help spread the word of its mission to nurse marine animals back to health.

Making changes while keeping the historic feel

Making changes while keeping the historic feel

Opening two enclosed areas is part of the preliminary design plans for a specialty coffee-and-tea and breakfast chain set to move onto...

Sweeet! New shop gets nostalgic

Sweeet! New shop gets nostalgic

If Mark McLaughlin needs a reminder of his time in the television production industry, he only needs to look a few feet to the...

Mission Hospital begins retrofitting project

Mission Hospital begins retrofitting project

Mission Hospital Laguna Beach soon will be able to better withstand shaking from an earthquake.

Visit Laguna CEO stepping down

The president and chief executive of Visit Laguna Beach is stepping down after nine years at the helm of the nonprofit dedicated to...

Laguna vintage store offers oddities for the holidays

Laguna vintage store offers oddities for the holidays

A quick glance at Sin is Pretty's display window on South Coast Highway in Laguna Beach reveals a mannequin in a blue vintage dress.


Teachers honored for advanced work

Teachers honored for advanced work

Laguna Beach Unified School District administrators and board trustees honored two Thurston Middle School teachers Jan. 14 for achieving...

Students can now text safety concerns

Laguna Beach High School students were given the ability this week to use their cell phones to confidentially report bullying, drug use,...

Lending a hand a world away

Lending a hand a world away

Mary Ellen Carter's connection to the African nation of Malawi started with a visit in 2006 and a few boxes of supplies.

A say in what they eat

A say in what they eat

Two dozen Laguna Beach High School students helped decide the fate of three types of breakfast breads last week.

District's chief technology officer resigns

Sean Colt, Laguna Beach Unified School District's chief technology officer, resigned effective Jan. 1, according to the district's personnel...

Tennis court design plans move forward despite higher cost estimate

The Laguna Beach Unified School District board has unanimously voted for an architect to resume design plans for a tennis court renovation...



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