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The Bhagavad Gita

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The Bhagavad Gita has been published in over two thousand editions, and translated into at least seventy five languages. Its eighteen chapters and seven hundred shlokas have been analyzed, commented upon, and interpreted from innumerable philosophical and orthodox view points. These are daunting facts - and the lay reader might well wonder whether he can at all connect with the text.

Of course yes, indeed yes. For the core messages of God to man are simply and directly addressed. almost as if He is speaking  to you and me; and even though this is one of the great cornerstones of Hinduism, its basic credo has an unmistakable universality that goes beyond religious doctrine. Now more than ever, in the tumult of our stressed lives, it is both relevant and contemporary. For the Gita is about living; it is about love, not hate; it is about the joy of harmony, not the bleakness of despair.

This most serene and sublime of texts has as its setting the most violent of places - a field of war... Kurukshetra, which  is also Dharmakshetra, the field of righteousness, where the battle between good and evil is about to take place. In the poem the dialogue is between Krishna and Arjuna, and reported by Sanjaya to the blind Kaurava king Dhritarashtra.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |  Chapter 4 | Chapter 5

Chapter 1 
The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna

1-11: Description of the principal warriors on both sides with their fighting qualities.
12-19: Blowing of conches by the warriors on both  sides.
20-27: Arjuna observes the warriors drawn up for battle.
28-47: Overwhelmed by infatuation, Arjuna gives expression to his faint-hearted-ness, tenderness and grief.

Click here for shlokas in groups 1.1-1.10 | 1.11-1.20 | 1.21-1.30 | 1.31-1.40 | 1.41-1.47

1.1 u®³q®Š¯Ç®ó Eî¯X®:
u®Á£µ°qµä° N®±Š®±£µ°qµä° š®î®±îµ°q¯ ‡®±±‡®±±q®é®|
¯î®±N¯: y¯0l®î®ýµÏÈ¶î® Oº N®±î®Áq® š®0c‡®± ||1||

1.1 Dhritarashtra said:
What came to pass, O Sanjaya, when-eager to battle-
my people and the sons of Pandu (Pandavas)
faced each other on the sacred ground of Kurukshetra ?

1.2 š®0c‡®± Eî¯X®: 
u®³Ç®Ôî¯ q®± y¯0l®î¯x°N®0 ãl®0 u®±‡µ²Á°u®w®š¬ q®u¯|
AX¯‡®±Áº Ey¯š®î®±ºS®î®±ã Š¯b¯ î®X®w®0 A…äï°q¬ ||2||

1.2 Sanjaya said:
When he saw the sons of Pandu drawn up in battle order,
Prince Duryodhana came to his Teacher Dronacharya and said:

1.3 y®ýµã°q¯0 y¯0l®± y®¼q¯äw¯º AX¯‡®±Á î®±œ®r°0 X®î®±²î®¾¬|
ãl¯º u®±äy®u®y®¼qµä°o q®î® þǵã°o vðq¯ ||3||

1.3 Behold, O Teacher, the mighty army of the Pandavas, 
arrayed for war by your own wise pupil, the son of Drupada.

1.4 Aq®ä ý®²Š¯ î®±œµ°Ç¯æš¯ †Ã°î®¾¯c±Áw®š®î®¾¯ ‡®±±v |
‡®±±‡®±±u¯wµ²° hý®Ï u®±äy®u®ý®Ï î®±œ¯Š®s®: ||4||

1.4 There can we see heroes, mighty archers, 
equal in prowess to Bhima and Arjuna;
Yuyudhana, Virata and Drupada, a Great warrior.

1.5 u®³Ç®ÔNµ°q®±š¬ Xµ°Oq¯w®: N¯þŠ¯cý®Ï ï°‡®±Áî¯w¬|
y®¼Š®²dq¬ N®±xԄµ²cý®Ï ýµ¶„®ãý®Ï w®Š®y®¼0S®î®: ||5||

1.5 Dhri9shtaketu, Chekitana, and the valiant king of Kashi;
Purujit and Kauntibhoja and Shaibhya, foremost among men.

1.6 ‡®±±u¯w®±ãý®Ï ïN¯ä0q® Eq®Ù¹b¯ý®Ï ï°‡®±Áî¯w¬ |
š¹„®uµ²ä u¹äy®uµ°‡®¾¯ý®Ï š®î®Á Iî® î®±œ¯Š®s¯: ||6||

1.6 Yudhamanyu, the  powerful, and the brave Uttamaujas,
the son of Subhadra, and the sons of Draupadi, 
all of them Great Warrirors.

1.7 Aš¯âN®î®¾¬ q®± ïþÇ¯Ô ‡µ± q¯xÝ„µ²°u® væbµ²°q®Ùî®±|
w¯‡®±N¯  šµ¶w®ãš®ã š¬0b¯Ýs®Á0 q¯w¬ …äï°ï± qµ ||7||

1.7 And, O best of Brahmins, know them also who are the principal warriors on our side, - the generals of my army. For your information, I mention them:

1.8 „®î¯w¬  †Ã°î®±ý®Ï N®oÁý®Ï N®³y®ý®Ï š®ï±r0c‡®±: |
Aý®æq¯Ú¯ ïN®oÁý®Ï š¹î®±u®rÙš®Ùsµ¶î® X® ||8||

1.8 Yourself and Bhishma and Karna and Kripa 
who is ever victorious in battle;
and even so Ashvattama, Vikarna and Bhurisrava (the son of Somadatta).

1.9 Awµã° X® …œ®î®: ý®²Š¯ î®±u®sµÁ° q®ãN®Ùd°ïq¯: |
w¯w¯ý®š®ôy®äœ®Š®n¯œ® š®îµÁ° ‡®±±u®Üïý¯Š®u¯œ® ||9||

1.9 And many other heroes, well versed in the skills of war
and equipped with might weapons, who risk their lives for my sake.

1.10 Ay®‡®¾¯Áy®Ù¬ q®u®š¯âN®º …©º †Ã°Ç¯â†ÃŠ®¤q®º |
y®‡®¾¯Áy®Ù¬ ræu®îµ±°qµ°Ç¯º …©º †Ã°î®¾¯†ÃÊ®¤q®º ||10||

1.10 Unconquerable is this army of ours under the guardianship of Bhishma; while theirs, marshaled by Bhima , seems easy to conquer.

1.11 A‡®±wµ°Ç®± X® š®îµÁ°Ç®± ‡®±s¯„¯S®î®±î®›Ùq®œ® |
†Ã°Ç®âîµ±°î¯†ÃŠ®£®0q®± „®î®0q®œ® š®î®Á Iî® Ÿ ||11||

1.11 Therefore, stationed in your respective positions on all fronts, do you all guard Bhishma in particular on all sides.

1.12 q®š®ã š®cÑw®‡®±w®êÇ®Á0 N®±Š®±î®³u®Üœ® zq¯î®±œ®œ® |
›0œ®w¯u®º ïw®Uµ²ã°XµÏȶŸ ý®0Pµ° u®u¹â y®äq¯y®î¯w¬ ||12|

1.12 The grand old  man of the Kauravas, their glorious grand-uncle Bhishma, cheering up Duryodhana, roared like a lion and blew his conch.

1.13 q®q®: ý®0P¯ý®Ï „µ¶‡®±Áý®Ï y®oî¯w®N®Sµ²°î®±±P¯œ® |
š®œ®šµ¶î¯„®㜮w®ã0q® š® ý®…Ûš®±Ùî®±±Œµ²„®î®q¬ ||13||

1.13 Then conches, kettledrums, tabors, drums and trumpets suddenly blared forth and the noise was tumultuous.

1.14 q®q®: ýµæ°qµ¶œ®Á‡µ±¶‡®±±ÁNµÙ° î®±œ®r š®ã0u®wµ ›Úqµ° |
¯u®î®: y¯0l®î®ýµÏÈ¶î® vî¹ã ý®0P¹ y®äu®u®âq®±: ||14||

1.14 Then, seated in a glorious chariot drawn by white horses, Sri Krishna as well as Arjuna blew their celestial conches.

1.15 y¯0X®cw®ãº œ®³™°Nµ°ýµ²° uµ°î®u®q®Ù0 u®w®0c‡®±œ® |
y¹0l®ä¬ u®u¹â î®±œ®ý®0Qº †Ã°î®±N®î®¾¯Á Nµ²°u®Š®: ||15||

1.15 Sri Krishna blew his conch named "Panchajanya"; Arjuna, his own called "Devadatta"; while Bhima of terrible deeds blew his mighty conch Paundra.

1.16 Aw®0q®ïc‡®±º Š¯b¯ N®±0r°y®¼qµ²ä° ‡®±±vÙԊ®: |
w®N®±©: š®œ®uµ°î®ý®Ï š®±Uµ²Ç®î®±py®¼Ç®ãN¹ ||16||

1.16 King Yudhishtira, son of Kunti, blew his conch "Anantavijaya:, while Nakula and Sahadeva blew theirs, known as "SughOsha" and "Manipushpaka".

1.17 N¯ý®ãý®Ï y®Š®îµ±°Ç¯æš®: þQ0m° X® î®±œ¯Š®s®: |
u®³Ç®Ôu®±ãݰ hý®Ï š¯q®ãOý¯Ïy®Š¯dq®: ||17||

1.18 u®³y®uµ²° u¹äy®uµ°‡®¾¯ý®Ï š®îµÁ°Ç®: y®³tï°y®qµ° |
š¹„®u®äý®Ï î®±œ¯„¯œ®±: ý®0P¯0u®u®±â: y®³s®N¬-y®³s®N¬ ||18||

1.17-1.18 And the excellent archer, the King of Kashi, and Shikhandi the Maharathi (great chariot-warrior), Dhrishtadhyumna and Virata, and the invincible Satyaki, Drupada as well as five sons of Draupadi, and the mighty armed Abhimanyu, son of Subhadra, all of them, O lord of the earth (Dhritarashtra), severely blew their resepctive conches from all sides.

1.19 š® Uµ²°Çµ²° u¯q®ÁŠ¯Ç¯ón¯º œ®³u®‡®¾¯x î®ãu¯Š®‡®±q¬ |
w®„®ý®Ï y®³tï°º Xµ¶î® q®±î®±±Œµ²° î®ãw®±w¯u®‡®±w¬ ||19||

1.19 And the terrible sound, echoing through the heaven  and earth, rent the hearts of Dhritharashtra's sons.

1.20 As® î®ãî®›Úq¯0u®³Ç¯ÔÉæ u¯q®ÁŠ¯Ç¯óKN®zu®æc: |
y®äqµÙ° ý®š®ôš®0y¯qµ° u®w®±Š®±U®ãî®±ã y¯0l®î® : ||20||

1.21 œ®³™°Nµ°ý®0 q®u¯ î¯N®ãï±u®î®¾¯œ® î®±Ÿ°y®qµ|
Ac±Áw® Eî¯X®:
šµ°w®‡µ²°Š®±„®±‡µ²°î®±uµ㰠Š®s®0 š¯Úy®q® îµ±°X®±ãq® ||21||

1.20-1.21 Now, O lord of the earth, seeing your sons arrayed against him and the when missiles were ready to be hurled, Arjuna, son of Pandu, took up his bow and then addressed the following words to Sri Krishna :
"Krishna, Place my
chariot between the two armies"

1.22 ‡®¾¯î®uµ°q¯xÝ‹°£µ°œ®º ‡µ²°u®ÜN¯î®±w®î®›Úq¯w¬ |
Nµ¶î®±Á‡®¾¯ š®œ® ‡µ²°u®Üî®ãî®±›âw¬ Š®oš®î®±±‡®±îµ± ||22||

1.22 And Keep it there till I have carefully observed these warriors drawn up for battle, and have seen with whom I have to engage in this battle.

1.23 ‡µ²°q®éÉã¯w¯îµ°£µ°œ®0 ‡®± Hqµ°q®ä š®î®¾¯S®q¯: |
u¯q®ÁŠ¯Ç®óš®ã u®±…±ÁuµÜ°‡®±±ÁuµÜ° z䇮±YO°Ç®Áî®: ||23||

1.23 I shall scan the well-wishers in this war of evil-minded Duryodhana, whoever have  assembled on his side and are ready for the battle.

1.24 š®0c‡®± Eî¯X®:
Iî®î®±±Nµ²Ù° œ®³™°Nµ°ýµ²° S®±l¯Nµ°ýµ°w® „¯Š®q® |
šµ°w®‡µ²Š®±„®‡µ²°î®±Áuµ㰠š¯Úy®‰±q¯æ Š®sµ²°q®Ùî®±º ||24|

1.25 †Ã°Ç®âuµ²ä°oy®äî®±±Qq®: š®îµÁ°Ç¯0 X® î®±Ÿ°¤q¯º |
Eî¯X® y¯s®Á y®ýµã°q¯0š®î®±îµ°q¯0N®±Š®²xr ||25||

1.24-1.25  Sanjaya Said:
O King, thus addressed by Arjuna, Sri Krishna placed the magnificent chariot between the two armies in front of Bhishma, Drona and all the kings and said "Partha (Arjuna), behold these Kauravas assembled here".

1.26 q®q¯äy®ý®ã›Úq¯w¬ y¯s®Á: zq®³w®s® zq¯î®±œ¯w¬ |
BX¯‡®¾¯Áw¯âq®±Œ¯w¬ „¯äq®³w¬ y®¼q¯äw¬ y¹q¯äw¬ š®R°0š®Ùs¯ ||26||

1.26-first half of 1.27
Among the stationed armies, Arjuna saw his uncles, grand-uncles and Teachers, even great grand-uncles, maternal uncles, brothers and cousins, sons and nephews, and grand-nephews, even freinds, fathers-in-law (he had multiple wives), and well-wishers as well.

1.27 ý®æý®±Š¯w¬ š®œ®³u®ýµÏÈ¶î® šµ°w®‡µ²°Š®±„®‡µ²°Š®z |
q¯w¬ š®ï±°£®Èã š® N¹0qµ°‡®±: š®î¯Áw¬ …0u®²w®î®›Úq¯w¬ ||27||

Second half of 1.27 - first half of 1.28
Seeing all these relatives, Arjuna was filled with deep compassion, and uttered these words in sadness:

1.28 N®³y®‡®¾¯ y®Š®‡®¾¯ïǵ²Ô° ï™°u®xÝu®î®±…äï°q¬ |
Ac±Áw® Eî¯X®:
u®³ÇµÔÉæ°î®±º š®æcw®º N®³Ç®Ø ‡®±±‡®±±q®±éº š®î®±±y®›Úq®î®¾¬ ||28||

1.29 ›°u®0r  S¯q¯äp î®±±Q0 X® y®‹ý®±Ç®ãr |
îµ°y®s®±ý®Ï ý®‹°Šµ° îµ± Šµ²°î®±œ®Ç®Áý®Ï b¯‡®±qµ ||29||

Second half of 1.28-1.29
Arjuna Said:
Krishna, at the sight of these kinsmen arrayed for battle, my limbs give away, and my mouth is parching; no. a shiver runs through my body and hair is standing upright.

1.30 S¯0m°î®º š®ä0š®qµ œ®š¯Ùq¬ î¯NµÏÈ¶î® y®‹u®œ®ãqµ |
w® X® ý®Nµ²Ý°º‡®±î®š¯Úq®±º „®äî®±r°î® X® îµ± î®±w®: ||30||

1.30 The bow, Gandiva, slips from my hand, my skin seems to burn all over, my mind is whirling and confused, and I can not stand any more.

1.31 xï±q¯Ùx X® y®ý¯ãï± ïy®‹°q¯x Nµ°ý®î® |
w® X® ýµä°‡µ²°w®±y®ý¯ãï± œ®q¯æ š®æcw®î®¾¯œ®îµ ||31||

1.31 And, Keshava (Sri Krishna), Evil and foreboding are the omens I see, nor do I see any good in killing my own kinsmen in the battle. 

1.32 w® N¯0£µ° ïc‡®±º N®³Ç®Ø w® X® Š¯c㺠š®±P¯x X® |
O wµ²° Š¯bµã°w® Sµ²°ï0u® Oº „µ²°Sµ¶dÁ°ïqµ°w® î¯ ||32||

1.32  I do not want this victory, O Krishna; nor do I want this kingdom or the pleasures. Govinda, what is the use of the kingdom,  the pleasures, or even the life ?

1.33 ‡µ±°Ç¯î®±sµÁ° N¯0¤q®º wµ²° Š¯c㺠„µ²S¯: š®±P¯x X® |
q® Cîµ±°î®›Úq® ‡®±±uµÜ° y¯än¯ºš®ÙÉãN¯ÙÉæ u®w¯x X® ||33||

1.34 BX¯‡®±Á: zq®Š®: y®¼q¯äš®Ùsµ¶î® X® zq¯î®±œ¯: |
¯q®±Œ¯: ý®æý®±Š¯: y¹q¯ä: ý¯ãŒ¯: š®0…0vÃw®š®Ùs¯ ||34||

1.33-1.34 Those very persons for whose sake we want the kingdom, luxuries and pleasures, teachers, uncles, sons and nephews, and even grand-uncles, great-grand-uncles, maternal uncles, brothers-in-law and other relatives, are arrayed here on the battle field risking their lives and wealth.

1.35 Iq¯q®ä œ®0q®±ï±X¯Ðï± U®Ýqµ²°z î®±u®±š®²u®w® |
Az qµäȶŒµ²°N®ãŠ¯c㚮㠜µ°qµ²°: Oº w®± î®±Ÿ°N®³qµ° ||35||

1.35 I do not want to kill them, O Madhusudana (the slayer of evil Madhu), even if they slay me; Not for the earthly lordship, I wouldn't do it even for the throne of three worlds. 

1.36 xœ®q®ã u¯q®ÁŠ¯Ç¯óq®ä N¯ zä°r: š¯ãcÑw¯u®Áw® |
y¯y®îµ±°î¯ý®ä‡µ±°u®š¯âw¬ œ®qµæȶq¯w¯q®q¯‰±w®: ||36||

1.36 Janardhana (Krishna), How can we hope to be happy by slaying the sons of Dhritarashtra; We will be sinful if we kill these desperate people.

1.37 q®š¯âw¯Ýœ¯Á ®±º œ®0q®± u¯q®ÁŠ¯Ç¯ó0š®æ„¯0u®î¯w¬ |
š®æcw®0 Ÿ N®s®0 œ®q¯æ š®±Rw®: š¯ãî®± ¯uÂ®î® ||37|| 

1.37 Madhava, It does not make sense to kill our relatives, the sons of Dhritarashtra; How can we be happy after killing our own people ?

1.38 ‡®±u¯ãyµã°qµ w® y®ý¯ãï± Œµ²°„µ²°y®œ®q®Xµ°q®š®: |
N®±©£®‡®±N®³q®0 uµ²°Ç®º ï±q®äuµ²ä°œµ° X® y¯q®N®º ||38||

1.39 N®s®0 w® bµÝ°‡®±î®±š¯â†Ã: y¯y¯u®š¯âxÝî®rÁq®±º |
N®±©£®‡®±N®³q®º  uµ²°Ç®0 y®äy®ý®ãvÜcÁw¯u®Áw® ||39||

1.38-1.39 Even if these people who are blinded by their greed, do not perceive  evil in destroying their people and nothing wrong with betraying their friends,  O Janardhana, why should not we, think of turning away from this crime because we see the sin accruing by destroying our own family.

1.40 N®±©£®‡µ± y®äoý®ã0r N®±©u®¯Á: š®w¯q®w¯: |
u®Á° w®ÇµÔ° N®±©º N®³q®õî®±u®Á°†Ã„®î®q®±ãq® ||40||

1.40 Age long family traditions disappear with the destruction of a family; and the virtue virtue having been lost, the vice takes hold of the entire race.

1.41 Au®¯Á†Ã„®î¯q¬ N®³Ç®Ø y®äu®±Ç®ã0r N®±©›ô‡®±: |
›ô°Ç®± u®±Ç¯Ôš®± î¯ÇµØÁ°‡®± b¯‡®±qµ î®oÁš®w®ÊŠ®: ||41||

1.41 With the prepondence of vice, Krishna, the women of the family become corrupt; and with the corruption of the women, O Varshneya (descendent of Vrishni), there ensues an intermixture of castes.

1.42 š®w®ÊŠµ² w®Š®N®‡µ±¶î® N®±©U¯Ýw¯º N®±©š®ã X® |
y®q®0r zq®Šµ² œµ²ãǯ¬ ©±y®Ùz0lµ²°u®N®O䇮¾¯: ||42||

1.42 This intermixture of blood damns the destroyers of the race  and the race (Kula) itself, and deprived of the offerings of rice and water (known as "pindodhaka" in Shradhdha, Tarpana), the manes of the race also fall.

1.43 uµ²°Çµ¶Šµ°qµ¶: N®±©U¯Ýw¯º î®oÁš®w®ÊŠ®N¯Š®Nµ¶: |
Eq¯éS®ã0qµ b¯ru®¯Á: N®±©u®¯Áý®Ï ý¯ý®æq¯: ||43||

1.43 Through these evils bringing about an intermixture of castes, the age-long caste-traditions and family customs of the killers of kinsmen get extinct.

1.44 Eq®éw®ÝN®±©u®¯Án¯0 î®±w®±Ç¯ãn¯º cw¯u®Áw® |
w®Š®Nµ°x‡®±q®º µ²° „®î®r°q®ãw®±ý®±Ç®±äî®± ||44||

1.44 Janardana (Krishna), we hear that men who have lost their family traditions dwell in hell for an indefinite period of time.

1.45 Aœµ² …q® î®±œ®q¯Þy®º N®q®±Áº î®ãî®›q¯ ®±º |
‡®±u¯äcãš®±QŒµ²°„µ°w® œ®0q®± š®æcw®î®±±u®±ãq¯: ||45||

1.45 Oh, what a pity! Though possessed of intelligence we have set our mind on the commission of a great sin, due to the lust for throne and pleasures, we are intending to kill our own relatives and kinsmen.

1.46 ‡®±v ¯î®±y®är°N¯Š®î®±ý®š®ôº ý®š®ôy¯o‡®±: |
u¯q®ÁŠ¯Ç¯ó Š®nµ° œ®w®±ãš®Ù0„µ° £µ°î®±q®Š®º „®q¬ ||46||

1.46 It would be better for me, if the sons of Dhritarashtra armed with weapons, killed me in battle while I am unarmed and not resisting.

1.47 š®0c‡®± Eî¯X®:
Iî®î®¾¬ EN¯ÙÉæc±Áw®: š®0Pµã Š®sµ²°y®š®Ú Ey®ïý®q¬ |
ïš®³c㺠š®ý®Š®º X¯y®º ýµ²°N®š®ºïS®Ý¯w®š®: ||47||

1.47 Sanjaya Said:
Arjuna, whose mind was  agitated by grief on the battle-field, having spoken thus, and having thrown aside his bow and arrows, sank into the hinder part of the chariot.

Lº q®q¯évr §°î®±u¯áS®î®vÌ°q¯š®²y®xý®q®±é …䜮âïS¯ã‡®¾¯º ‡µ²°S®ý¯šµô §°N®³Ç¯Øc±Áw®š®0î¯uµ°c±Áw®ïǯu®‡µ²°Sµ w¯î®± y®äs®îµ²°u¯㇮±: ||1||

Thus, in the Upanishad sung by the Lord, the science of Brahma, the scripture of Yoga, the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, end the first chapter entitled "The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna"

To be Contd....

1. The Bhavadgita or the Song Divine: Gita Press, Gorakhpur, India.
2. Selected shlokas of Bhagavadgita set to Music by Vanaraj Bhatia and Produced by Music Today.

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if you would like to Contribute. You can help us typing the shlokas in Kannada and also by interpreting them (if you know some Sanskrit.)
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