top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]shameems 347 points348 points ago


[–]shit_dicks 293 points294 points ago

They're single and ready to flamingle.

[–]ItsSansom 117 points118 points ago

Should've put a wing on it

[–]Gizmo45 5 points6 points ago

I can't give gold on mobile can I?

[–]doyouevenpancake 13 points14 points ago

They literally have drinks up to their ankles.

[–]dizzanch 14 points15 points ago

Any bachlorette party ever lol

[–]Deaf_Girl_ 9 points10 points ago

This is the best thing ever.

[–]GuyFromTheYear2020 7 points8 points ago

They reminded me of riverdance.

[–]futurexgirlfriend 2 points3 points ago

Needs more /r/birdswitharms

[–]firefighting_dick 1773 points1774 points ago

Like a group of japanese tourists in a foreign country.

[–]SimpleDan11 205 points206 points ago

I live in Vancouver, and there was a group of probably 25 Japanese tourists standing on a corner downtown, looking around, taking pictures. A fire truck pulled up beside them with the windows down, one of the firefighters gave the peace sign. you wouldve thought He was a rockstar by how they reacted. They all screamed and pointed and took pictures. He was laughing so hard. Then they drove off. It was so strange and awesome.

[–]heuschnupfenmittel 34 points35 points ago

The worst case I've ever witnessed was in Venice.

I had the feeling there were more Japanese tourists than pigeons in that city.

[–]speedyreedy 13 points14 points ago

Bath, UK felt similar. More tourist buses than cars.

[–]Scribbl3d_Out 15 points16 points ago

I was on a Ferry ride over to Vancouver Island and there was a large group on there taking pictures on the upper deck.

I watched a probably ~22 year old Japanese woman attempt to take a picture of a Seagull flying past with her iPad, only to bump into the railing and watch her iPad go flying overboard.

[–]TheCaptainOats 41 points42 points ago

Then she shrugged and continued to pull out another iPad from her jacket.

[–]TheCaptainOats 1 point2 points ago

Thank you :)

[–]jerema 2 points3 points ago

Or my socially disadvantaged friends at the club

[–]DrByg 276 points277 points ago

Pic from /u/Shitty_Watercolour the last time this joke was made.


[–]RecursiveChaos 65 points66 points ago

Proving once again, there is no such thing as original thought on the internet.

[–]Cephalopod_Joe 13 points14 points ago

What about the first time the joke was made?

[–]Rastro 11 points12 points ago

There was never a first time...

[–]plastination_station 5 points6 points ago

I wonder whatever happened to /u/BEST_RAPPER_ALIVE he was everywhere all of a sudden then just disappeared.

[–]JM2845 18 points19 points ago

He got signed

[–]Paranitis 6 points7 points ago

He was probably gunned down, or his parents threatened to take away his inheritance.

[–]Brobi_WanKenobi 496 points497 points ago

I don't see any cameras

[–]boston_shua 229 points230 points ago

r/photoshopbattles could make it happen

[–]halvin_and_cobbes 20 points21 points ago

they would need /r/birdswitharms to help

[–]shroomenheimer 1 point2 points ago

This is the first rediculous subreddit I've seen that I wasn't immediately compelled to join

[–]melgibson666 5 points6 points ago

Rediculous: to diculous again.

[–][deleted] ago


    [–]Pitchfork_Wholesaler 172 points173 points ago

    This bot is clearly Canadian.

    [–][deleted] ago


      [–]Pitchfork_Wholesaler 77 points78 points ago

      Wait a responded.

      [–]taosahpiah 118 points119 points ago

      Bots around these parts have a habit of gaining sentience.

      [–]limpinfrompimpin 33 points34 points ago

      they're starting to evovle... time to pull the plug on the project.

      [–]Breathing_Balls 175 points176 points ago

      [–]absolute_panic 3 points4 points ago

      I can't let you do that, Dave.

      [–]jacho11 7 points8 points ago

      its too late. Bots are electrically independent. they are self aware. Skynet is already online.

      [–]quicksilver3121 15 points16 points ago

      Canadian bots are programmed to give complimentary responses.

      [–]starbright1984 3 points4 points ago

      And apologize if they don't give the correct response.

      [–]widdowson 2 points3 points ago

      Also apologize for being correct so much.

      [–]theskabus 15 points16 points ago

      That being said, /r/photoshopbattles doesn't deal with gifs.

      [–]theskabus 24 points25 points ago

      Exactly, that's a jpg submission, not a gif submission. Someone making a gif =/= submitting a gif to be shopped. The latter takes much more time.

      I'm not the best person to argue about the rules of photoshopbattles with...

      [–]EditingAndLayout[S] 58 points59 points ago

      I'm not the best person to argue about the rules of photoshopbattles with...

      [–]theskabus 35 points36 points ago

      [–]HooahMonty 11 points12 points ago

      If you didn't figure it out yet, /u/theskabus is a mod of /r/photoshopbattles.

      [–]_FreeThinker 7 points8 points ago

      They are integrated in their beaks, those are Google beaks.

      [–]Davey_meister 11 points12 points ago

      Like a group of college girls on their way to starbucks.

      [–]regginslapper 25 points26 points ago

      Like a group of bros at the club

      [–]Keepa1 15 points16 points ago

      I was thinking they looked like the group of popular girls in school that think they're too good for you.

      [–]tit-troll 3 points4 points ago

      More like a redditor meet up at a bar

      [–]jaroberts24 1 point2 points ago

      Like all tourists, especially the field trips, in Times Square ... when they all the same shirts on.

      [–]I_are_facepalm 240 points241 points ago

      I wonder what they would think of the mating dance of the twenty-something clubgoer

      [–]SilasX93 401 points402 points ago

      [–]SammichNow 169 points170 points ago


      [–]BadlyTimedFootFetish 101 points102 points ago

      I hope she's careful!

      Short-term physical health risks of MDMA consumption include:

      dopaminergic stress
      and/or loss of fluids via excessive perspiration.

      She probably has really hot feet

      [–]Euphorium 93 points94 points ago

      When it comes to party drugs, hydration is key.

      And a tasteful amount of lube for the foot sex.

      [–]cbk123 15 points16 points ago

      I've actually heard of people over hydrating while on ecstasy. They get really thirsty and just keep drinking water until they basically drown.

      [–]NSSN 8 points9 points ago

      That's not completely true. They drink too much because they are afraid of getting dehydrated, not because they are thirsty.

      [–]orgyofdolphins 11 points12 points ago

      I think the scientific explanation is that their brain explodes.

      [–]heuschnupfenmittel 10 points11 points ago

      Well as long as you're not an idiot and your e isn't cut with some shit you'll be safe.

      Just drink a glass of water every 30 minutes or something and go outside once in a while. It's awesome.

      [–]doneitnow 5 points6 points ago

      Totally worth it!

      [–]corylew 16 points17 points ago

      The real dangers of MDMA in moderation include:

       A really good time

      [–]byondthewall 1 point2 points ago

      What is dopaminergic stress?

      [–]RUPTURED_URETHRA 4 points5 points ago

      It's what your dopamine feels after an incredibly long and taxing day of neurotransmitting.

      [–]vera214usc 10 points11 points ago

      She's a naughty girl with a bad habit, a bad habit for drugs.

      [–]Dininiful 101 points102 points ago

      Jerk the dick off.

      Contemplate existence.

      [–]Bacon_Hammers 62 points63 points ago


      [–]WithkeyThipper 13 points14 points ago

      fuck ya skrolx

      [–]natophonic2 20 points21 points ago

      I'm so glad that camera phones weren't around yet back when I was raving.

      [–]Dininiful 50 points51 points ago

      Why do I always imagine that brunette screaming: "BLLLEURUEGRUURUGUUGREU"

      [–]TheWheez 27 points28 points ago

      Probably because she is.

      [–]fumf 8 points9 points ago

      what's that from?

      [–]fuckerfuckerfucker 11 points12 points ago

      I reverse image searched on Google but this is all I can find.

      [–]MLBM100 9 points10 points ago

      Fuck yeah, drugs!

      [–]Ragark 11 points12 points ago

      "lick the balls, stroke the shaft, contemplate life"

      [–]EditingAndLayout[S] 118 points119 points ago

      [–]Juiceman17 17 points18 points ago

      Oh, it is exactly that bad, my friend.

      [–]limpinfrompimpin 13 points14 points ago

      [–]Puturnameonit 5 points6 points ago

      Is that jenny?

      [–]ofsinope 1 point2 points ago

      Robin Wright, yes.

      [–]coopteleville 7 points8 points ago

      [–]JigglyJason 29 points30 points ago

      Walk up in the club like what up I got a big flock

      [–]gibsonh90 77 points78 points ago

      Cha cha real smooth

      [–]-p_d- 42 points43 points ago

      [–]RiNgO70 19 points20 points ago


      [–]n8wolf 19 points20 points ago

      Always thought he said right foot LEFT stomp. I've been dancing wrong :(

      [–]uniqueword 31 points32 points ago

      Well consider me seduced.

      [–]PrettyUnoriginal 79 points80 points ago

      They are all so fabulous!

      [–]le_fish1422 4 points5 points ago

      So much fabulous in one gif

      [–]Flappyman 50 points51 points ago

      We're going to the mallllllllllll!

      [–]queen_of_queans 4 points5 points ago


      [–]whiskeybrown 109 points110 points ago

      [–]whiskeybrown 2 points3 points ago

      You might have found an even better one!

      [–]Encyclopedia_Ham 24 points25 points ago

      You? Me? Him? Me? Him?

      [–]paleridr44 9 points10 points ago

      [–]twineseekingmissile 9 points10 points ago

      Couldn't find a better gif, but it too reminded me of Night at the Roxbury, something like this:

      [–]RainOnDrums 67 points68 points ago

      [–]Miami_Metro 5 points6 points ago

      Awesome song

      [–]objectif_lune 2 points3 points ago

      You've successfully made a happy group of flamingos sinister. Excellent.

      [–]pirateninja303 1 point2 points ago

      After setting this tune for an alarm, I don't think I will be sleeping through many of those anymore.

      [–]Saucepanmagician 1 point2 points ago

      This is an awesome and hilarious combination... and I could totally headbang to that tune!

      [–]RegDunlop7 1 point2 points ago

      ok so I just found a new toy for gifs. Thanks much! (so much better than reverse gif)

      [–]toilet_crusher 58 points59 points ago

      We came here to fuck bitches.

      [–]FranklyDear 26 points27 points ago

      "We eat shrimp and fuck bitches. And we've eaten all the shrimp out here"

      [–]ningafafa 40 points41 points ago

      dis how we enter da club

      [–]corylew 2 points3 points ago

      [–]FranklyDear 7 points8 points ago

      Can someone photoshop them walking into a club? It must be done.

      [–]Semi_radical 10 points11 points ago

      Interesting. Is this really a mating dance? Are those all males? Do they have to do it in a group?

      [–]WilliamRobertJoseph 2 points3 points ago

      It's a flamingo circle jerk.

      [–]ugenesis 21 points22 points ago

      Looks like Sex in the City has gone to the beach.

      [–]kewlkidmgoo 7 points8 points ago

      Are you insinuating that all those actresses are bird brains?

      [–]SimpleDan11 20 points21 points ago

      No I think he's saying they pee on their own legs to keep cool.

      [–]TreeMonger 14 points15 points ago

      If that's all I had to do to get laid I would be so happy.

      [–]FranklyDear 8 points9 points ago

      Well, i'm definitely trying this out next time i go out if it works for these guys.

      [–]infected_goat 16 points17 points ago

      The mating dance of a pack of 18 year old boys the first Friday night of college

      [–]ihatethisclass101 2 points3 points ago


      [–]nordpol 6 points7 points ago


      [–]pantyraid7036 7 points8 points ago

      so Fosse!

      [–]OceanCarlisle 7 points8 points ago

      Who can say no to an orgy?

      [–]readitINreddit 5 points6 points ago

      My first thought, does an orgy ensue after this?

      [–]Crocuta_crocuta 8 points9 points ago

      If I was ever utterly convinced I had developed the power to turn invisible and decided to rob a bank, this is how I would be walking through the lobby. "Anybody see me? That guy turned this way, did he see me? Just keep shuffling quietly..."

      [–]riosborne 3 points4 points ago

      Just watched this with "get lucky" playing in background. Funny ness ensued

      [–]WhiteLama 6 points7 points ago

      This is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.



      [–]viciousfrankle 6 points7 points ago

      [–]dingodag 3 points4 points ago

      [–]VoxUmbra 2 points3 points ago

      [–]BluesF 3 points4 points ago

      [–]argole 5 points6 points ago

      [–]aRockSolidGremlin 6 points7 points ago

      [–]cnskatefool 2 points3 points ago

      Some one with a Night at the Roxbury gif please post here

      [–]grcv1053 2 points3 points ago

      [–]Gartz0r 1 point2 points ago

      came to the comments for this

      [–]AlCuMgPb 1 point2 points ago


      [–]laposa14 2 points3 points ago

      This is me and my friends while high at the mall

      [–]Brotherlyslinky 2 points3 points ago


      [–]thenameszcal 7 points8 points ago

      Listen to Right Thurr by Chingy while watching this and I promise you it will not disappoint.

      [–]IAmHere_ 16 points17 points ago

      I would totally fuck all these flamingos! They be some sexy ass birds!

      [–]The_Nipple_Tickler 45 points46 points ago

      [–]seandoherty 2 points3 points ago

      I know they're not seagulls, but all I hear is " MINE, MINE, MINE,MINE ,MINEMINEMINEMINEMINE"

      [–]Witty_Redditor 2 points3 points ago

      How are these things not extinct

      [–]OysterDome 5 points6 points ago

      Throw some Sperry's and a button-up on them and it's a Frat party at Generic American University.

      [–]WeAreUnited 1 point2 points ago

      Watching this GIF while listening to this song makes it so much more enjoyable:

      [–]drchimpansee 1 point2 points ago

      [–]Seret 1 point2 points ago

      Looks oddly like cotillion.

      [–]JadenAlekis 1 point2 points ago

      Gif popped while listening to some electro swing. The results?


      [–]eddiesj22 1 point2 points ago

      We came to fuck bitches.

      [–]borick 1 point2 points ago

      [–]_Killer_Tofu_ 1 point2 points ago

      looks like redditors

      [–]meatwad1987 1 point2 points ago

      "Where da hoes at"

      [–]RogueRaven17 1 point2 points ago

      The bros have entered the bar, clad in pink polos.

      [–]IDidItForScience 1 point2 points ago

      Someday there will be a version of this where they all have top hats and monocles. It will be a good day.

      [–]morningmouse4 1 point2 points ago

      When girls all go to the bathroom at the same time...

      [–]lightningrodz 1 point2 points ago

      I wish all I had to do was walk around like an idiot, to mate.

      [–]PolishHammerMK 1 point2 points ago

      They look like a tour group looking around

      [–]jacob8015 1 point2 points ago

      My new favorite "Abandon Thread" Gif

      [–]WTF_Orz 1 point2 points ago

      fucking tourists remind me of this

      [–]hieunguyen17 1 point2 points ago

      I hear the walk it out song in my head

      [–]ThisFrickinSite 1 point2 points ago

      Hey ladieeeees!

      [–]MrBojanglesIsHi 3 points4 points ago

      If we move together, they'll never know what hit them.

      [–]BLUNTYEYEDFOOL 2 points3 points ago

      Check out the guy five lines in and fourth from the left. Pure filthy sex. Nailing it. I'm fucking sopping wet here.

      [–]AlwaysSaysYes 1 point2 points ago

      I actually tried to find the sexy one...

      [–]gohanssb 3 points4 points ago

      Looks like they're doing... * puts on sunglasses * the Flamenco

      I'll leave now.

      [–]Noatak_Kenway 1 point2 points ago

      Fly pelican, fly!

      [–]bhillen83 1 point2 points ago

      Looks like line dancing to me.

      [–]septrica 1 point2 points ago

      This is what red duties look like before clicking NSFW posts. "Just gotta look around real quick... Make sure nobody sees this."

      [–]Crocuta_crocuta 3 points4 points ago

      Heads up, your phone is correcting redditors as red duties (or heads up you're losing your mind).

      [–]freequeshowe 1 point2 points ago

      I was hoping they would break into Thriller.

      [–]Cortesana 1 point2 points ago

      Showed this to my bf who said, "It's better than my mating dance. Got the spins and puked......"

      He did indeed get the spins and puked the night we met. And here we are.

      [–]mattgoldey 1 point2 points ago

      Redditors of a certain age will start hearing the "Miami Vice" theme song in their heads while watching this.

      [–]mievaan 1 point2 points ago

      [–]hvyrnr 1 point2 points ago

      Look left, look right. Gonna get me a piece Tonight..

      [–]HighInAK 1 point2 points ago

      I whip my hair back and forth,

      I whip my hair back and forth,

      I whip my hair back and forth,

      [–]mega48man 2 points3 points ago

      "we came to fuck bitches" -every one of those flamingos

      [–]firmness 1 point2 points ago

      I will just drop this right about ...HERE

      [–]Wise_Potato_King 0 points1 point ago

      Oooooh gurl, you know i'm fabulous!

      [–]hiyosilver64 0 points1 point ago

      every bar on the weekends

      [–]petrichor8 0 points1 point ago

      "WOO" girls!

      [–]Gnomojo 0 points1 point ago

      Please make a "nope" gif out of this!

      [–]yawrn 0 points1 point ago

      a bunch of bachelors at the bar trying to spot a single girl.

      [–]01938 0 points1 point ago

      So, walk around while looking stuck up and snobbish. No wonder I've never taken anyone home - I thought it was all about looking friendly.

      [–][deleted] 0 points1 point ago

      It's basically the bird version of The Carlton

      [–]depcrestwood 0 points1 point ago

      Looks like they should be singing something out of West Side Story

      [–]pilotoatomico 0 points1 point ago

      That's like when me and my buddies walk in a club

      [–]aeriis 0 points1 point ago

      where dem bitches at?