The Individualized Education Program (IEP)

This page is based  from my personal experiences.  On the following pages, I will show you what the IEP really entails & go into much further detail.  If you have any questions, please by all means write to me, I am more than happy to answer questions & if I do not have the answer to your question I will find it for you.  The IEP process for a first timer can be a pretty intimidating time, so the first thing I will let you know you really should do is, go out and invest in a good sturdy file cabinet, you will be needing it if you are going to be an advocate for your child.

When you get pertinent information about the deed or mortgage on your home, the bill of sale on your car, make investments, buy stocks, mutual funds etc. what do you do with this important documentation, you file it away safely, this is exactly the reason you will want someplace to store school records, all medical records and any miscellaneous information you will require for acting as an advocate for your child(ren).  Some will tell you that you have to request an IEP meeting, frankly, from my understanding, it is required when a child has special needs that an IEP meeting should not have to be something you request.  At the end of each school year it should be automatic to assess what is going to be happening in the following school year - in other words, an IEP Meeting should take place annually.  You can request an additional IEP meeting (review) at anytime.

Getting What Your Child Needs

If you are like me, there is nothing that you will not do that is in  your child(ren)'s best interest.  Not for the faint at heart.  You may end up with the fight of your life on your hands, but one I'm sure you will agree is worth the efforts of the battle.

Hopefully, you will have professionals on your side that are willing to work with you and not against you.  Assertiveness is a quality you will need to possess when advocating for your child(ren), a little bit can go a LONG ay.  Do not be timid - Speak Up!  If you allow the professionals to take over, in - you are not being troublemaker or a pain-in-the-butt, if it benefits your child(ren) live with the label that might get stuck on you ~ Do Not Be Timid or Intimidated!

The IEP Meeting

First off, be certain you are up-to-date on your child(ren)'s files (all of them).  Read and then re-read them before going into a meeting to set up an IEP.  In doing so, you are up to speed on what you want for your child(ren) and what you expect, and want to see regulated or improved.  Once again, and I cannot stress this enough, you know your child(ren) better than anyone ~ keep it that way!  Make sure there is no room for assumptions (you know what they say about assuming).  Go to an IEP meeting knowing what you want, do not settle for less, know your bottom line.

Next, you will be informed of the date of the meeting and the people who will be involved.  You can invite anyone you wish to this meeting who you deem knowledgeable and helpful at being of service to getting your child(ren)'s needs met.  If you do not want someone who is listed on the attendance list at the meeting, be certain to make your wishes known and have an explanation ready (you will be asked why/why not).  If you do not already know the people who will be involved in the IEP meeting, make it your business to find out who they are and their opinions.  The team you will be meeting with will be a vocal one, knowing any opposition will prepare you in getting your child(ren)'s needs met.  Prepare what needs you want met, prioritize and organize your documentation (bring it to the meeting).  In this way, if someone, anyone at the meeting does not seem up to date on your child(ren)'s history you will be capable of supporting yourself and repeats of failed past efforts.

What If They Say No?!

You do not have to sign an IEP you are not satisfied with.  In not signing an IEP it is known that your requests, suggestions, expectations were not fulfilled and the IEP has to be adjusted to meet with your satisfaction and another meeting set up.  YES, you can say NO!  Your child depends on your voice, you have this authority.  If the other involved parties of the meeting say NO, perhaps it is because they do not have the power to authorize what you are requesting.  Do not throw in the towel!  Your child(ren)'s future depends on you sticking to your intentions.  Find out what needs to be done to get your requests met and 'pound the pavement!'

The Completed IEP

When your child(ren)'s IEP is completed to your satisfaction, sign it!  If you feel that something needs to be changed during the school year, you have the right to request a meeting to change anything on your child(ren)'s IEP, call the school & set up another IEP meeting, and get it done! 

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