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Sydney rally backs WikiLeaks

Sydney supporters of WikiLeaks this afternoon rallied at Town Hall Square to demand the Australian government condemn Julian Assange's arrest.

News about wikileaks
Features about wikileaks
  • Something Wiki this way comes

    It's been All WikiLeaks, All the Time here in Cringeville lately. And why not? As I noted last time out, this is the biggest thing to hit the WebberNets since Tim Berners Lee dreamed it up 20 years ago. We're still unraveling the implications and pro...

  • Could Wikileaks scandal lead to new virtual currency?

    It's not an exaggeration to say that the recent Wikileaks scandal has shaken the Internet to its core. Regardless of where you stand on the debate, various services have simply refused to handle Wikileaks' business -- everything from domain-name prov...

  • Sydney rally backs WikiLeaks

    Sydney supporters of WikiLeaks this afternoon rallied at Town Hall Square to demand the Australian government condemn Julian Assange's arrest.

  • WikiLeaks: A case study in Web survivability

    In recent weeks WikiLeaks has been targeted by denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, had its hosting service shutdown, been bounced off of Amazon hosting, had its funding through PayPal, MasterCard and other sources shut down, and its leader arrested on s...

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