The tools and information on the this site are intended as an aid to weight loss and weight maintenance, and do not offer medical advice.
If you suffer from, or think you may suffer from, a medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting a weight loss and/or exercise regime.
If you decide to start exercising after a period of relative inactivity you should start very slowly and
consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort,
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If you feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, do not continue.
The tools and information on the this site are not intended for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding,
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DIET, AND THE 4 DAY FAT BLASTER DIET. for a grocery list of fat burning
click here.

This is the biggest news in weight loss since the 70's.


With all the drama on fad diets we have new evidence. Medical Researchers
at Brown University analyzed the National Weight Control Registry, a
database of more than 5 thousand men and women who have maintained a
loss of 60 or more pounds for at least a five year period... And they were
caught by surprise and so were most.

Turns out that people who lost the most weight and kept it off the longest
didn't overhaul their diet, instead, they tackled small goals one after another.
While it is crucial to have a sense of where you're headed.. like, I'd love to be
60 pounds smaller.. research shows that this kind of "umbrella" goal should
be used as a broad direction rather that a day to day guide .. and of course I
am going to tell you why. One big goal makes us over fearful of failure.
Making major life changes like a drastic diet overhaul activates the brain's
fear and anxiety center, this is called the amygdala. In response to this
activated amygdala induced fear people will naturally slip back into more
comforting habits to cur the anxiety. But this derails weight-loss efforts and
can lead to feelings of failure that make subsequent change harder to

Focusing on a large weight loss number can lead to chronic  calorie
restriction which results in a 50 percent drop in leptin sensitivity, according
to Columbia University Medical Center. That's a problem because Leptin
keeps metabolic rates high and suppresses appetite and dampens cravings.
When leptin sensitivity drops so does the body's ability to lose weight
without struggle. Cutting out all of your favorite foods over long periods of
time leaves people feeling "deprived". .. And that puts them at risk for binge
eating when forbidden foods become available again. Research showed that
subjects more than doubled their intake of sweet treats after being on a
restricted eating program. (Use this if you are really out of control.
click here)
This works as well for binge eating,
click here)

Wile coaching clients for
VHI's Celebrity fit club and through his national
initiative the 50 million pound challenge, Dr. Smith stumbeled upon a way to
harness the power of small goals to deliver steady and lasting results.. THE 4
DAY DIETS! These are not just any 4 day diets they are a mix and mathch
modular eating plan that focuses on setting one small goal that allows you to
drop 7 POUNDS in each 4 DAY CYCLE...(This is something that most of you
ana's" already know and that is why we love to do the fasting, juice fasting
extreme diets.) But, these 4 day diet modules are not as hard to stick to
and of course goals are being obtained by 300%.This is a fantastically
effective way to lose weight and permanently improve your eating habits.
Setting modest goals and regularly cycling through different weight loss
plans means you will feel more motivated and successful everyday, your
anxiety-triggering amygdala won't be activated and the repetition will help
your brainlock in these changes and make them lifelong habits. Thus keeping
the weight off you lost and obtaining more weight  loss if needed.

but this new research even gets better if you can believe it, at the Naval
Postgraduate School in California suggests that the 4 day diet cycles trick
cellular mitochondria into thinking they have an unlimited supply of calories
to burn, which prevents metabolic slow downs and plateaus in weight loss. (

click here
to read about plateaus)

All told this as much as doubles weight loss!!

Okay, so now you are just starting to say to yourself.. Jodee just tell me how
to get started. The three mini diets will keep your metabolism, motivation and
weight loss at their peak. Focusing on a simngle simple goal, such as eating
more fiber rich foods or boosting your protein intake for short periods f time
ensures you will achieve significant cumulative results over the long term.

The mini diets can be done an any order and repeated as often as needed.
The key is to switch every 4 days so that the plan always feels fresh and of
course "do-able", leptin sensitivity and metabolism stay high and you won't
struggle with feelings of deprivation, But I must say that I suggest stating
with a cleanse before to clean out all the gunk
click here  or this... click here.

Now when starting these 4 day diets start with the 4 day detox diet...
This diet is best to start due to the fact it will help the body to get ready for
change and your mind. This is a high fiber module stabilizes blood sugar,
dampens appetite and flushes out fat-trapping toxins, preparing the body for
a more rapid weight loss during the subsequent 4 day diet cycles.
4 day detox diet... during this period you will load up on fiber rich fare
like psyllium husk (
click here to read about herbs and weight loss) and
legumes. Fiber dampens appetite and reduces calorie intake for up to
18 hours STRAIGHT!  Plus studies show that nutrient slows the
absorption of fat and carbohydrates, stabilizes blood sugar and flushes
fat trapping toxins as I said before and bloat inducing fluids will also
leave from your colon. Nutrient dense module provides up to 1,200
different meaolically active enzumes, nutrients that nourish the liver
enhancing its ability to metabolize stored fatty acids for fuel by as much
as 33%...

Okay so this is the basics for the 4 day detox diet.. for more like a 2
week detox
click here.

Every Morning for the 4 days

Upon awakening
8 ox juice made with 1 tbs. lemon juice and no more than 1 tsp of sugar
if you have to have sugar, you can go it without or use astevia as well
some no sugar sweetener is fine, but remember you are trying to detox
so no sugar is best, honey works well too. add into your juice 1
tablespoon of psylliym husk powder.

is a bowl of high fiber cereal your choice for the 4 days, try to switch it
up buy a couple of kinds of high fiber cereal and alternate them. In
your cereal you can have 1/2 cup soy milk or skim milk and 1 cup of
coffee if you have to have coffee but no sugar or milk unless you want
to eat your cereal dry that day... green tea is preffered for detox diets.
You can use a slim shot to substitute your milk in your coffee..

You are allowed a snack during the day, the idea is to keep your
metabolism up and of course not starve during the 4 days.. but
remember that you should seperate your meals to be at least 2 hours
apart.. 3 is better.

Fiber rich fruit of choice, like an apple or pear..
click here for more

Unlimited Raw vegtables with 1/2 cup of low fat hummus or other bean
of choice with 3 cups of mixed greens with lemon and vinager or 1 tbs
of low fat dressing.

I cup of berries of choice.

You can change up dinner by using different vegtables.
2 cups of green vegtables such as spinach or kale sauteed with garlic
and onions served on a bed of brown rice.. whole grain brown rice!
Dessert 1 apple and you can sprinkle a little cinnamon and astevia to
4 day metabolism boost diet...
This 4 day cycle supplies cells with amino acids that stimulate the formation of
metabolism revving lean muscle tissue.. protein rich eating doubles cellular
metabolic rate for two hours after each meal plus reduces calorie intake... for
some of you this may seem to be too many calories with any diet.. SIDE NOTE..
you can always eat less... nobody ever said on a diet you had to eat
everything they told you to eat.. it is a suggestion... eat what works for you
within the plan.

2 eggs any style or 2 substitute eggs, 2 pieces of bacon or 1 string of turkey
bacon or of course for all you vegatarian's out there you can replace any meat
dish with a substitute.. they make all kinds of mock meats today soy bacon
etc. You are allowed 2 cups of coffee with 1tsp of sweetener of choice you
can add a
slim shot if you would like and you are allowed milk of choice per
cup of coffee. ( good deal after the first 4 days)

1 apple, 1 small protein choice of 200 calories or less,
click here.  Protein
choices should be egg, chicken, soy or yogart, fish or protein shake such as
special K or Gnc with whey protein.

4oz of Turkey or other protein choice (egg, chicken, soy, fish) on whole grain
wheat bread, with 1 cup of steamed broccolli or other vegtable of choice and
some celery sticks... When I was in high school, we ate celery to lose weight
before cheerleading competitions. We were on to something way back then.
Celery is one veggie that uses more energy to digest and absorb it then the
calories you get from eating it. Put some celery sticks in your lunchbox this
week! Don't like celery try berries.. With their high fiber content, berries have
the distinction of giving you less calories than you eat! Add to that their
natural sugar content that nicely satisfies a sweet tooth, berries need to be
on everyone’s shopping lists!

Dinner 4 oz of lean sirloin steak or other protein choice you are only allowed
sirloin 2 of the days of this diet! With the steak or other protein  1/2 cup of
lentils and 1/2 cup of brown whole grain rice, you can season with a little olive
oil or 1tsp of butter , 1 cup of asparagus or other high fiber veggie.

1 cup of berries of choice or apple.
Click here for more metabolism building foods.
One pound of fat may not sound like much of a loss, but this is what it
looks like... pretty nasty right.. okay so this is the 4 DAY FAT BLAST DIET

During this 4 day cycle diet you will minimize your intake of complex
carbohydrates such as beans and grains. This depletes your body's
stores of glycogen.. long chain carbohydrate molecules that the
muscles and liver burn instead of stored fat. Researchers t UCLA found
that this module depletes muscle glycogen stores by 50% in the first 24
hours, allowing cells to metabolize the deeper fat stores in the belly,
hips and thighs. This increases fat loss and increases energy levels by
25% in 4 days!

THE 4 DAY FAT BLASTER DIET Remember these are 4 day diets.. hang in
6 oz low fat plain yogurt with fresh berries or of course a soy fake
yogart if you can't eat yogart. If you are lactose intolerant buy a yogart
like "lactaid". if you just can't stomach yogart.. have a protein shake
such as Kellogs Special K protein shake as talked about above or
here to read more.

2 cups of raw carrots or celery.

1 large salad with 3 oz of (chose 1, grilled chicken or turkey or salmon
or tofu) 3 cups of vegtables of choice and 1 1/2 cups of vegtable soup
or minestrone or chicken noodle.

Fresh fruit or a fresh fruit smoothie under 200 calories.. This must be a
fruit or veggie choice. Below are 200 calorie snacks and 100 calorie
snack choices but they do not all work with this diet choice. Fruit or
check here for under 200 calorie snacks..
check her for 100 calorie snacks.

5oz lean protein of choice (sirloin steak, chicken, turkey, fish or soy) 2
cups of steamed vegtables such as broccolli or carrots etc.

2 cups of fruit salad made with berries, melon and apples.

If you need one on one support during this diet I can help..
click here.
We’ve all heard differing arguments about eating high or low
amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Some shout, “Low carb
is best, with high protein and high fat!” Others claim, “High carb is
best, with low protein and low fat!” Just what is high and what is low?
Is 30 grams of something low? Is 30 percent high? When you know
how to calculate the numbers, you can more easily determine the
types and amounts of foods that are right for you.

The energy that carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide to us is
measured in the form of calories. One gram of carbohydrate
provides our body with about four calories. Proteins also provide
four, while fats provide nine calories per gram. Alcohol provides

In order for us to determine the right amounts of energy-giving
nutrients in our diet, we need to make calculations involving the
amount of calories and grams of the foods we consume. Yes, we are
going to do some math. But tracking what, how much, and when you
eat provides you with ammunition to take control over your state of

If you track the number of calories and grams you consume from
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, you can use the formula below to
determine the approximate percentages of each nutrient.

% in decimal form = (number of grams x 4 or 9*) / total calories
For example, suppose you counted your calories one day and found
that you ate 2000 calories. Suppose also that you counted the
number of grams of each nutrient you ate and totaled 300 grams of
carbohydrates, 60 grams of total fat, 15 grams of saturated fat, and 70
grams of protein. Plugging those numbers into the formula, you
determine that 60% of your daily caloric intake (the total number of
calories you eat per day) came from carbohydrates, 27% from fat,
about 7% from saturated fat, and 14% from protein.

(300 x 4) / 2000 = 1200/2000 = 0.60 from carbs
(60 x 9) / 2000 = 540/2000 = 0.27 from fat
(15 x 9) / 2000 = 135/2000 = 0.0675 from saturated fat
(70 x 4) / 2000 = 280/2000 = 0.14 from protein
Are these percentages high or low? Well, that depends. The National
Research Council’s Food and Nutrition Board, the American Heart
Association, and other nutritional authorities recommend that no
more than 30% of our daily caloric intake come from fat and no more
than 10% should come from saturated fat. Following these
recommendations, you would be within the appropriate levels for fat
and saturated fat intake.

Different sources make different recommendations for
carbohydrates and proteins. For the general populace, most
nutritional experts recommend that about 55-60% of our daily caloric
intake come from carbohydrates and that about 15-20% come from
protein. One popular diet recommends 40% for carbohydrates, 30%
for protein, and 30% from fat. Still, other diets restrict carbohydrates
to less than 40%. What’s best?

Only your dietitian or doctor can provide you with the best
recommendations for you.

Once you know the percentages that are best for you, you can easily
calculate how many grams of each nutrient you should consume by
using the following formula. You will also need to know what your
daily caloric intake should be. (We will focus on how to determine an
appropriate amount in an upcoming article.)

grams = (total calories x % in decimal form) / 4 or 9*
For example, suppose you choose to follow the 40-30-30
recommendation, with 10% of your intake from saturated fat. Suppose
also that you would be consuming 2000 calories per day. Plugging in
the numbers, you determine that you should consume 200 grams of
carbohydrates, about 67 grams of total fat, about 22 grams of
saturated fat, and 150 grams of protein.

(2000 x 0.40) / 4 = 800/4 = 200 grams of carbs
(2000) x 0.30) / 9 = 600/9 = 66.66 grams of total fat
(2000 x 0.10) / 9 = 200/9 = 22.22 grams of saturated fat
(2000 x 0.30) / 4 = 600/4 = 150 grams of protein
Now that you know the formulas for making calculations, you should
be better able to take control over the amounts of each nutrient you
eat. Crunch numbers, not cookies!
click here to go back to home page.
People ask me everyday what was the strongest product that I have taken to lose weight the fastest. I took Prothinspo's Hydroxylim/ Diet Slim...I
chose this product because of two studies.... The first studied showed a more rapid and effective weight loss than other diet products.This study
set out to determine the efficacy of a calcium/potassium salt of 60% HCA extract from Garcinia cambogia alone and in combination with niacin-
bound chromium and a standardized Gymnema Sylvestre Extract on weight-loss parameters in human volunteers. I know blah blah, but  In a
double-blind fashion, 60 moderately obese individuals were randomly assigned to three groups.
Group 1 received just calcium/potassium salt of 60% HCA extract from Garcinia cambogia.
Group 2 received the Garcinia cambogia extract, chromium polynicotinate, and Gymnema sylvestre extract.
Group 3 received a placebo. All subjects received a 2000 kcal/day diet, participated in supervised walking five times per week, and took their
assigned test supplements 3 times daily, 30 to 60 minutes before meals.
Test measurements were then performed throughout the study, evaluating changes in bodyweight, body mass index (BMI), appetite, blood lipids,
and markers of fat oxidation.
After 8 weeks, Group 1 lost an average of 10 pounds, Group 2 lost 12.54 pounds, and the placebo group lost 3.53 pounds. At 8 weeks, both Group 1
and 2 were found to have lost significantly more weight than the placebo group. A reduction in appetite was also demonstrated in both Group 1 and
2. In addition, both Group 1 and 2 showed a significant increase in indicators of fat breakdown. It was concluded that supplementation with the
combination of (-)– hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX), niacin-bound chromium, and Gymnema Sylvestre Extract can help people with weight
management.  Very Cool Huh? So there is more...
The next study was an 8 week study....In this 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human trial, 30 moderately obese subjects
were divided into three groups. Group 1 received just the calcium/potassium salt of 60% HCA extract from Garcinia cambogia. Group 2 received
Garcinia cambogia extract, chromium polynicotinate, and Gymnema sylvestre extract. Group 3 received a placebo. All subjects were placed on a
2000 kcal/day diet; ingested the assigned test supplements 3 times daily, 30 to 60 minutes prior to meals; and participated in supervised walking
five times per week. At the end of 8 weeks, Group 1 lost, on average, 12.1 pounds. Group 2 lost, on average, 14.99 pounds. Group 3 lost, on average,
3.06 pounds. At the end of the study period, weight-loss values in both Group 1 and Group 2 were significantly greater than in the placebo group.
Moreover, the placebo group showed a slight increase in food consumption, while the HCA groups both showed a significant reduction in appetite
compared to placebo. Based on the results from this study, it was concluded that the unique HCA extract used in this trial, either alone or in
combination with Gymnema Sylvestre Extract and niacin-bound chromium, is effective in helping control appetite, increase fat oxidation, and
promote weight loss.
Aftter reading both of the studies and actually using this product
I am proud to sell it on my site...

Please try this product for yourself if you are looking to lose weight 65% faster,
click here.