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Super Skinny Arms...
It is becoming more and more common to see celebs sporting extra muscles in
the arms and, along with the muscles, bulgy veins.  While most people do not
find this look particularly appealing, apparently the celebs think of it as a sign of
how much they focus on being healthy.

However, the look may not be the sign of health that they think it is, but rather a
sign that they are lacking a certain necessity called water.  That’s right, they are
dehydrated. Dehydrated and lacking salt.

A lot of times these stars are following a very clean diet, with very few processed
foods and instead a lot of foods that are very, very low in salt,” says registered
dietitian Sharon Richter of Manhattan.

According to Richter, the body is unable to retain hydration that plumps up the
skin if it has insufficient amounts of salt, causing the skin to shrink and appear

Sometimes, before a photo shoot, celebrities will even do epsom salt baths,
which draw the salt out of the body,” Richter says. “Or they may under-eat for a
few days, eat as little as possible, say, 800 calories, to make a certain weight.”

Basically, celebrities such as
Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Madonna
may be starving themselves of both food and proper hydration to achieve a
thinner look.  But the result is often more of a dehydrated look instead.

What is dehydration?

Water is a critical element of the body, and adequate hydration is a must to allow
the body to function. Up to 75% of the body's weight is made up of water. Most of
the water is found within the cells of the body (intracellular space). The rest is
found in what is referred to as the extracellular space, which consists of the
blood vessels (intravascular space) and the spaces between cells (interstitial

Total body water = intracellular space + intravascular space + interstitial space

Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than
the amount being taken in. The body is very dynamic and always changing. This is
especially true with water in the body. We lose water routinely when we:

breathe and humidified air leaves the body;

sweat to cool the body; and

urinate or have a bowel movement to rid the body of waste products.
In a normal day, a person has to drink a significant amount of water to replace
this routine loss.

If intravascular (within the blood vessels) water is lost, the body can compensate
somewhat by shifting water from within the cells into the blood vessels, but this
is a very short-term solution. The body lives within a very narrow range of normal
parameters, and signs and symptoms of dehydration will occur quickly if the
water is not replenished.

The body is able to monitor the amount of fluid it needs to function. The thirst
mechanism signals the body to drink water when the body is dry. As well,
hormones like anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) work with the kidney to limit the
amount of water lost in the urine when the body needs to conserve water.
What are the signs and symptoms of dehydration?

The body's initial responses to dehydration are thirst to increase water intake along with
decreased urine output to try to conserve water. The urine will become concentrated and
more yellow in color.

As the level of water loss increases, more symptoms can become apparent. The following are
further signs and symptoms of dehydration:

dry mouth,

the eyes stop making tears,

sweating may stop,

muscle cramps,

nausea and vomiting,

heart palpitations, and

lightheadedness (especially when standing).
The body tries to maintain cardiac output (the amount of blood that is pumped by the heart to
the body); and if the amount of fluid in the intravascular space is decreased, the body tries to
compensate for this decrease by increasing the heart rate and making blood vessels constrict
to try to maintain blood pressure and blood flow to the vital organs of the body. This coping
mechanism begins to fail as the level of dehydration increases.

With severe dehydration, confusion and weakness will occur as the brain and other body
organs receive less blood. Finally, coma and organ failure, and death eventually will occur if
the dehydration remains untreated.
How is dehydration treated?

As is often the case in medicine, prevention is the important first step in the treatment of
dehydration. (Please see the home treatment and prevention sections.)

Fluid replacement is the treatment for dehydration. This may be attempted by replacing fluid
by mouth, but if this fails, intravenous fluid (IV) may be required. Should oral rehydration be
attempted, frequent small amounts of clear fluids should be used.

Clear fluids include:


clear broths,


Jell-O, and

other replacement fluids that may contain electrolytes (Pedialyte, Gatorade, Powerade, etc.)
Decisions about the use of intravenous fluids depend upon the health care practitioner's
assessment of the extent of dehydration and the ability for the patient to recover from the
underlying cause.

The success of the rehydration therapy can be monitored by urine output. When the body is
dry, the kidneys try to hold on to as much fluid as possible, urine output is decreased, and the
urine itself is concentrated. As treatment occurs, the kidneys sense the increased amount of
fluid, and urine output increases.

Medications may be used to treat underlying illnesses and to control fever, vomiting, or

Can I treat dehydration at home?

Dehydration occurs over time. If it can be recognized in its earliest stages, and if its cause can
be addressed, home treatment may be beneficial and adequate.

Steps a person can take at home to prevent severe dehydration include:

Individuals with vomiting and diarrhea can try to alter their diet and use medications to control
symptoms to minimize water loss. Clear fluids often recommended as the diet of choice for the
first 24 hours, with gradual progression to a BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apples, toast) and then
adding more foods as tolerated.

Loperamide (Imodium) may be considered to control diarrhea.

Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be used to control fever.

Fluid replacements may be attempted by small, frequent amounts of clear fluids (see clear
fluids information in previous section). The amount of fluid required to maintain hydration
depends upon the individual's weight. The average adult needs between 2 and 3 liters of fluid
per day.
If the person becomes confused or lethargic; if there is persistent, uncontrolled fever,
vomiting, or diarrhea; or if there are any other specific concerns, then medical care should be

Can dehydration be prevented?

Environment: Dehydration due to the weather is a preventable condition. If possible, activities
should not be scheduled in the heat of the day. If they are, adequate fluids should be
available, and cooler, shaded areas should be used if possible. Of course, people should be
monitored to make certain they are safe. Those working in hot environments need to take
care to rehydrate often.
Exercise: People exercising in a hot environment need to drink adequate amounts of water.

Age: The young and elderly are most at risk. During heat waves, attempts should be made to
check on the elderly in their homes. During the Chicago heat wave of 1995, more than 600
people died in their homes from heat exposure.

Heat related conditions: Know the signs and symptoms of heat cramps, heat rash, heat
exhaustion, and heat stroke. Preventing dehydration is one step to avoid these conditions.

Dehydration at A Glance

The body needs water to function.

Dehydration occurs when water intake is less than water loss.

Symptoms range from mild to life-threatening.

Prevention is the important first step in treating dehydration.

The young and the elderly are especially susceptible to dehydration.
Additional resources from WebMD Boots UK on Dehydration

REFERENCE: Fauci, Anthony S., et al. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 17th ed.
United States: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2008.

So how do you get skinny arms?
One of the worst women problem areas is their arms, because this is where fat tends to build
up. If you finally want to get rid of those bingo wings and get toned arms here a few tips and

1. First of all
diet, I know that when most of you read this you will run in fear but a diet does
not have to be boring. In fact a diet is a lifestyle, because if you want to lose weight off your
arms for good and not gain it back you need a diet you can stick to in the long run.

The main foods for how to get skinny arms include, fresh fruit, vegetables, lean mean, skim
dairy, low gi carbohydrates, nuts and seeds and yes you can have your favourite treat every
now and then. I am sure that if you stick to these simple foods you will have toned arms in no

Exercise is key, if you want to know how to get skinny arms you should be doing at least 30
minutes of exercise a day. This can be as simple as walk to the park, local shops or even
playing in the backyard with your children. They will love this and so will your body. It will help
speed up the fat burning process leaving you with toned arms.

3. Drink more water, water helps flush out toxins in your body that could be causing you to
gain fat. Water is definitely how to get skinny arms because it will help keep you full between
meals and burn more fat because your metabolism speeds up. Try 8 glasses of water a day,
add lemon that is how I make sure I get my 2 litres of water a day. Water plays a vital role in
how to get skinny arms.
Now, some people have busy schedules and may not have time to spent 2 hours in the gym
every day. Familial life, work, cooking, cleaning, etc etc takes up a lot of time, doesn't it?
When I have a packed day, I don't feel like working out either. I guess the only thing to do
is to integrate exercise into your daily activities.

1. Light housework - (i.e. dusting or washing up)

These activities also burn little total calories - around 2-3*calories per minute. Higher
percentages of fat will be utilised around 70%* of calories burned.

It may seem unusual to include these types of activities when trying to lose weight but they
can be a great aid for speeding metabolism. For example performing more chores around
the house regularly would increase activity therefore increase the energy expenditure for
the day. Total calories burned would be much higher and result in a great amount of fat

Adding these
kind of activities to an exercise program can accelerate the metabolism. When you start to
lose weight fast you'll never look at housework in the same light again!


Walking is said to be one of the best exercises for losing weight. The percentage of fat
burning is around the 55% ** mark, however as with all exercises it really depends on the
intensity of effort.

Walking not only burns a good proportion of stored fat it can also burn a large amount of
calories especially performed for longer durations and at a brisk pace. A good balance
between the percentage of fat and the total calories burned should be the basis behind
choosing any exercise for losing weight.

You can also try buying a used bicycle if you don't own one (try your local Craigslist ads or
garage sales in your community) and biking to the grocery store or to work if it isn't a far
distance. Bike to the postal office, etc. If you are getting groceries, I would recommend
putting a basket or crate on your bike if it doesn't already come with one, rather than
balancing the shopping bags on the handle bars as this may unbalance the bike and cause
you to fall and get seriously injured!

While biking, it would be a nice idea to invest in a pair of light-weight lycra pants, a
breathable cotton shirt, a stainless steel water bottle and a pair of sturdy running shoes!

You can also do sit-ups while watching TV during commercials. Just 15-20 situps can be a
big deal over a week! Try to drink water instead of juices and pop for a week, and add
lemon too!

Use the stairs instead of the escalator (I'm a big suck for escalators, I'll go out of my way to
find out...but I have a long walk home; so maybe that's fair?) and if you are walking
uphill....try to walk faster and tighten your glutes!

Use every opportunity in your day to burn that fat off. There's so many! Are you going to the
park with a younger sister or son? Why don't you swing off the jungle gym with them? You
will be getting toned arms and having fun too! Are you walking your daughter home from
kindergarten? Why don't you guys race it to the front door? Did you just give birth? Well
join a mothers jogging group and jog with your stroller.