The tools and information on the this site are intended as an aid to weight loss and weight maintenance, and do not offer medical advice.
If you suffer from, or think you may suffer from, a medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting a weight loss and/or exercise regime.
If you decide to start exercising after a period of relative inactivity you should start very slowly and
consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort,
distress or any other symptoms.
If you feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, do not continue.
The tools and information on the this site are not intended for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding,
or for any person under the age of 18.
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The Chinese have used herbs for medicinal purposes for over 4000
years. Today, the medical community, who once shunned the use of
herbs for medicinal purposes, is starting to take notice of the
benefits of using herbs. Herbs are nutritionally sound and can offer a
healthy, natural alternative to nourish and heal the body. Herbs can
also give the body the nutrients that the body does not always get
through a regular diet.

Herbs can include leaves, bark, berries, roots, seeds, stems, gums
and flowers. They can also come in many forms including tablets,
capsules, bark pieces, powders, extracts, creams, lotions, oils, liquids
and salves. When buying herbs of any kind, it is important to look for
the word "standardized" on the label. Because most herbs are not
FDA approved, the label on herbs provides important safety and
dosage information. When purchasing herbs you should look for
freshness. Those that are loose and sold in bulk have almost no
nutritional value. Instead opt for freeze-dried over air-dried herbs.

Herbs have always been used as a weight loss remedy. There are
many herbs that can be used both safely and efficiently to suppress
appetite and help control weight loss. For people need or want to
shed a few pounds but who already eat healthy and participate in
regular exercise, adding natural herbs to the diet can help aid in
weight control. Herbs may not be a good choice for those seeking to
loose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Some herbs do have
side effects and some should be taken carefully. As with any weight
loss program or diet, caution should be used and it should be used in
conjunction with regular diet and exercise. The following are good
starters to help you curb your appetite with herbs.

Brazilian Cocoa: This herb is almost identical to caffeine. Both
stimulate the central nervous system and increases metabolic rate.
Brazilian Cocoa has a very mild diuretic effect. The side effect of this
herb is that is also similar to caffeine. When taken in excess, it can
cause restlessness, trembling, nervousness and anxiety.

Cayenne: Cayenne pepper when added to food can help stimulate
capsaicin, which stimulates saliva. It also stimulates digestion and
can help accelerate the metabolism at a safe level.

Green Tea: Green tea is a natural stimulant that acts much like coffee,
but has the added benefit of vitamin C and antioxidants. By steeping
the tea quickly or for a longer period of time, it is possible to control
the strength of the tea. Green tea is available as a capsule formula,
but works better in the body as a liquid.

Evening Primrose: This herb has been shown to be effective as a
natural alternative to help reduce cholesterol levels and help people
who do not process fats correctly loose weight.

Seaweed: Seaweed is a good natural source of trace mineral and is a
natural thyroid stimulant. It is widely available in capsule or tablets
forms at many health food stores.

Psyllium: Studies show that the granules of these seeds consumed
with water before a meal helps control the appetite. This herb causes
an instant reduction of appetite by making the stomach feel full. The
full feeling leads to less caloric and fat consumption.

Queen's Flower: Queen's flower has been shown to be one of the
most effective plant used in alternative weight control and diabetes.

Herbs can be taken in using different methods. Infusion involves
using the soft part of the herb plant including the leaves, flowers,
and the whole herb. Infusion of herbs is much like tea is made.
Boiling water is poured over the plant and allowed to steep. Then
liquid is then strained and the liquid is consumed. Honey may be
added to the infusion liquid to improve the bitter taste. With
decoction, the tough part of the plant-the bark, root, twig and stem
are simmered for about thirty minutes and then consumed.

Juice can also be made using small pieces of the herb. The juice is
taken right after it is made because the vitamin content declines
rapidly. This method works well for getting vitamins and are sensitive
to heat. Tinctures are often considered the best way to take herbal
supplements. It is a good way to take well-preserved herbs. During
this method, the herb is soaked in alcohol or a water mixture. The
mixture is pressed and this makes the tincture.

Why Can't I Resist Overeating?
Diet Problem: Overeating.  There are many reasons why we overeat, so your
best defense is to determine which reason(s) trips your Overeat Button. Keep
in mind that to every problem, there is a solution - even to Diet Problems.  So
that's the good news. Choosing to tackle our Diet Problems can be troubling,
because generally, tackling diet-related problems is optional.

But if you want to see big results on the weight scales, take a look at a few of
the most common Overeat Button Denominators and try to solve your puzzle by
getting a grip on your Overeat Button. You will fall in love with those lower
numbers on your weight scales!

Stress kicks in the urge to overeat in many individuals and it's how their body
deals with stress.
The "I Love Food Syndrome".  Simply put, a lot of individuals just like the way
that food tastes.  I do!  It's nothing to be defensive about, or ashamed about if
this scenario fits.  The key is to manage the amount of food that we eat. It's not
easy, but it can be done with determination.
Many times we overeat when we are at an event - such as a holiday party.  Even
though we overeat, we may not even remember what we ate (yes, even if we
didn't have alcohol!).  It's due to mingling and the heightened excitement.
Sometimes we overeat because we are not aware of what a portion size is OR
because the restaurant doesn't provide nutritional information about the foods
We may overeat because we don't feel well, and sometimes eating makes it all
We may overeat because we are depressed OR happy!
We may overeat because.  And 'because' is the most difficult reason to figure
out what we need to do to fix our Overeat Button. try this..
click here.
So many members ask me how to
control social situations where food
and your diet goals may be at risk...
First off don't panic this creates
stress and can cause you to go all
out and say "fuck the diet" but this
should never be the case!!
If you want to be thin for your entire
life you have to have self control and
there are many tricks to doing this
and this page has them!! Also on this
page the best choices to make when
choosing appetizers at a social event
Click here.