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The Queen of the Starvation Scene!!
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They don't blow their healthy eating regime at weekends. While
everyone needs a treat sometimes, the idea that it's okay to indulge
all weekend as long as you eat healthy through the week is unlikely
to keep weight off. There are only seven days in a week, and the
weekend includes two of them - that's plenty of time to eat too
many kilojoules. Successful losers take a consistent approach to
food that includes eating sensibly at weekends as well as through
the week, says Collins who's Associate Professor in Nutrition and
Dietetics at the University of Newcastle. -They monitor what they
eat. In other words, once the weight has come off, they don't
expect it to magically stay off - they continue to watch what goes
on their plate. -They exercise regularly - for about an hour a day. -
Most of them watch less than ten hours of TV a week. They also
tend to have fewer TVs - Collins believes this has a real influence
on how much time people end up sitting in front of the box. With
fewer TVs in the house, you have to negotiate to watch what you
want - so you probably watch less, she says. -They eat breakfast.
This means they're less likely to get ravenous later in the day and
snack on high kilojoule foods. -They eat a diet that's lower in fat.
But it's important to be really clear what's meant by lower in fat,
says Collins - it doesn't mean eating no fat and it doesn't mean
buying up everything in the supermarket with a 98 per cent fat free
label - it means a diet with no more than 30 per cent fat. This is
achievable, she says, by eating big helpings of vegetables and fruit,
moderate amounts of wholegrains, some very lean meat, poultry,
and fish, and reduced fat and skim milk dairy foods, and using low
fat cooking techniques - e.g cooking in small amounts of oil or
using oil spray. -They rarely eat takeaway foods.

Another reason to lose weight and keep it off, MAKE MORE
MONEY... Yes, lose weight and make more money... The study,
published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, shows that
skinny women tend to have fatter paychecks than average or
overweight women.The Wall Street Journal reports that in
looking at the differences of earnings between men and
women of different sizes, the study’s author discovered
significant gaps. Women who weighed 25 pounds less than
average-sized women in the sampling earned an average of
$15,572 more. On the other hand, a woman who weighed 25
pounds more than normal-sized women made $13,847 less
than their average counterparts.
Here are some secrets on
how some people get thin and stay thin.
.. read more.
The tools and information on the this site are intended as an aid to weight loss and weight maintenance, and do not offer
medical advice. If you suffer from, or think you may suffer from, a medical condition you should consult your doctor before
starting a weight loss and/or exercise regime. If you decide to start exercising after a period of relative inactivity you should
start very slowly and consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort, distress or any other symptoms. If you feel any
discomfort or pain when you exercise, do not continue.
The tools and information on the this site are not intended for women who
are pregnant or breast-feeding, or for any person under the age of 18.
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