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Celebrity Gossip and Trends Following Diet and Weight Loss with the Largest Selection of Thinspiration in the World.
The Queen of the Starvation Scene!!
This is forever. I will do whatever it takes. I want to be thin more than anything, even food...

*This is not a diet, but a lifestyle

*One day I will be thin enough. Just the bones, no disfiguring flesh. Just the pure clear shape of me, bones. That is what
we all are, what we're made up of and everything else is just storage, deposit, waste. Strip it away, use it up.

*You will be tempted quite frequently, and you will have to choose whether you shall enjoy the twenty minutes or so that
you will be consuming excess calories, or whether you
will cordially despise yourself for two or three days, for your lack of willpower.

*It's simple: You decide once and for all that you aren't going to eat, and then there is no further decision to make.

*In the body, as in sculpture, perfection is attained not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.

*I do eat normally: only what is needful for survival. I can't help but that we live in a piggish society where gluttony is the
norm, and everyone else is constantly stuffing themselves.

*When I wake, I'm empty, light, light-headed. I like to stay this way, free and pure, light on my feet, traveling light. For me,
food's only interest lies in how little I need, how
strong I am, how well I can resist, each time achieving another small victory of the will.

*When you coast without eating for a significant period of time, and you are still alive, you begin to scoff at those fools
who believe they must eat to live. It is blatantly obvious to you that this is not true.

*Food hinders your progress.

*We turn skeletons into goddesses, and look to them as if they might teach us how not to need.

*How many pounds till I am happy, how many pounds till I get thin? Three more pounds till I am skinny, three more
pounds and I win!

*You've made a decision: you will NOT stop. The pain is neccessary, especially the pain of hunger. It reassures you that
you are strong, can withstand anything.

*You can learn to love anything, I think, if you need to badly enough. I trained myself to enjoy feeling hungry. If my
stomach contracts, or I wake up feeling nauseated, or I'm light-headed or have a hunger headache, or better yet, all of
the above, it means I'm getting thinner, so it feels good. I feel strong, on top of myself, in control.

*Failure is NOT an option

*There is no TRY. There is only DO.

*Do not give up on what you want most, for what you want at the moment.

*Hunger hurts but starving works

*** This is a graphic page****2006-2010 Anorexic and Bulimic updates "starving for perfection", 'dying to be
thin" Tyra Banks' interview on extreme dieting and Dr. Phil... this page is very graphic and is about eating
disorders that have become life threatening.
click here.

*** This is a graphic page****Skinny Kids with Anorexic and Bulimic Behavior... 4 steps to kicking a food
addiction and CBT and what it is and why they are using it for treating eating disorders...
click here.
The tools and information on the this site are intended as an aid to weight loss and weight maintenance, and do not offer medical
advice. If you suffer from, or think you may suffer from, a medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting a weight
loss and/or exercise regime. If you decide to start exercising after a period of relative inactivity you should start very slowly and
consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort, distress or any other symptoms. If you feel any discomfort or pain when you
exercise, do not continue. The tools and information on the this site are not intended for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding,
or for any person under the age of 18.
© 2008  Prothinspo, Pro-Thinspo.com, Prothinspo.com and Prothinsposhop.com  All rights reserved.
"PROTHINSPO" is a trademark of Prothinspo Incorporated. All rights reserved.
All content on this website should be considered for entertainment purposes.
Prothinspo Hoodia Sale
The tools and information on the this site are intended as an aid to weight loss and weight maintenance, and do not offer
medical advice. If you suffer from, or think you may suffer from, a medical condition you should consult your doctor before
starting a weight loss and/or exercise regime. If you decide to start exercising after a period of relative inactivity you should
start very slowly and consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort, distress or any other symptoms. If you feel any
discomfort or pain when you exercise, do not continue.
The tools and information on the this site are not intended for women who
are pregnant or breast-feeding, or for any person under the age of 18.
© 2010 to date  Prothinspo, Pro-Thinspo llc.com, Prothinspo.com and Prothinsposhop.com  All rights reserved.
"PROTHINSPO" is a trademark of Prothinspo Incorporated. All rights reserved.
All content on this website should be considered for entertainment purposes.
People ask me everyday what was the
strongest product that I have taken to lose
weight the fastest. I took Prothinspo's
Hydroxylim/ Diet Slim...I chose this product
because of two studies.... The first studied
showed a more rapid and effective weight
loss than other diet products.This study set
out to determine the efficacy of a
calcium/potassium salt of 60% HCA extract
from Garcinia cambogia alone and in
combination with niacin-bound chromium
and a standardized Gymnema Sylvestre
Extract on weight-loss parameters in
human volunteers. I know blah blah, but  In
a double-blind fashion,
60 moderately
obese individuals
were randomly assigned
to three groups.
Group 1 received just calcium/potassium
salt of 60% HCA extract from Garcinia
Group 2 received the Garcinia cambogia
extract, chromium polynicotinate, and
Gymnema sylvestre extract.
Group 3 received a placebo. All subjects
received a 2000 kcal/day diet, participated
in supervised walking five times per week,
and took their assigned test supplements 3
times daily, 30 to 60 minutes before meals.
Test measurements were then performed
throughout the study, evaluating changes in
bodyweight, body mass index (BMI),
appetite, blood lipids, and markers of fat
After 8 weeks,
Group 1 lost an average of
10 pounds, Group 2 lost 12.54 pounds, and
the placebo group lost 3.53 pounds. At 8
weeks, both Group 1 and 2 were found to
have lost significantly more weight than the
placebo group. A reduction in appetite was
also demonstrated in both Group 1 and 2. In
addition, both Group 1 and 2 showed a
significant increase in indicators of fat
breakdown. It was concluded that
supplementation with the combination of (-)
– hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX), niacin-bound
chromium, and Gymnema Sylvestre Extract
can help people with weight management.
Very Cool Huh? So there is more...
The next study was an 8 week study....In
this 8-week, randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled human trial, 30
moderately obese subjects were divided
into three groups. Group 1 received just the
calcium/potassium salt of 60% HCA extract
from Garcinia cambogia. Group 2 received
Garcinia cambogia extract, chromium
polynicotinate, and Gymnema sylvestre
extract. Group 3 received a placebo. All
subjects were placed on a 2000 kcal/day
diet; ingested the assigned test
supplements 3 times daily, 30 to 60
minutes prior to meals; and participated in
supervised walking five times per week. At
the end of 8 weeks, Group 1 lost, on
average, 12.1 pounds. Group 2 lost, on
average, 14.99 pounds. Group 3 lost, on
average, 3.06 pounds. At the end of the
study period, weight-loss values in both
Group 1 and Group 2 were significantly
greater than in the placebo group.
Moreover, the placebo group showed a
slight increase in food consumption, while
the HCA groups both showed a significant
reduction in appetite compared to placebo.
Based on the results from this study, it was
concluded that the unique HCA extract
used in this trial, either alone or in
combination with Gymnema Sylvestre
Extract and niacin-bound chromium, is
effective in helping control appetite,
increase fat oxidation, and promote weight
Aftter reading both of the studies and
actually using this product
I am proud to sell it on my site...

Please try this product for yourself if you
are looking to lose weight 65% faster,
This page has 130 Ana tips and some amazing before and after
photos to
prothinspire! Here are some quick tips...
Follow the Chinese saying: "Eat until you are eight-tenths full."
Use mustard instead of mayo.
click here for condiments.
Eat more soup. The non-creamy ones are filling but low-cal.
Cut back on or cut out caloric drinks such as soda, sweet tea,
lemonade, etc. People have lost weight by making just this one
change. If you have a 20-oz bottle of Coca-Cola every day, switch to
Diet Coke.
You should lose 25 lb in a year.
Take your lunch to work.
Dilute juice with water.
. Have mostly veggies for lunch.
Eat at home.
. Limit alcohol to weekends.
click here to read about what alcholic
drinks are best on a diet.
click here for more.