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The Law Of Attraction And Weight Loss Why Prothinspo is so
Important to do Everyday!!! We Rule in Weight Loss….

For years, "positive thinking" and goal-setting were often criticized as "pollyanna"
and "the law of attraction" was relegated into the category of "new age" fluff.

Our sub-concsous mind is the "power center" and THIS is the mechanism that
explains why goal setting and positive thinking are now being accepted as scientific
methods for change in any part of your life…. So of course we here at Prothinspo
are here for this cause … To bring your perfect body into a visualization tool to keep
you focused on your ideal body and with the laws of attraction bringing it from
Prothinspo.com to your mirror.

As it turns out, our own thoughts, repeated daily, are one of the primary ways that
our "mental computer" is programmed on a sub-conscious level, which is the level
of beliefs, habits and automatic behavior….. this means if you keep thinking bad
thoughts about your body… well, that is what you are going to keep seeing.

To change your results, you must overwrite old negative programming and install
positive new programming into your subconscious.

This can be achived through such techniques as
written goal setting, positive self-
talk  and mental
imagery visualization which Prothinspo Supplies for  Everyone….
You can begin the positive mental reprogramming process by writing down your
goals, changing your internal dialogue and taking a few minutes to relax, quiet your
mind and perform a session of visualization or mental rehearsal every day (seeing
yourself in your "mind's eye" not as you currently are, but as you ideally would like
to be).

These methods, repeated often enough, will begin to program the non- conscious
portion of the mind, which is the same part of the mind that controls your heart beat,
digestion and new cell production, all on "automatic pilot."

You can take some of the pressure off yourself by simply accepting that negative
thoughts and self criticisms will pop up from time to time. Just observe them,
without mulling over them or adding to them, and change the polarity of the thought
by quickly repeating one of your positive affirmations or by changing your mental

What really happens is "Positive thinking" and related methods quite literally re-
program your brain, which in turn creates new behaviors that move you physically
toward whatever you have been thinking about and focusing on.
So success is achieved through positive thinking + positive doing.... attraction +
action. There are two sides to the coin.

Without paying attention to both, you may continue to struggle... often against
nothing but yourself.
Watch this video from The Secret and Feel Good….
Click here.
How to Visualize Yourself As a Slim Person
Close your eyes. Forget about your body that you have now….
Imagine your
Prothinspo Body….
Try to imagine how you are going to feel when you reach your perfect weight and
shape.  Visualize your new SLIM self in as much detail as possible, that is why
Prothinspo is here for your visualization process…

•        See it
•        Feel it
•        Believe it.... Pretend it has already happend...

The key now is to bring this new “information” into reality in your life. From this
moment on, the act of eating, that used to bring on feelings of shame and
depravation, now becomes a pleasurable opportunity to choose wisely as an act of
self-love. Take the thought of your body in motion and capitalize on opportunities to
exercise everyday

The body was made to exercise everyday…

Continuing self-praise plays a big part in maintenance of a healthy plan. Keep this
mental Prothinspo image of yourself and believe that this is how you look.
This mental image of yourself is then transferred to your subconscious mind, which
in turn starts to work on your body, shaping it in accordance with your mental image
thus making your body change into the
Prothinspo Body you chose…

This means that if you program your subconscious with a mental image of yourself
as a slimmer person, through persistence your mind will accept this and aid your
body to conform to this mental image.

Once your mind is programmed with the proper mental images, it will start to work in
assisting you to losing weight. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to
believe in your visualization goals. You have to let go of past dieting failures and
refuse to entertain any negative images that come into your mind. If you can
visualize your body at its perfect weight and proportions, the subconscious mind
will work to make it become a reality. It will then begin to positively reinforce your
body into aiding the metabolism and eating habits. Programming your mind into
believing that you can lose weight, and to visualize yourself at your ideal weight is
of the greatest importance.

Try to think of a different image of yourself you
Prothinspo self…
bring the Prothinspoer out of your imagination and into reality, then let your
subconscious do the work for you. If you think of your own body fat and being out
of shape all the time, then the subconscious mind will find ways to make it so….
But if you think of your Prothinspo body type then that is what your mind and the
law of attraction will bring to you…
Try some positive affirmations to help the laws of attraction work …
Many of the people who have trouble controlling their weight issues suffer from
poor self esteem. They become their own worst critic. They send negative
messages to their brain that have a profound influence on their weight management
efforts. Whether you know it or not: you talk to yourself all the time, although not
necessarily consciously or out loud. Thoughts have power…
Self-talk plays an important role in determining how you'll act and how you feel
about yourself. If your self-talk is negative and defeating, you may end up engaging
in self-destructive behaviors such as binge eating and nibbling when you're not
even hungry. On the other hand, if your self-talk is positive, you can often prevent
inappropriate eating and the bad feelings that trigger or accompany it.

FEELING GOOD IS THE KEY TO THIS…. Find something that makes you happy and
thankful… empowering talk is a wonderful key to success in anything you do.
Ask Yourself if your thoughts are rational, realistic, true or even helpful to FEELING
GOOD, then come up with more positive thoughts, more helpful self-statements,
such as I can eat whatever I want and never gain weight.. I love my body… Good
thoughts about your weight and body. Tell  yourself, I always am at my ideal body

Once again we here at Prothinspo are always here to help our fellow Prothinspoer to
visualize and make their dream bodies a reality.
Become a Prothinspo Member
Click here.
Visualization is a Helpful Tool for Cross Country Running